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Parents’ Guide for Year 5

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Presentation on theme: "Parents’ Guide for Year 5"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents’ Guide for Year 5

2 School website

3 The curriculum for 2 year cycle Learning challenge maps\Y5 -Y6 Curriculum Map.docx Y5 Y6 writing genres.docx Long Term Maths Plans\Long Term Plan Maths Year 5.doc

4 Rainford Calculation Policy
Y5 Calculation Policy 2015.docx

5 Year of Reading Our incentives this year:
All classes to improve their Reading Corners. Each class to award Reader of the Week. Purchase First News subscription.   Display –“Rainford Readers Rock!” Look where I have been reading…Children’s photographs taken over Summer Holidays of strange places to read.

6 Year of Reading Rainford Read-athon:
Sponsored reading competition between September and December. Money will go towards a Hobbit Hole for KS1 and KS2. Rainford Bake Off. Children/parents to bake cake and decorate as famous fictional character or book. Rainford’s Bedtime Story. Parents and children to attend event on school field with their favourite books to read. Possible BBQ.

7 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
S:\Parents Meetings\KPIs\Maths\Y5 KPIs.doc KPIs\Reading\Reading Y5 KPIs.doc KPIs\Writing\Year 5 Writing KPIs.doc

8 By the end of the year…. Children will be either: Emerging (working towards Y5 expectations) Expected (achieving almost all Y5 expectations) or Exceeding expectations

9 Classroom Monitor This is an online tool for managing the curriculum and its assessment, tracking pupil progress and reporting to parents. As a school, we are committed to ensuring we have effective communication with parents and carers and we realise how this can make a big difference to our pupils realising their potential. The Classroom Monitor program helps us to involve you as parents and carers with your child’s learning. Our report-writing tool clearly links assessment scores to meaningful descriptions and achievements. We are hoping to roll the ‘Parents’ Module’ out in the Spring term.

10 School Trips

11 Homework Books

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