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Computing and Data Analysis

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1 Computing and Data Analysis
Unit 6

2 Today’s Lesson Objectives:
Describing location Exploring LA Bike Data

3 Data Analysis Tool Will be using Microsoft Excel to look at data and analyze it.

4 LA Biking Data Exploring LACBC (print document) labike.csv In Piazza
Start off by looking at longitude and latitude The process is similar to what we will be doing for the final project. Collecting Data and analyzing it. We will be doing several exercises next few lessons.

5 Load Google Map Demo using LABike Date
Demo using Student Data around Lincoln Campus Have student enter addresses in google file Teacher import address into google maps

6 Questions Are these locations in your neighborhood?
Which ones nearest school? Near your home? Where do most students live at?

7 Longitude and Latitude
Go to Enter address The appropriate numbers are under the map inside the parenthesis next to WKT:POINT ( , ) means north of equator means west of the Prime Meridian Note: Latitude is often referred to first, but the coordinates of the point are (longitude, latitude)

8 Find locations Find locations using Enter your address
Enter School address Other addresses

9 Exploring LA Bike Date Go to Piazza View labike.csv

10 Features of LABIKE.CSV "name" is the location of the intersection,
o "longitude" is the longitude of the location o "latitude" is the latitude of the location o "type" is the type of bike transportation available at the intersection (bike lane, bike path, bike route, none) o “bike_count_pm” is the evening count of bikes o “ped_count_pm” is the evening count of pedestrians

11 Frequency Types Demo how to obtain a table of frequencies for type.
o Note that 20 of the intersections have nothing. o There will be more discussion of frequencies later in the unit, but note that this file is small enough that the counting could be done by hand (as with the data collected in Unit 2), but that later data sets will be much larger. Excel: under Data: Analysis Pivot Table

12 Count Demo how to sort by bike count and pedestrian count.
o Which intersections have the most bike traffic/ pedestrian traffic? Are they the same?

13 Create Subset Demo how to create a subset of locations where the bike count is greater than or equal to the pedestrian count. o Ask students what other subsets might be interesting to create (e.g.,locations with bike routes). o Have students create a few subsets of their own and list the questions they might want to ask about those subsets

14 Plot intersections??? Demo how to plot the intersections on a map. Include a title, axes and background. Also demo the various sizes and shapes of points and how to zoom. o Before each plot feature is added, ask students questions that will guide them to the need for the feature. o Ask students questions about the plot such as: Are there any outliers? Are there clusters of points? Does the plot match the table?

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