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Organizing Quantitative Data: The Popular Displays

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1 Organizing Quantitative Data: The Popular Displays
Chapter 2 Section 2 Organizing Quantitative Data: The Popular Displays

2 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 7 6 1 2 3 5 4

3 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 1 2 3 5 4 7 6

4 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Raw quantitative data comes as a list of values … each value is a measurement, either discrete or continuous Comparisons (one value being more than or less than another) can be performed on the data values Mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, …) can be performed on the data values

5 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Discrete quantitative data can be presented in tables in several of the same ways as qualitative data Values listed in a table By a frequency table By a relative frequency table We use the discrete values instead of the category names

6 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Consider the following data
We would like to compute the frequencies and the relative frequencies

7 Chapter 2 – Section 2 The resulting frequencies and the relative frequencies

8 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 1 2 3 5 4 7 6

9 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Discrete quantitative data can be presented in bar graphs in several of the same ways as qualitative data We use the discrete values instead of the category names We arrange the values in ascending order For discrete data, these are called histograms

10 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Example of histograms for discrete data
Frequencies Relative frequencies

11 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 1 2 3 5 4 7 6

12 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Continuous data cannot be put directly into frequency tables since they do not have any obvious categories Categories are created using classes, or intervals of numbers The continuous data is then put into the classes

13 Chapter 2 – Section 2 For ages of adults, a possible set of classes is
20 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 and older For the class 30 – 39 30 is the lower class limit 39 is the upper class limit

14 Chapter 2 – Section 2 The class width is the difference between the upper class limit and the lower class limit For the class 30 – 39, the class width is 40 – 30 = 10 Why isn’t the class width 39 – 30 = 9? The class 30 – 39 years old actually is 30 years to 39 years 364 days old … or 30 years to just less than 40 years old The class width is 10 years, all adults in their 30’s The class width is the difference between the upper class limit and the lower class limit For the class 30 – 39, the class width is 40 – 30 = 10

15 Chapter 2 – Section 2 All the classes (20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59) all have the same widths, except for the last class The class “60 and above” is an open-ended class because it has no upper limit Classes with no lower limits are also called open-ended classes All the classes (20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59) all have the same widths, except for the last class All the classes (20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59) all have the same widths, except for the last class The class “60 and above” is an open-ended class because it has no upper limit

16 Chapter 2 – Section 2 The classes and the number of values in each can be put into a frequency table In this table, there are 1147 subjects between 30 and 39 years old Age Number 20 – 29 533 30 – 39 1147 40 – 49 1090 50 – 59 493 60 and older 110

17 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Good practices for constructing tables for continuous variables The classes should not overlap The classes should not have any gaps between them The classes should have the same width (except for possible open-ended classes at the extreme low or extreme high ends) The class boundaries should be “reasonable” numbers The class width should be a “reasonable” number Good practices for constructing tables for continuous variables The classes should not overlap The classes should not have any gaps between them The classes should have the same width (except for possible open-ended classes at the extreme low or extreme high ends) The class boundaries should be “reasonable” numbers Good practices for constructing tables for continuous variables The classes should not overlap The classes should not have any gaps between them Good practices for constructing tables for continuous variables The classes should not overlap Good practices for constructing tables for continuous variables The classes should not overlap The classes should not have any gaps between them The classes should have the same width (except for possible open-ended classes at the extreme low or extreme high ends)

18 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 1 2 3 5 4 7 6

19 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Just as for discrete data, a histogram can be created from the frequency table Instead of individual data values, the categories are the classes – the intervals of data

20 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 1 2 3 5 4 7 6

21 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A stem-and-leaf plot is a different way to represent data that is similar to a histogram To draw a stem-and-leaf plot, each data value must be broken up into two components The stem consists of all the digits except for the right most one The leaf consists of the right most digit For the number 173, for example, the stem would be “17” and the leaf would be “3” A stem-and-leaf plot is a different way to represent data that is similar to a histogram

22 Chapter 2 – Section 2 In the stem-and-leaf plot below
The smallest value is 56 The largest value is 180 The second largest value is 178

23 Chapter 2 – Section 2 To read a stem-and-leaf plot Stem-and-leaf plots
Read the stem first Attach the leaf as the last digit of the stem The result is the original data value Stem-and-leaf plots Display the same visual patterns as histograms Contain more information than histograms Could be more difficult to interpret (including getting a sore neck) To read a stem-and-leaf plot Read the stem first Attach the leaf as the last digit of the stem The result is the original data value

24 Chapter 2 – Section 2 To draw a stem-and-leaf plot
Write all the values in ascending order Find the stems and write them vertically in ascending order For each data value, write its leaf in the row next to its stem The resulting leaves will also be in ascending order The list of stems with their corresponding leaves is the stem-and-leaf plot To draw a stem-and-leaf plot Write all the values in ascending order Find the stems and write them vertically in ascending order For each data value, write its leaf in the row next to its stem The resulting leaves will also be in ascending order To draw a stem-and-leaf plot Write all the values in ascending order Find the stems and write them vertically in ascending order To draw a stem-and-leaf plot Write all the values in ascending order To draw a stem-and-leaf plot Write all the values in ascending order Find the stems and write them vertically in ascending order For each data value, write its leaf in the row next to its stem

25 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Modifications to stem-and-leaf plots
Sometimes there are too many values with the same stem … we would need to split the stems (such as having in one stem and in another) If we wanted to compare two sets of data, we could draw two stem-and-leaf plots using the same stem, with leaves going left (for one set of data) and right (for the other set) There are cases where constructing a descending stem-and-leaf plot could also be appropriate (for test scores, for example) Modifications to stem-and-leaf plots Sometimes there are too many values with the same stem … we would need to split the stems (such as having in one stem and in another) Modifications to stem-and-leaf plots Sometimes there are too many values with the same stem … we would need to split the stems (such as having in one stem and in another) If we wanted to compare two sets of data, we could draw two stem-and-leaf plots using the same stem, with leaves going left (for one set of data) and right (for the other set)

26 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 7 6 1 2 3 5 4

27 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A dot plot is a graph where a dot is placed over the observation each time it is observed The following is an example of a dot plot

28 Chapter 2 – Section 2 Learning objectives
Organize discrete data in tables Construct histograms of discrete data Organize continuous data in tables Construct histograms of continuous data Draw stem-and-leaf plots Draw dot plots Identify the shape of a distribution 7 6 1 2 3 5 4

29 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A useful way to describe a variable is by the shape of its distribution Some common distribution shapes are Uniform Bell-shaped (or normal) Skewed right Skewed left

30 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A variable has a uniform distribution when
Each of the values tends to occur with the same frequency The histogram looks flat

31 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A variable has a bell-shaped distribution when
Most of the values fall in the middle The frequencies tail off to the left and to the right It is symmetric

32 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A variable has a skewed right distribution when
The distribution is not symmetric The tail to the right is longer than the tail to the left The arrow from the middle to the long tail points right Right

33 Chapter 2 – Section 2 A variable has a skewed left distribution when
The distribution is not symmetric The tail to the left is longer than the tail to the right The arrow from the middle to the long tail points left Left

34 Summary: Chapter 2 – Section 2
Quantitative data can be organized in several ways Histograms based on data values are good for discrete data Histograms based on classes (intervals) are good for continuous data The shape of a distribution describes a variable … histograms are useful for identifying the shapes

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