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Leveraging out-of-the-box tools to achieve SharePoint 2010 success

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging out-of-the-box tools to achieve SharePoint 2010 success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging out-of-the-box tools to achieve SharePoint 2010 success

2 About Me Name: Steven Tisdale
Education: Florida State University, 2000 SharePoint Experience: Migrated SharePoint 2003 to Moss 2007 Administered MOSS 2007 since December 2007 Recently involved in MS BI Stack, executive dashboards Website:

3 Organization Info Liberty Hardware -
Since 1942, Liberty Hardware Mfg. Corp. has built its reputation by offering high quality decorative and functional hardware products at an exceptional value. The company proudly offers its extensive line of hardware products through fine retail outlets and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) distribution channels across the country. Users: Frequency of Use: Daily Verve Living Systems – Verve Living Systems is a new brand within Masco Corporation, a leading manufacturer of consumer products for the home improvement and new home construction markets. Users: 10-25

4 Outline Approach Infrastructure Security Architecture
Content Deployment Request Ticketing System Intranet Development Site Architecture Redesign Content Management Design Elements Lessons Learned

5 Approach Identify Site/Content Owners Identify Content Site Champions
Governance Is The Key Identify Site/Content Owners Identify Content Site Champions Support Path 80% Rally Cry Out-of-the-box tools? Rapid application Development Iterative Process

6 INFRASTRUCTURE Windows Server 2008 R2, 64 bit
Small Farm Windows Server 2008 R2, 64 bit Six-Core 2.8ghz (4 processors) Installed Memory: 10gb Virtualized Using VM Ware Clustered SQL Server 2008 Two WFEs – one internal, one external Two Application Servers – CA/Query Reporting Services, Excel Services, etc.

7 Security Architecture
Security Centrally managed within IT Leverage Active Directory Groups Per Site Collection Setup: Admins – Site Champions and IT support Owners – contribute, content approval Members – contribute access Users – contributors, from a different area/department Visitors – restricted read only access

8 Content Deployment Moving to Production Schedule vs. Manual
Include security or leave it out? Backup DBs One way push

9 Request Ticketing System
Work order system to replace paper process Request driven workflow Three day turnaround No UI customizations SharePoint Designer Workflows

10 Application One List – Requests Multiple Views Pages Awaiting Approval
Awaiting Assignment Completed Assignments Due in next 7 Days Past Due Requests My Assignments My Requests Unassigned Requests Pages My Requests My Assignments Management Overview Customized Entry Forms Creative Brief Request Label Translation

11 Workflow In addition to alerts Created in SharePoint Designer
Request Submitted Notification of Assignment Status Change

12 The site

13 Intranet DEVELOPMENT Replace the share drives
Allow external resources to access the system Leverage parent news/announcement content Ridiculously easy-to-use

14 Proposed Intranet 6 Web Applications
Intranet Home, Project Team Site Portal, Search Center, Supplier Portal, Records Center, and Document Center 12 Site Collections Home, Projects, Search, Supplier, Legal, Documents, Brand, Marketing, Products, Research, Sales, and Supplier Portal Original Site Architecture

15 2 Web Applications Content Type Hub (CTH), Intranet Home 13 Site Collections CTH, Home, Projects, Search, Supplier, Legal, Documents, Brand, Marketing, Products, Research, Sales, Engineering, and Operations Production Intranet

16 Content Management Every document belongs to a content type
Every content type has a parent type Use a document template whenever possible No hidden naming conventions, call it what it is Each content type has 3-5 metadata fields Metadata fields are required as much as possible with defaults specified for every field Leverage the term store

17 Content Type Hub Central repository of content types, metadata, and document templates Content types syndicated 219 total content types

18 Metadata 3-5 fields per content type Required (when possible) with defaults for ease of use

19 Terms Term - A word or phrase that can be associated with content
Term Store Management Tool: Term - A word or phrase that can be associated with content Managed Terms controlled term that can only be created by users that have been granted permissions Managed Metadata Once terms in place use the new column type “Managed Metadata” A step further than a site column Consistent terms for the organization No more reproducing lists across site collections

20 Content Type Syndication
One Managed Metadata Service Application One Term Store Shared/Published Across farms (for us, Dev/Production) One term store, always updated. Steps involved: Create Managed Metadata service application Setup Publishing for the Managed Metadata Service by establishing a trust relationship Setup Application Discovery and Load Balancer Service Application permissions Publish Managed Metadata Service Add proxy to service connection group Setup Managed Metadata Service permissions Test if the Published Managed Metadata Service works in your farms. How to setup a Managed Metadata Service and Content Syndication

21 Branding & design elements
Microsoft invested in this UI, why change it? Provide visual indicators to your current location Don’t clutter up the page or your users will get lost Even if your sites are not “connected” give the feel that they are.

22 Moving Across Sites

23 Breadcrumbs Disable the “Up” button
Modify the Master Page to Enhance Breadcrumbs Consistent breadcrumbs across any site collection

24 Page Layout

25 Lessons Learned Engage your stakeholders regularly
Managed Metadata fields are better if you implement Office 2010 Centrally-managing security is more of a headache up- front, but later you might be glad you did it Mass loading documents is a daunting task for end-users Visual design elements and beauty photography work well outside the business walls, but not for an Intranet

26 Thank You Contact Steven: Website:

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