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Harm Across the Board (HAB): Monthly Update

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Presentation on theme: "Harm Across the Board (HAB): Monthly Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harm Across the Board (HAB): Monthly Update
Hospital: ________________ State: ______ Month: _________

2 Slide 1 Improving Harm Across the Board Insert your Team Motto here
Insert a photo of your hospital and logo here. Insert a photo of your Safety Team, including your CEO, here. Insert a caption, including the name of your hospital and the city and state where you are located, here. Insert a caption, including names for the Safety Team and CEO, here. Your cover slide! Give your commitment to safety by expressing your safety motto or mission.

3 Insert a title for your “Total Harms” run chart here, e.g.
Slide 2 Insert a title for your “Total Harms” run chart here, e.g. “Cut Harm Across the Board in ½” Customize the Heading Insert your “Total Harm per Discharge” run chart here, and update this each month. See the example run chart below. Use the IC to generate this. “Treat harms as events that can be summed” means events can be added together to capture overall harm in the hospital. Cut off the data based on which ever month you have all data for, for all topics, otherwise indicate when topics have been added/missing (to account in fluctuation in HAB rate) Make the title an assertion – describe the trend relative to the goal This is a chart tracking harms per thousand discharges over time. Please use the Improvement Calculator to generate this chart. You can download the Improvement Calculator from under the “Data” section of the website. The Improvement Calculator will automatically populate the number of harms that you entered for each of the topic areas within the Improvement Calculator on the “HAB” (Harm Across the Board) tab:    The only information you need to enter is the number of discharges for your baseline and each month that you have harms. It does this by taking the numerators (harms) for each month and dividing by the number of discharges for the month. It then multiplies that number by 1,000. If you do not have access to your discharges by month, you may want to check with your hospital’s finance department. Lastly, copy the chart out of excel into your PowerPoint template.

4 Slide 3 Insert a title for your “Topic-specific” run chart here, e. g
Slide 3 Insert a title for your “Topic-specific” run chart here, e.g. “2014 Breakthrough in Reducing CAUTI: Journey to Zero” Customize the Heading Insert a your “Topic-specific” run chart here, and update this each month. See the example run chart below. Use the IC to generate. The denominator for the topic specific measure will be measure specific (not discharges).

5 Slide 4 Risk Profile: The Areas of Risk We Are Committed To Controlling Annual discharges: __________HAC risk opportunities/discharge: _______ HACs Estimated annual number of patients at risk in each area Number of Opportunities ADE # of discharges: CAUTI # pts in IP units with catheter in place: CLABSI # pts in IP units with central lines: Falls Ob AE # of women with deliveries: Pr Ulcer SSI # of inpatient surgeries: VAP # of patients on a ventilator: VTE EED # of women with elective deliveries TOTAL Risk opportunities for harm across the board Readmit # of inpatients at risk of readmit: The risk profile slide is a hospital’s statement of its accountable risk areas and the number of risk opportunities patients encounter in a hospital. Note if baseline differs by topic. The risk profile also shows the scale of the safety effort. The risk profile should cover 90% or more of the significant risk events. These are estimates using the hospital’s baseline year. Estimate the number of patients at risk. The following are PfP harm areas and serve as examples: ADE (Adverse Drug Event): All patients are at risk for an adverse drug event. Enter all discharges. CAUTI (Cather-Associated Urinary Tract Infection): Estimate the number of inpatients in a year that have a foley catheter. CLABSI (Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection): Estimate the number of in-patients in a year who have a central line. Falls (Falls with injury): All patients are at risk for a fall with injury. Enter all discharges. OB AE (Obstetrical Adverse Event): Estimate the number of women with deliveries regardless of delivery route. Pr Ulcer (Pressure Ulcer): All patients are at risk for a pressure ulcer. Enter all discharges. SSI (Surgical Site Infection): Estimate all inpatient surgeries. VAP (Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia): Estimate the number of inpatients in a year on a ventilator. VTE (Venous Thromboembolism): All patients are at risk for VTE. Enter all discharges. EED (Early Elective Delivery): Estimate the number of women with elective deliveries Total: Add all the numbers in the table, and enter a total. It will be in the thousands. Readmits (All cause 30-day Readmissions): Estimate the number of patients at risk for readmission within 30 days of discharge.    If areas don’t apply to your hospital keep the row and put in zero. That is part of your story. If you have identified other areas of patient harm add additional rows. It is ok to break the table up over two charts. Near the top of the slide, enter the number of discharges during the baseline year. To calculate HAC risk opportunities/discharge, take the calculated “total risk opportunities for harm across the board” and divide by number of discharges during the baseline year.

6 Slide 5 Improving Harm Rates (/ Discharge)
Insert a your harm rates per discharge here, using the following table. For non-applicable topics – please insert “Z”. HACs Baseline Rate [time period] Target Rate Current Rate [time period – last 3 months] Improvement Status (scale) ADE CAUTI CLABSI EED OB Falls PU SSI VAP VAE Total Readmissions Use IC to complete this slide: In the top row, enter the time period for the data. Baseline should be either CY2010 or CY2011 (0r 2012 /2013). Current performance is your last 3 months of data. For each line, take the number of harms that occur in the category, and divide by the number of discharges for the period. Sum the rates for the HACs. The last two rows are the total HACs rate and the readmissions rate. The baseline data tells the story of where you started and the severity of the risk areas. The PfP improvement targets are 40% reduction in all HACs and 20% reduction in all cause 30-day readmissions. Your facility may have more ambitious improvement targets. Please calculate the accurate improvement targets for all HACs and readmissions for your hospital on this slide.

7 Our Hospital Risk Score Card
Slide 6 Our Hospital Risk Score Card Insert your hospital risk score card here, using the following table. Our Safety Mandate Annual Volume (Discharges) Total risk: annual harm opportunities Risks per patients (Total Opportunities)/Discharges) Number of Risk Areas Number of PfP Risk Areas Applicable (0 – 11) Number of PfP Risk Areas Applicable & Adopted Our Progress Number of PfP Areas with Major Improvement Opportunity Number of PfP Areas at Improvement Target Number of PfP Areas at IDEAL This is a summary slide. It’s the 30 second over view of your safety journey. The top three rows are taken from Slide 4, the Risk Profile. For the middle two rows covering “number of PfP harm areas applicable (0-11),” enter the number applicable to the hospital. For example, the hospital may not have OB services and therefore the number would be 9 since the lines for OB AE and EED would be deleted. Some rural hospitals may not put in central lines or have ventilators so the lines for CLABSI and VAP would be deleted respectively. Then enter the number of the applicable areas that the hospital has adopted and is working on. Finally for the bottom three rows, enter the number of areas with major improvement opportunity, at improvement target, or at IDEAL state. These numbers can be pulled from slide 5.

8 Slide 7 Pearls Bullet your biggest insights about what worked, and what caused it to work here. Include what you “tested” and “learned” Include how you will advance this topic over the next month (and beyond). List the most important drivers of safety that produced these results, but make this list succinct, high-level and clear. Include patient and family engagement (PFE), if relevant. This is the most important slide. Please share your insights about what worked and what caused it to work. List the most important drivers of safety that allowed the hospital team to produce these extraordinary results in reducing “harm across the board.” Name each driver, and describe each in one brief sentence. If you would like to share a driver of patient and family engagement, please include it on this slide. Most times on a PowerPoint slide, people only put a trigger word, but in this case, add some additional text so that the action is recognizable and tells the story.

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