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SOL Review Life Science.

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1 SOL Review Life Science

2 Semester 1 Lab Equipment Scientific Method Cell Theory Cell Parts
Cell Processes Cell reproduction Genetics Evolution

3 Semester 2 Classification Ecology Symbiosis Food Webs and Chains
Cycles of Nature- water, carbon, nitrogen Biomes Ecological Succession

4 The Scientific Method Independent Variable: IV-The variable that you control. Think of it as causing the dependent variable Dependent Variable: DV- The result of the IV. This is the measurable variable. Think of it as the effect of the cause. Control: This is your comparison group in the experiment. This group does not contain the variable. Constant: All factors that are held the same in the experiment. You can only test one variable at a time all others must remain constant to get valid results.

5 The Scientific Method State the Problem Research Form a Hypothesis
Experiment Analyze your data Conclusion Hypothesis should always be written in an IF/THEN statement Several trials should be conducted for accurate results

6 The Scientific Method Lisa and Susie wanted to find out if the color of water had any effect on the growth of roses. They set up 4 planting pots. They filled each pot with 6 cups of potting soil and planted 3 white roses in each pot. They labeled their planting pots A, B, C, and D. Each plant was given 2 tablespoons of fertilizer. Each plant also receives the same amount of daily sunlight. On Wednesday’s Lisa and Susie watered each of their plants with 2 cups of water. Plant A receives 2 cups plain water, plant B receives 2 cups of blue water, plant C receives 2 cups of red water, and plant D receives 2 cups of green water. Lisa and Susie made their measurements of plant growth weekly for 6 weeks. They determined that the color of water has no effect on plant growth. What is the IV in this experiment?   What is the DV in this experiment?   What is the control group in this experiment?   Name 3 constants in the experiment. How many variables should be tested at a time?

7 Levels of organization for organisms
Cell: Basic unit of life Tissues: groups of similar cells Organs: groups of different tissues Organ Systems: organs working together Organism: Systems working together. Can live on it’s own

8 Plant and Animal Cells

9 Plant and Animal Cell Differences

10 TYPES OF CELLS PROKARYOTIC EUKARYOTIC Cells that do not have a defined nucleus and membrane bound structures All Bacteria (Arachaebacteria) (Eubacteria) Cells that do have a defined nucleus and membrane bound structures Protists Fungi Plants Animals

11 Cell Parts Key Words Nucleus – Brain of the Cell
Mitochondria – Powerhouse/Makes Energy Ribosome – make protein Endoplasmic reticulum-Transports protein Lysosome – Digest Vacuole – storage/Vacuum Cytoplasm- Cell gel Golgi Body-packages protein Cell Membrane-semi permeable covering of animal cells

12 Cell Discoveries 1665 Robert Hooke – Looked at cork under the microscope. First person to use the word Cell. 1700’s Anton van Leeuwenvenhoek: A Dutch microbiologist. Improved many microscopes. Looked at pond water under the microscope and called what he saw animalcules. We now call these organisms unicellular organisms.

13 Matthias Schleiden Theodor Schwann Rudolf Virchow
The Cell Theory Contributions of three German Scientists in the 1800’s created the three parts to the Cell Theory Matthias Schleiden Theodor Schwann Rudolf Virchow

14 Cell Theory Statements

15 Cell Theory Scientists Summary

16 Microscope Parts

17 Microscopes

18 Cell Processes Osmosis: The Diffusion of water
Diffusion: The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Active Transport: Moving particles across the membrane from areas of lower to higher. This requires energy. Passive Transport: Does not require energy

19 Cell Process Diagrams

20 PHOTOSYNTHESIS The process by which plants use the suns energy to make food. (glucose) Plants only 6CO2+6H2O+sunlight C6H12O6+O2 Reactants Carbon Dioxide and water Products Glucose and Oxygen Takes place in the chloroplasts of the plant cells

21 Respiration The break down of glucose with the use of oxygen to make energy. Animals and Plants can go through respiration C6H12O6+O CO2+H2O+ATP Reactants are Glucose and Oxygen Products are Carbon Dioxide, water and Energy Takes place in the mitochondria of animal cells

22 Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis Meiosis
Division of Body Cells (somatic) Division of sex cells (gametes) 2 daughter cells produces daughter cells produced Same number of chromosomes Half the number of chromosomes Diploid number Haploid number 4 stages stages

23 Cell Cycle for Mitosis Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis “I prefer meeting at taco city”

24 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Rosalind Franklin Watson and Crick

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