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Journey From Despair To Delight

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2 Journey From Despair To Delight
A Study of the Book of Psalms Journey From Despair To Delight Lesson 5: Defeating Despair (Part 1)

3 INTRODUCTION The workbook starts the lesson by say, “Psalm 23 takes us from an impersonal religion to a personal relationship with God.” Using the images of a shepherd David reflected on the benefits the Lord gave him during some difficult times in life. He found that God was consistent in His loving care for him.

4 Psalm 23 is a psalm of trust and confidence
Psalm 23 is a psalm of trust and confidence. One scholar thinks it was written by a king, who in his trouble, was confident in Yahweh’s ability to deliver him. The nature of the trouble is not known, but the natural reaction would be to anxiety or worry. Our workbook says: One of the main reasons for despair is worry, and in the first verse of this psalm we find the cure for worry.

5 David describes God as the ultimate providential caregiver in providing refreshment, guidance and protection. This provides confidence in God’s perpetual favor. Our workbook says: There are seven great promises in this psalm, and because of our personal relationship with God, each one enables us to defeat despair. In this lesson we will look at the first three promises.

6 Promise # 1 The LORD Will PROVIDE For Us

7 Psalm 23:1–3 (KJV) 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

8 Of all of God’s creative order within the animal kingdom, the common sheep are the most dependent upon humanity. They are passive animals and were often considered as pets. They have no defense abilities, but were prey to other animals such as lions, bears and especially wolves. A shepherd not only provided protection, but gave the sheep a sense of tranquility.

9 The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: says:
The first word of the psalm, “The LORD” (Yahweh), evokes rich images of the provision and protection of the covenant-God. He promised to take care of his people and revealed himself to be full of love, compassion, patience, fidelity, and forgiveness ... The psalmist exclaims, “Yahweh is my shepherd,” with emphasis on “my.”

10 Acknowledging God as “my,” shepherd expresses confidence in His ability to handle all the things that cause us to worry. David was a man of war; he knew how to fight and had proven himself to be a champion. He had defeated a loin, bear and a giant. But, in this situation, his trust was not in his own abilities, but in his Shepherd’s. Trusting the LORD as “my” means I trust Him to provide “my” needs.

11 Promise # 2 The LORD Will pacify Us

12 Psalm 23:1–3 (KJV) 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

13 “Green pastures,” emphasize two things; nourishment and abundance
“Green pastures,” emphasize two things; nourishment and abundance. “Quiet” implies rest and security. Green grass grows abundantly near a water source. Thus, the shepherd would often lead his sheep to the river banks. But, this may place the sheep in a dangerous situation. Sheep are not good at swimming because of their wool.

14 Therefore, sheep are fearful of running water
Therefore, sheep are fearful of running water. Even the sound could cause the sheep to panic and become confused. Our workbook says: The word "pacify" means to make peaceful or calm. Another reason for despair is fear. The cure for the despair of fear is remembering… You can't make a hungry or frightened sheep lie down... Only happy, contented sheep will lie down.

15 The Commentary Critical and Explanatory says:
the still waters—are, literally, “waters of “stillness,” whose quiet flow invites to repose. They are contrasted with boisterous streams on the one hand, and stagnant, offensive pools on the other. The natural, calming effect of still waters, can be therapeutic. Even when the journey is rough, the destination is restful, peace.

16 Promise # 3 The LORD Will preserve Us

17 Psalm 23:1–3 (KJV) 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

18 The key word in this verse is “restore
The key word in this verse is “restore.” It means to refresh and carries the idea of being burdened down or tried. But David was not talking of the physical. The word “soul” alludes to the mental. The concerns of life can cause a mental drain, which can lead to despair. Thus, the shepherd’s presence, reassures us, that he cares for us and thus, refreshes our souls.

19 The most distinctive feature of this extended metaphor is the wise leading of the shepherd. He leads into rest and reviving, even through the dangerous places and in the midst of the struggles of life. The shepherd thus provides for the needs of life and protects from the fear of danger. The sheep trust the shepherd to preserve our future.

20 But the Shepherd does not provide, pacify and preserve simply because of His concern for us; the integrity, character and reputation of His name is at stake. A shepherd’s livelihood depended upon the prosperity of the sheep. While God does not depend upon His sheep for His livelihood, the very nature of His covenant name motivates His love and concern for us.

21 Our Application Our lesson teaches us that Jesus as our Chief Shepherd care for our entire being: Verse 1 - our physical wants (PROVIDE) Verse 2 - our emotional being (PACIFY) Verse 3 - our spiritual life (PRESERVE)

22 For the purpose of our study, the word “shepherd” is defined as whatsoever or whosoever, we depend upon. What are some of the “shepherds” of our lives: Your Spouse Your Job Your Friends Depending upon anything other than the “Chief Shepherd” will result in an unfilled “want.” WHO IS YOUR SHEPHERD?

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