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JLL FM Quarterly Outlook for the State of TN

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Presentation on theme: "JLL FM Quarterly Outlook for the State of TN"— Presentation transcript:

1 JLL FM Quarterly Outlook for the State of TN
October 2016 State of Tennessee Real Estate Asset Management

2 Agenda Agenda, Outcomes, & Roles/ Protocol 1:00-1:10 June Meeting Parking Lot Items 1:10-1:20 FY 2016 Year-End Results 1:20-1:35 Performance to Requirements 1:35-1:50 Operational Review 1:50-2:15 Break 2:15-2:30 Facility Assessment Tool 2:30-3:00 Facility Management Marketplace Trends 3:00-3:45 Wrap-Up/Open Discussion 3:45-4:00 “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” --Phil Jackson

3 Expected Outcomes For a highly successful session we’ll need to be
Engaged Focused Setting the future direction

4 Facilitators Role Provides structure Keeps group focused
Controls process yet is flexible Remains neutral Helps group produce results

5 Meeting Protocols Conducive environment One conversation at a time
“Yes, and…” versus “yes, but…” Stay strategic Be present Parking Lot Have fun! “Once we rid ourselves of traditional thinking we can get on with creating the future." — James Bertrand

6 Parking Lot Items- June 2016 Meeting

7 Facility Assessment Tool
Parking Lot Items Facility Assessment Tool Assessments on FY18 Capital Requests Completed Prioritization Filter Leveraged Shift to utilizing ARCHIBUS assessment tool Emergency Notification System Update

8 FY 2016 Year-End Results

9 FY 2016 KPI Scorecard Results
Objective Key  Performance   Indicator Weight Goal Description Calculation Frequency Scoring Criteria Result Rating Weighted  Sco re Financial % Savings Creation Operational 30% 20% of baseline spend - Year 3 goal of 18%. Ongoing savings realized by JLL Baseline expenses - new costs Monthly 5 points = 19.0%+ 4 points = 18.5%+ 3 points = 18.0%+ 2 points = 17.5%+ 1 point = 17.0%+ 23.5% 5 1.5 Savings Creation Utilities 15% 15% of baseline spend adjusted for rate increases and approved adverse weather- Year 3 goal of 10% - Savings directly attributable to EMPOWER TN projects will NOT be included to meet the goal Measure and report energy usage/savings over the portfolio and by building Adjusted baseline of current usage and expenses - new usage and costs 5 points = 12.0%+ 4 points = 11.0%+ 3 points = 10.0%+ 2 points = 9.0%+ 1 point = 8%+ 21% 0.75 Diversity Spend Goal 5% 25% of annual managed vendor spend Percentage of managed vendor spend going to diversity vendors Total Diverstiy Vendor Spend divided by Total Managed Vendor Spend YTD 5 points = 30%+ 4 points = 27.5%+ 3 points = 25%+ 2 points = 22.5%+ 1 point = 20%+ 38.0% 0.25 Facility Management Efficiency/ Reliability % Reactive Maintenance Completion 12.5% 89% completed on-time within SLA Effectiveness of maintenance work being performed Percentage of service requests completed on- time YTD 5 points = 95%+ 4 points = 92%+ 3 points = 89%+ 2 points = 86%+ 1 point = 83%+ 97.2% 0.625 Preventative Maintenance Completion (Standard Equipment) 89% compliant based on monthly cycle Effectiveness of preventative maintenance work being performed Percentage of PM routines completed on-time YTD 99.6%

10 Equipment up time/down time for Critical Building Systems
FY 2016 KPI Scorecard Objective Key  Performance   Indicator Weight Goal Description Calculation Frequency Scoring Criteria Result Rating Weighted  Score (Cont’d) Facility Management Efficiency/ Reliability % Equipment up time/down time for Critical Building Systems 5% Unplanned downtime of systems in critical buildings Incidents under JLL control which result in unplanned downtime at Capital Building, Legislative Plaza and Tennessee Tower Length of time between equipment failing and operation being re-established Monthly 3 points = 0 hours 2 points = < 5 hours 1 point = < 10 hrs 0 hours 3 0.15 Customer Satisfaction % Tenant Satisfaction 10% 89% Satisfaction ("satisfied or highly satisfied") Measure of overall tenant satisfaction reported over the entire portfolio and by building Results from work order tenant satisfaction surveys 5 points = 95%+ 4 points = 92%+ 3 points = 89%+ 2 points = 86%+ 1 point = 83%+ 97% 5 0.5 Client Satisfaction DGS Client Survey DGS Client Survey will be scored using the same metrics as the "Tenant" Survey Annual 5 points = 95%+ 4 points = 92%+ 3 points = 89%+ 2 points = 86%+ 1 point = 83%+ 87% 2 0.2 Target 3.0 Actual 4.6

