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Driving digital success

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1 Driving digital success
Central Geelong Marketing Mainstreet Australia – Victorian Conference - October 2016

2 Central Geelong - Just so you know
Central Geelong – 50 mins from Melbourne Social, business & cultural heart of Geelong Region. 20,000+ visitors per day; 21,000 workers; 2100 residents; Regional population 280,000+ Central Geelong Marketing - a special rate on 1507 properties Budget was $804,000 - ‘Total Economic Output’ of key activities $17M (Remplan) Budget - $1,045,000

3 What we were doing Website: with business
Facebook and instagram Databases – business/ general/ food/ markets/ school holidays – postal and Grant for development of a Smart Phone app No dedicated resources – all in-house and absorbed into existing roles 1 iPhone/ 2 iPads/ PCs

4 Changing technology and the way people accessed information had changed and we needed to change with it.

5 What did we do: Digital Strategy:
Early 2014 – Digital Strategy developed April 2014 – CGMC adoption of strategy - Funds allocated in budget May 2014 – Created Digital Marketing Officer position June 2014 – Recruitment of Digital Marketing Officer July 2014 – Digital Strategy implementation July 2015 – First full year figures July 2016 – Second full year figures

6 What the strategy involved
Target Markets Clear objectives Content –‘Magnetic content’ - quality images/ video ‘Tone’ – human, conversational, authentic Evaluation Tactical Platform Plan Response Guide Resourcing

7 How we evaluate and measure success
Facebook insights and Google Analytics – performance metrics Audience Metric: Number of page likers Reach Metric: Total Potential Reach Engagement Metric: PTAT Post Metric: Likes, Comments, Shares, Reach EDM: Click throughs Growth – Databases Captured on a monthly basis Easy to read report

8 .

9 What did the tactical platform plan include?
Social media; Web; Mobile; ; Database; Smartphone app Within each platform Objectives/Action Target/ Achieved via; Measured by Topics/ content overview Timing / frequency

10 Facebook What works Love Central Geelong Authentic content/ great photos Strict scheduling Linking to website What we learnt Get testimonials Know what works & when

11 Smartphone App What works Make content valuable Linking to the website Provide opps for easy download What we learnt Allow more time than you think Good to link to events

12 Web What works Use of micro sites Unique URLs for campaigns Incorporate social What we learnt Watch band width Need a flexible site

13 Database Management What works Use tools available Think like the customer Brand consistency Segment your audience What we learnt Audit regularly Opt in versus opt out

14 Digital Solutions to Support Traders
What works Utilising the website Utilising the app Toolbox What we learnt Lots of hand holding Embracing technology can be slow

15 Free Wifi and Pedestrian Counting
What works Encouraging downloading of app What we learnt New technology can change current practice

16 Source GREAT photos Real people Real businesses User generated content

17 How effective can it be? Post to promote new business
Metrics – reach/ likes/ comments/ shares Pre & Post stats Business testimonials Put a value on it 2 Chambers Post reach 23, likes, 174 (excited) comments 100+ new customers Est. value $50,000

18 How effective can it be? Smartphone App Content – reasons to keep
Pre & Post stats Make it easy Floating tree music on app 7165 downloads – app & mobile #11 in iTunes category Link to CoGG pages 79m imp #geelongchristmas 3.2m reach/ 100k likes

19 Key lessons: Resources Responsive Communicate wins Consistent brand Educate on effectiveness Know your audience/ customers Measure measure measure

20 Questions Jodie Reyntjes Julie Nardi
Executive Officer Digital Marketing Officer Central Geelong Marketing Central Geelong Marketing

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