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The Purchase Order, Invoice and Payment Enquiry System: PIPES

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1 The Purchase Order, Invoice and Payment Enquiry System: PIPES
Chris Huff IET 493: Senior Design III June 2004 Instructors: Professor Russ McMahon et al.

2 Table of Contents Introduction & Review Product Description
Statement of the Problem Web Interface Notification feature Product Description User Profile Deliverables Demonstration of the Send Invoice program & Invoice Administration application Testing Conclusion Feedback

3 Introduction & Review Statement of the Problem:
Business users of the University of Cincinnati’s current financial system, CUFS, need easier and quicker access to information pertaining to purchase orders, and associated invoices and payments.

4 Introduction & Review PIPES Web interface does the following:
Provides users with purchase order, invoice and payment data in a consolidated manner Enhances this information by providing a link to the images of the invoice documents associated with a purchase order Simplifying access to this information expedites the resolution of payment inquiries and tracking of invoice and payment activity against a purchase order.

5 Introduction & Review PIPES E-mail Notification feature
Further simplifies access to purchase order and invoice information Frees the Accounts Payable Office from mailing approximately invoice copies to departments each week

6 Product Description Application Layer (Visual Studio.NET 2002 Professional) Front-end, Web interface for the consolidated information (ADO.NET., ASP.NET & VB.NET) Back-end Windows applications for the notification feature (ADO.NET & VB.NET) Database Layer Data Warehouse of CUFS data (SQL Server 7.0) Database tables, stored procedures and views OnBase Imaging System’s catalogue database

7 Product Description

8 Product Description

9 User Profile Functional Users Administrators
Accounts Payable Office and University departments Clerical/secretarial staff to managers PC with Windows operating system Internet Explorer 5.5+ or Netscape 7.0 CUFS Administrators Central office staff members (in Accounts Payable) Intermediate to advanced level computer users Microsoft Office (Access) 2000

10 Deliverables The Purchase order, Invoice and Payment Enquiry System will simplify the retrieval of information pertaining to purchase orders. PIPES has a Web interface that does the following: Brings together CUFS data associated with a purchase order number Allows the user to select an invoice transaction and then click a button or hyplerlink that brings up an image of the selected invoice Allows the user to look up purchase order numbers by account (e.g., FUND-AREA-ORGN).

11 Deliverables The Web interface has the following hardware and software specifications: It is developed using ADO.NET, ASP.NET, and VB.NET technology. It is hosted on the UC Web Server. It connects to the SQL Server, running version 7.0, in Financial Systems for its data content. It connects to the Internet Information Server, running on Financial Systems’ SQL Server, for the image retrieval. The images are actually stored on a SNAP Server in Financial Systems.

12 Deliverables PIPES has an automated feature, a VB.NET Windows interface program, that sends an to designated users. Additionally, the contains a link to the document images of the referenced invoice(s). PIPES has a VB.NET Windows interface for the management of the notifications and the administration of the contacts identified for the notification.

13 Demonstration PIPES Send Invoice E-mail program
PIPES Invoice Administration application

14 Testing Focus on three components Participants from three areas
VB.NET Windows interface for Invoice Administration VB.NET Windows program for sending Invoice s Web interface Participants from three areas Accounts Payable Office One or more departmental business units Financial Systems Organization of components and participants Invoice Administration interface: Accounts Payable Office, Financial Systems Send Invoice program: Accounts Payable Office, Departmental Business Unit, Financial Systems Web interface: Accounts Payable Office, Departmental Business Unit, Financial Systems

15 Conclusion Web interface that simplifies the retrieval of purchase order, vendor invoice and payment information notification feature with: An automated Windows program that sends s A windows application/interface for managing/administering the notifications

16 Feedback Questions Comments Concerns

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