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ADVISOR NAME: Mr. Rashed Ghulam NAME: Abdulatef Ibrahim Al-Abdulatef

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1 ADVISOR NAME: Mr. Rashed Ghulam NAME: Abdulatef Ibrahim Al-Abdulatef
Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad University Computer Engineering and sciences college Internship in Jeraisy Computer and Communication Services ADVISOR NAME: Mr. Rashed Ghulam NAME: Abdulatef Ibrahim Al-Abdulatef ID NUMBER : Internship Advisor at College: DR.Abul Basher

2 Out Line Acknowledgement Background SWOT Analysis
Organizational Strategy Technical Part Pictures

3 Acknowledgement

4 Background Abdul Rahman Ali Al- Jeraisy & Partners.
Idea start in 1958. JCCS established in early eighties. JCCS helps users do their business.

5 Background JCCS address business opportunities.
1977 from pure hardware provider to full service IT solution provider. JC demonstrated ability to mange complex IT projects from the beginning to end.

6 JCCS is a leader in the Networking and Security space.
JCCS holds major security designations such as CA,CISA ,CISSP, CFE, GIAC and CSIS level-3.

7 SWOT Analysis

8 Strength * Global recognition: # The most affluent and largest company in KSA. # The most recognized brands in KSA according to Riaydh newspaper . * Global strength and competitiveness: # known for meeting customer-specific needs. # has clients including corporations and government agencies.

9 Strength * Excellent Management: # business operations business units plays a distinct role independent management.

10 WEAKNESSES * Under-performing energy sector: # Oil and fuel prices may affect the business. * Threat to flexibility: # Over-stretching which usually slows down decision making.

11 OPPORTUNITIES * Research and development: # A big amount of resources are available in the company. # Activities to maintain a competitive edge with others.

12 THREATS * Competition # JC risks losing its customers to competitors. * Information security: # losing important information. * Financial crisis

13 Organizational Strategy - Vision, Mission, Competitive Advantage
* Focused Purpose : # Clearly defining short-term purpose. * Future Perspective : # Clearly defining long-term outlook. * Strategic Advantage : # Employees clearly understand how their role supports the company's organizational strategy.

14 External Assessment * Customer Profile : # Clearly defining benefits that customers seek. * Industry and Competitive Analysis : # Clearly defining strengths, weaknesses and strategies of competitors.

15 * Internal Assessment # evaluating the company's management processes.

16 Technical Part Part A) Trips:
1- Al-Qatif Municipality: Problems in CPU and RAM. 2- Al-Ahsa City(Almossa hospital): installed 8 HP services with the cable brackets. 3- JC campny warehouse (how the work done)+(checking the codes)

17 Part A) Trips: ( continue)
4- Dammam data center: format partition C installed Windows Server 2008 release cheaking the workgroup and IP address. 5- KFUPM: identify some defective mother boards by their serial numbers and record their number of their PCs

18 * Part B) software and Motherboard: 1- Motherboard: # clean it from the sand and the dust the blower. # change the capacitors by heating method. 2- software : checking the system, defragmentation, partition, format and install the system.

19 Some Pictures Dammam Data Center Fig 1 : data center of Dammam

20 Some Pictures switch, server and printer Jeraisy warehouse

21 Some Pictures Blower and Motherboard

22 Thank You

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