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HTML & CSS Jan Janoušek.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML & CSS Jan Janoušek."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML & CSS Jan Janoušek

2 Sources HTML: CSS:

3 Structural tags html head body div span

4 Meta Information DOCTYPE title link meta style

5 Text formating p - paragraph h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 - heading
strong / b – strong / bold em / i – emphasis/italic blockquote cite code pre – preformatted text br - line break hr - horizontal rule sub, sup – subscript/superscript

6 Links and images a img - image href – hrypertext reference
target (_blank, _self, _top, _parent) rel (nofollow, noreferrer, help, alternate, etc.) img - image src - source alt – alternative text width height

7 Lists ul – unondered list ol – ordered list li – list item
dl – description list dt – defines term dd – defines description

8 Tables table tr – table row td – table data cell
rospan, colspan th – table header cell tbody – table body thead – table head tfoot – table footer caption

9 Forms Form input textarea select option optgroup button label fieldset
action, method, enctype input type, name textarea select option optgroup button label for fieldset

10 Scripts & Styles script style link src type
<script type="text/javascript" src="somescript.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">…</script> style <style type="text/css">…</style> link href rel – relationship <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" />

11 CSS In-line Internal External

12 Selectors Patterns used to select the element(s) you want to style
Element type – div, p, span, …. HTML attributes – ID (#_ _ _), class (._ _ _) Attribute selectors – [attr], [attr=value], [attr^=value], … Universal selectors - * Pseudo classes - :hover, :link, :focus, … Combinators div p - descendant div > p - child input + p - adjacent sibling input ~ span - general sibling More in CSS3

13 Properties color background-color border font-size float position
width / height padding margin …. many others

14 Values Size Color px % em ex pt vh, vw pc, cm, mm, in. #ff0000 #f00
red rgb(255,0,0) rgb(100%,0%,0%) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

15 Developer tools – „F12 tools“

16 Task of the day go throught tutorial:

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