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Emergent Information Technologies, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergent Information Technologies, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergent Information Technologies, Inc.
HDF-EOS Tools Ray Milburn Emergent Information Technologies, Inc.

2 HDF-EOS Tools hdfeos4to5 - Conversion utility H5EOSView - HDF5 EOSView
JEB - Java EOS Browse tool

3 hdfeos4to5 Unix command-line utility
Converts HDF-EOS objects from HDF4 to HDF5 based data files. Example: hdfeos4to5 -i SwathFile.hdf4 -o SwathFile.hdf5

4 H5EOSView Displays HDF5 HDF-EOS objects only
User Interface is identical to that of EOSView User is prompted for what part of the HDF-EOS object to view Displays Local and Field Level attributes Hypertext on-line help

5 H5EOSView (cont.) Displays HDF-EOS info in generic window
Displays Attributes in Text Display Display of Field Data in a Table Display Convert Table to pseudo-color image Full image zooming/panning/colormap capabilities

6 JEB - Java EOS Browser Java interface written for subset of HDF-EOS functions Displays generic HDF4 files Displays HDF-EOS objects for HDF4 and HDF5 based files Display of Field Data in a spreadsheet Display Attributes in Text window

7 Java EOS Browser (cont.)
Raster image display Working on zooming/panning and image filters

8 EOSView vs H5EOSView

9 H5EOSView - Profile

10 Java EOS Browser

11 Java EOS Browser

12 Input Solicited JEB could expand image capabilities and include generic HDF5 JEB User Interface still a work in progress Full Java interface for HDF-EOS?

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