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LHC intervention scheduling with the Work Acceptance Tool

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1 LHC intervention scheduling with the Work Acceptance Tool
K. Foraz, CERN April 14, 2011 ARW2011, Cape Town, South Africa One of the first images from CMS, showing the debris of particles picked up in the detector's calorimeters

2 Intervention scheduling
Outline Intervention scheduling The game field, the rules and the players First year problematic Solution implemented First results Future 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

3 Nb of days of Program. Stops
Introduction Nb of days/year Beam ON & set-up = - Nb of days of Program. Stops - Nb of days for recovery - Nb of days for Beam set-up - Nb of days of Failure 365 days What has been done / not during Stops Optimize programmed stops in order to ensure long and reliable operation 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

4 The game field Machine: 27km circumference Underground (up to 100m)
8 sectors and associated service areas 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

5 The game rules LHC has a cycle of ~ 4 years Operation years:
~ 3 years of operation ~ 1 year of Long Shut-down to consolidate, upgrade and perform full maintenance of the different systems. Operation years: Find the best compromise between maintenance and beam ON time windows Xmas break of 11 weeks 6 Technical Stops of 4 days J M F A S O N D 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

6 The players LHC Machine Committee (the referee) Coordination teams
Program. Stops Coord. Tech. Infrastr. Operation Com. Operation Safety Coordination Groups LMC Cryo EL CV BI RF Mag. Conv. Coll. QPS PSC OP SC TIOC 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

7 First year problematic
1. Maintenance plan (CMMS, excel..) 2. Request (mail, SharePoint..) 4. Safety procedures 6. Request access Groups Just the beginning of the process 3. Approval in TIOC meetings TIOC OP 7. Accept & grant access Stops Coordination Safety Coordination 3. Approval (if needed through LMC) Prepare logistics Schedule 5. Approval (fire permits, DIMR…) 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

8 First year problematic
Information partially shared The risk that authorizations were not given by the adequate coordination team was high Cross-check between coordination teams was time consuming Multiple edition of the same information The effort of groups to announce & edit information to the different coordination teams and different systems was heavy Access time Average of 20 minutes/person (guessing you have only one door to access your worksite !!) ~ 500 persons wanting to access - 2 operators granting access 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

9 Solution implemented: WAT !
Work Acceptance Tool A gentle start One database grouping all the interventions Approval process through the existing Electronic Document Handling linked to the Access control system DB 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

10 Workflow For any intervention in the machine Requests must be
Technically approved Scheduled Prepared from a safety point of view Personnel must be habilitated Technical approval Schedule Safety Execution Close 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

11 Workflow 1. Groups submit a request What Who Type of intervention
System Who Responsible Participants Number of teams Number of participants/area 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

12 Workflow When Locations Safety Constraints Duration Period
Risks associated with the activity Lock-out needed 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

13 Workflow 2. Technical approval 3. Schedule
If needed through LHC Machine Committee Infrastructure: discussed in TIOC (Tech. Infrastr. Operation Committee) Machine: discussed during preparation meetings with operation group Layout database modified if needed through ECR (configuration management) 3. Schedule Work Acceptance Tool is providing a Gantt view List import & export  Schedule 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

14 Workflow 4. Safety 5. Execution 6. Close
Safety forms automatically prepared, send to the Safety database and the link is kept (Fire Permit, DIMR..). Approval status send back to WAT 5. Execution (RP survey prior to access) Link with access database: only persons who have an authorized activity in a specific location and at a certain time can access Form for comments 6. Close List, filters…to retrieve activities, make statistics 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

15 WAT: Integration with existing systems
ADAMS Access Control (person/place/time) Safety forms EDH EDH WAT Layout Database Notifications Signatures LHC Locations Access Points Excel Foundation Schedule Export, Bulk Update (Upload) Persons, Organic Units 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

16 Increase productivity
First results WAT in operation since December 2010 Only fully authorized activities can be performed Access time: 15minutes gained/access & no operators needed List of interventions available for operation Start to build up the history of interventions Feed-back is very good Efficient, eases access, gives overview of what’s going on at a location/for a group/ for a system… Better control & Increase productivity 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

17 WAT next Within WAT project
Link activities to equipment rather than locations Accurate picture of the equipment history Accurate picture given to Operation after a stop Link WAT with Computer Maintenance Management System LHC Equipment LHC Locations Access Points WAT Layout Database 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

18 Intervention Management Working Group set-up
WAT next - IMWG Moreover, same equipment groups are also intervening in the LHC experiments, as well as in injectors Intervention Management Working Group set-up Goal: One single database of intervention data Create a unique repository for interventions One workflow engine Standardize practices where possible and desirable A web tool to input work declarations to plan, schedule, prepare and coordinate all activities, anywhere 4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

19 Thank you Questions, comments, suggestions ?
4/14/2011 ARW K. Foraz

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