11 FY 2016 Financial Results

12 Energy Consumption: FY 2016 vs Baseline
Final Utilities amount for FY16 = $14.2 million. This represents a savings of $3.8 million (21.3%) from the original baseline Consumption information is not normalized for weather or other extraordinary items

13 FY 2016 Customer Satisfaction
KPI Requirement for Customer Satisfaction

14 2016 PM On-Time Completion KPI Requirement for On-Time Completion

15 2016 Reactive On-Time Completion

16 Performance to Requirements FY2017

17 Work Order On-Time Completion %
56,642 Total Reactive WOs

18 Customer Satisfaction Results

19 Customer Satisfaction Owned vs. Leased
Industry Norm FY16-17 Number of (Active) Leased Buildings 313 FY16-17 Number of (Active) Owned Buildings 132

20 Financial Performance – Total Savings

21 Financial Performance: Operating Expenses
(23.5%) FY16 Actual

22 Operational Review

23 HR State of Affairs Slight change to leadership structure with combination of Engineering and Energy Manager roles Seamless transition with replacing FM in West Tennessee JLL Alliance Director Tom Foster Finance Director Heather Whigham Sourcing Manager Jason Miglin Contracts Administrator Ryan Brown Regional Facilities Manager Lance Moore Operations Coordinator Dana Byrd Operations Manager Neil Canady Data Specialist Kim Best Herman Bulls Paul Uber Chuck Manula JLL Governance Board HR Business Partner Amelia Arbuckle Assistant Operations Manager TBD Stan Key FM, West TN

24 Recycling Results

25 Recycling Baseline

26 Environmental Impact

27 TLETA New Target Range Before After
Issue: The gun range at TLETA was old, outdated and not functional. The Agency could purchase new targets with grant funds (available to be used by the end of June 2016), but had no resources to install them. With only 30 days notice, the State asked JLL to get involved and provide labor to install the targets before the funds expired. Resolution: FM team was able to complete the project on time. The new range looks great and is a much needed improvement over the old system. The new targets are wirelessly controlled, can be programmed and are independent of each other. Before After

28 WRS TN Tower Flooring Project
Issue: Since installation, the terrazzo floors on the 2nd and 3rd floors have proven very difficult to maintain at an acceptable level. Resolution: After much research the FM team identified a more appropriate finish for this type of facility that would achieve the results they desired. The team partnered with Corporate Care (a new vendor for the facility) to completely strip and refinish both floors. The results were impressive, with a jump on the gloss meter from 14 to 99! Before After

29 Key Performance Indicators - September
Category KPI Weighting Goal Result Financial 50% Savings Creation Operational 30% Reduce operational costs ( and ) by $560k or 1.92% 29.2% Savings Creation Utilities 15% 50 new energy conservation initiatives with estimated annual savings of at least $1,000 will be submitted 15 submitted for sign-off Diversity Spend Goal 5% 25% of annual managed vendor spend 37% Facility Management Efficiency/ Reliability Reactive Maintenance Completion 12.5% 90% completed on-time within SLA 97% Preventative Maintenance Completion (Standard Equipment) 90% compliant based on monthly cycle 99% Equipment up time/down time for "Critical Building" systems Unplanned downtime of systems in "Critical Buildings"  0 Customer Satisfaction 20% Tenant Satisfaction 10% 90% Satisfaction ("satisfied or highly satisfied") 98% Client Satisfaction (Annual) 89% Satisfaction ("satisfied or highly satisfied") TBD 

