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Brand Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Brand Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brand Management

2 What is a brand? A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of the above to identify the goods or service of a seller and differentiate it from the rest of the competitors

3 The product is a commodity
When you cannot do this The product is a commodity

4 A brand comprises of Tangible attributes Intangible attributes

5 Tangibles Eg. Product Packaging Labelling Attributes
Functional benefits

6 Intangibles Eg. Quality Emotional benefits Values Culture Image

7 Brand Identity It is the marketer’s promise to give a set of features, benefits and services consistently

8 Brand Building Involves all the activities that are necessary to nurture a brand into a healthy cash flow stream after launch

9 What kind of activities?
Eg. Product development Packaging Advertising Promotion Sales and distribution

10 When a commodity becomes a brand, it is said to have equity
Brand Equity When a commodity becomes a brand, it is said to have equity

11 What is brand equity? The premium it can command in the market
Difference between the perceived value and the intrinsic value

12 What happens when equity increases?
Commodity Brand Power Brands Presence + Personality

13 What happens when brands have high equity?
The company can have more leverage with the trade The company can charge a premium on their product The company can have more brand extensions The company can have some defense against price competition

14 Brand Loyalty Pyramid Committed buyer 111 Likes the brand. Considers
it a friend Satisfied buyer. Would incur costs to switch Satisfied buyer/no reason to change Switchers/Price sensitive

15 How does one build brands?
Distinguishing it from others – value proposition Brand promise must match brand delivery

16 The value proposition Broad positioning Specific positioning
Value positioning

17 Creating the brand Choosing a brand name
Develop rich associations and promises Managing customer brand contact to meet and exceed expectations

18 Considerations in choosing a brand name
What does the brand name mean? What associations / performance / expectations does it evoke ? What degree of preference does it create?

19 A brand name should indicate
Product benefits Product quality Names easy to remember, recognise, pronounce Product category Distinctiveness Should not indicate poor meanings in other markets or languages

20 Brand Associations ‘owned word’ Slogans Colours Symbols and logos

21 Brand Status E S T M Step up advertising Cash Cow.Need to
Sustain brand building activities Troubled brand Product upgradation required New Product Or Product should be phased out FAMILIARITY

22 Brand ambassadors Giving a face and personality to the brand that is expected to be rubbed off from the brand ambassador

23 Brand Vitality Differentiation in consumer’s need
Differentiation relevant to consumer’s need

24 Brand Pitfalls Brand experience must match brand image
Calls for managing every brand contact

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