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Chapter 18- human awareness

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1 Chapter 18- human awareness
010. Human beings can alter the genetic composition of organisms

2 010.1 give examples of how human beings use genetic engineering to produce organisms and substances of benefit to them Genetic Engineering- techniques that change the genetic structure of organisms Genetic manipulation, genetic modification. The area is called- “biotechnology’ Transgenesis- genetic material taken form one organisms and put into another Involves cutting or copying a gene form the DNA of one species and “pasting” into the DNA of another organism (refer back to M16)

3 Useful products of genetic manipulation
Could be multiple copies of a gene which can be inserted into another organism or gene products – proteins such as insulin Agriculture- frost resistant plants; blue roses; vitamins in fruit; enhanced flavours etc See summary tree pg 167 Dolly the sheep cloning


5 Plant propagation: Small pieces of plant (sterile) are removed – usually root, stem or bud Transferred to a solution that removes any microbes- sterilisation These “explants” transferred to culture vessel – nutrient agar Controlled light, temp, and hormones added A callus or undifferentiated mass of plant cells grows- then small shoots appear Shoots are removed and grown in a glass house The callus can be stored indefinitely in a liquid nutrient medium for further use (diagram in all text books Lg pg 169)

Human genes to bacteria- insulin in E coli- large amount of pure insulin reproduced, cheaply More successful for diabetic patients than old “pig” insulin Using human genes inserted into pigs- their organs similar to ours- growing organs for human transplant- lower chance of rejection Production of vaccines Cartilage, tissue and blood vessels have been grown ?? Hearts etc. could be cultured for transplants

7 Bioethical issues All genetic manipulation techniques come with issues from an ethical point of view Producing zygotes and freezing…..if carrying a disease do we destroy???replace the gene and implant?? Could we then produce intelligent races, athletic children…where do we stop interfering!! Or should we not start!! 010.2 ethical issues associated with the genetic manipulation of an organism: is the food ripened with an animal gene?? Will we offend the vegetarians What about allergies- if you are allergic to nuts and there is a gene from a peanut in your tomato will you react?? What if cross pollination occurs in the wild….?how is native species affected What about if you're pregnant- will genetically modified food affect the unborn Will it have increase cancer risks?? Are they as nutritious?

8 Conflicts: Should we mess with nature? Should genes be patented?
How can we reduce cruelty to animals or avoid it altogether? Will genetic technology favour big producers and create monopolies meaning others cant compete? Much debate and refining of guidelines is still required

9 011 Human beings can control many aspects of their lifestyle
011.1 Discuss how choices about nutrition, exercise and drug use, can affect the well being of individuals We need to make responsible decisions as we grow Need to think of others not just ourselves- unborn babies, friends, family Australia has very high medical costs to society- heart attacks, obesity, cancer DIET: FAST FOODS Highly processed too much salt, fat sugar Eat more fibre, less fat, less sugar, less salt, restrict alcohol, drink more water, encourage mums to breast feed.

10 Exercise: Improves muscle tone Less body fat Improves heart efficiency
Does not need to be competitive Elevate heart rate for 30 mins three times a week No exercise and poor diet- atherosclerosis- hardening of arteries- restricts blood flow, increases blood pressure- heart attack/strokes

11 drugs: A drug is any substance which alters the function of some cells Some are obviously helpful- like antibiotics, blood pressure drugs etc. Some are legal- and relatively harmless- nicotine, caffeine, ethanol Some can cause medical conditions if abused- chemicals in cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, anabolic steroids AGEING: Caused by the decreased effectiveness of DNA repair enzymes Decreased effectiveness of nucleolus to make RNA ?? COULD BE REMIDIED BY GENETIC ENGINEERING…… too late for some of us!!!

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