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Biology Mid-Term Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Mid-Term Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Mid-Term Jeopardy
Biochemistry Cell Transport Kingdoms of Life Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 Q: Name the 4 different ORGANIC macromolecules
A: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids

3 1 - $200 Q: Identify the property of water being described:
As the seasons change, water's temperature does not drop or increase suddenly, but instead changes gradually. A: Specific Heat

4 1 - $300 Q: Name the type of reaction being shown: A: Hydrolysis

5 1 - $400 Q: Fill-in-the blank: The monomers for proteins are _________________, which are built into proteins in the cell organelles called ______________. A: Amino Acids; Ribosomes

6 1 - $500 Q: What are 3 changes in the environment that can affect the SHAPE of an ENZYME? A: Temperature (heat), pH, salt

7 2 - $100 Q: Type of transport that moves materials from a LOW [ ] to HIGH [ ] using ATP A: ACTIVE TRANSPORT

8 2 - $200 Q: Name any 2 examples of PASSIVE transport
A: Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, ion channels

9 2 - $300 Q: Cellular transport involves moving materials in and out of the cell as needed in order to maintain stable internal conditions, this is called _________________ A: Homeostasis

10 2 - $400 Q: What process is the cell going through due to it being in a HYPERTONIC solution? A: Plasmolysis

11 2 - $500 Q: Name the specific type of transport being shown below:
A: Endocytosis

12 3 - $100 Q: Name 1 major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms: A: Prokaryotic organisms do NOT have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles

13 3 - $200 Q: Name any 5 Kingdoms of Life
A: Archaea, Bacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plants, Animals

14 3 - $300 Q: Identify this example of a Theme of Life
Deer Mice in Nebraska’s Sand Hills are no longer brown. Over the course of 8,000 years, their coats lightened to facilitate hiding from predators. A: Evolution

15 3 - $400 Q: Name 3 differences between PLANT and ANIMAL cells.
A: Cell Wall, Chloroplast, Large Central Vacuole

16 3 - $500 Q: Identify the highest TROPHIC LEVEL of the OWL in this picture: A: 5th Trophic Level

17 4 - $100 Q: What are the best photons of light for photosynthesis?
A: Red and blue wavelengths

18 4 - $200 Q: Write out the complete BALANCED equation for photosynthesis: A: Solar “E” + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2

19 4 - $300 Q: Name the locations of where Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Photosynthesis occurs: A: Stage 1 (light-dependent): thylakoid Stage 2 (light-independent): stroma

20 4 - $400 Q: Identify the part of the leaf where the gas exchange of CO2 and O2 occurs: A: Guard cells/ Stomata

21 4 - $500 Q: Write the chemical equation for Stage 2 (Light-Independent) of Photosynthesis. A: ATP + NADPH + CO2  C6H12O6

22 5 - $100 Q: Where in the cell does Aerobic Cellular Respiration occur?
A: Mitochondria

23 5 - $200 Q: Name the 2 types of fermentation in anaerobic respiration.
A: Alcoholic and Lactic Acid

24 5 - $300 Q: What is the BALANCED equation for Aerobic Cellular Respiration? A: C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 ATP + heat

25 5 - $400 Q: What is the NET equation for Glycolysis?
A: C6H12O6  2 3-C pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH

26 5 - $500 Q: In a brief statement, explain why FERMENTATION must occur.
A: To “cash-in” NADH and get NAD+ which will be recycled back to GLYCOLYSIS to make 2 ATP

27 Final Jeopardy Q: Read the following experimental scenario. Identify the control group, experimental group, independent variable, dependent variable, and 2 constants. Scenario: Maggie read that some plants grow better if the soil is acidic and decides to test this with her geraniums. She puts potting soil in 2 planting containers and transplants 2 of her geraniums of the same size into the pots. She puts the pots in the same location so that they both get the same sunlight each day, are at the same temperature and she makes sure they get the same amount of water. However, Maggie puts a tablespoon of vinegar in the water she gives to one of the plants. She measures the height of the plants every week for five weeks. A: Control Group (Plants w/ only water); Experimental Group (Plants w/ vinegar); Independent Variable (Watering Method); Dependent Variable (Height of Plants); Constants (type of plant, temperature, sunlight, amt of water, pot size, potting soil)

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