30 FY 2017 YTD KPI Scorecard Objective Key Performance Indicator Weight
Goal Description Calculation Frequency Scoring Criteria Result Financial % Savings Creation Operational 30% Reduce operational costs ( and ) by $560k or 1.92% to $28,598,053 Ongoing savings realized by JLL FY2016 costs ($29,158,053) minus FY2017 actuals Monthly 5 points = $850k+ 4 points = $700k+ 3 points = $560k+ 2 points = $300k+ 1 point = $150k+ 29.2% Savings Creation Utilities 15% Continue to bring savings initiatives and innovation to the State to assist in reaching the established savings targets JLL will present conservation initiatives, products and services to State Energy Team for validation 50 new energy conservation initiatives with estimated annual savings of at least $1,000 will be submitted 5 points = 60 4 points = 55 3 points = 50 2 points = 45 1 point = 40 17 submitted YTD Diversity Spend Goal 5% 25% of annual managed vendor spend Percentage of managed vendor spend going to diversity vendors Total Diverstiy Vendor Spend divided by Total Managed Vendor Spend YTD 5 points = 30% points = 27.5%+ 3 points = 25% points = 22.5%+ 1 point = 20%+ 37.0% Facility Management Efficiency/ Reliability % Reactive Maintenance Completion 12.5% 90% completed on-time within SLA Effectiveness of maintenance work being performed Percentage of service requests completed on- time YTD 5 points = 95%+ 4 points = 92%+ 3 points = 90%+ 2 points = 88%+ 1 point = 85%+ 97.0% Preventative Maintenance Completion (Standard Equipment) 90% compliant based on monthly cycle Effectiveness of preventative maintenance work being performed Percentage of PM routines completed on-time YTD 99.0%

31 FY 2017 YTD KPI Scorecard Objective Key Performance Indicator Weight
Goal Description Calculation Frequency Scoring Criteria Result (Cont’d) Facility Management Efficiency/ Reliability 30% Equipment up time/down time for Critical Building Systems 5% Unplanned downtime of systems in “critical buildings” Incidents under JLL control which result in unplanned downtime at Capital Building, Legislative Plaza and Tennessee Tower Length of time between equipment failing and operation being re-established Monthly 3 points = 0 hours 2 points = < 5 hours 1 point = < 10 hrs 0 hours Customer Satisfaction 20% Tenant Satisfaction 10% 90% Satisfaction ("satisfied or highly satisfied") Measure of overall tenant satisfaction reported over the entire portfolio and by building Results from work order tenant satisfaction surveys 5 points = 95%+ 4 points = 92%+ 3 points = 90%+ 2 points = 88%+ 1 point = 85%+ 98% Client Satisfaction 89% Satisfaction ("satisfied or highly satisfied") DGS Client Survey DGS Client Survey will be scored using the same metrics as the "Tenant" Survey Annual 5 points = 95%+ 4 points = 92%+ 3 points = 89%+ 2 points = 86%+ 1 point = 83%+ TBD

32 Break - Facility Assessment Tool

33 FM Marketplace Trends

34 Facilities Management in the new economy: changes and trends
Presented by: Maureen Ehrenberg International Director Global Facility Management JLL

35 JLL Smart Building Program
Trend #1 Smart Buildings / IoT JLL Smart Building Program The workplace of tomorrow, today

36 Trend #2 Employee Engagement

37 Smart Building Value Proposition = 3-30-300SM
Building Efficiency & Energy Management $3.00/s.f. Space Utilization & Workplace Strategy $30.00/s.f. Employee Productivity & Occupant Experience $300.00/s.f. Using smart building technology to improve your building’s energy efficiency by 10% would yield $.30 per square foot in cost savings. Using smart sensors to gather occupancy data to increase space occupancy by 5% would yield cost savings of $1.50 per square foot. Having the ability to customize and control the office environment from a mobile device –improving productivity by 2% – would yield cost savings of $6.00 per square foot!

38 Trend #3 Data, Analytics and BI

39 Automated processes / FM digital business
Trend #4 Automated processes / FM digital business

40 Risk management and Compliance
Trend #5 Risk management and Compliance

41 Trend #6 Standards

42 Trend #7 Benchmarking

43 Trend #8 Transparency

44 Trend #9 Energy and Sustainability

45 Trend #10 Operational Excellence

46 The Top10 IFM industry trends = Convergence continues!
Smart buildings / IoT Employee engagement Data, analytics and BI Automated processes / FM digital business Risk management and compliance Standards Benchmarking Transparency Energy and sustainability Operational excellence The Top10 IFM industry trends = Convergence continues!

47 Wrap-Up/Open Discussion

48 Thank you

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