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Pakistan Led briefly by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Dangerous combination

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1 Pakistan Led briefly by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Dangerous combination
Early Led briefly by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Dangerous combination Was not prepared to rule in 1948. Strong Islamic fundamentalism. Impoverished. Pakistan divides in 1972 W. Pakistan = Pakistan E. Pakistan = Bangladesh Khan stressed modernization. His following in West Pakistan held liberal views of Islamic law, leading to dissent within W. Pakistan, and especially in East Pakistan. After Khan left office in 1969, East Pakistan refused to pay taxes to West Pakistan. West Pakistan sent in troops, sparking civil war. Thousands killed, millions escaped to India. India entered the war, helped Bangladesh declare its independence in 1972.


3 Benazir Bhutto First Woman Prime Minister, 1988
Unable to keep control, froze foreign investments/misuse of funds. Ousted in 1990, 1993 on corruption charges. Nawaz Sharif (followed Bhutto) Ousted three times. Struggle between modernizers and fundamentalists. Seen as power hungry (kicked out Supreme Court Justice)

4 Assassinated when she was planning on returning to government.
December 27, 2007

5 Gen. Pervex Musharaff Coup d’etat.
Secular government against Islamic fundamentalists. U.S. ally in the “War on Terror.” Some blame for Bhutto’s assassination… Left office under allegations of this in 2008  Replaced by Asif Ali Zardari.

6 Major problems & Issues in Pakistan today
Economic development. Political instability/military dictatorship. Hindu-Muslim tensions. Gender issues  honor killings. The population of India is just over 1 billion people. It is believed that India’s population will surpass that of China by No success with family planning, birth control/abortion. Necessity of large families in agrarian subsistence lifestyle. India's economy is uneven at best: many Indians lead a subsistence lifestyle, while a sizeable middle class and a small upper class live in the cities. The situation in Kashmir is quite dangerous. Ongoing hostilities continue, and both sides continue a low-level crossfire across the border of this divided region. Three wars have been fought over Kashmir: 1948, 1965, and The 1972 partition did not settle the issue. Because both sides, India and Pakistan, have nuclear weapons, some fear that the potential for large-scale war could lead to the use of these nuclear weapons. In the summer of 2002, India and Pakistan came within a hair’s breadth of war. Terrorism. The Kashmir dispute Nuclear weapons.

7 New Friends? Musharraf and Vajpayee (India) at a meeting on nuclear issues in Nepal.

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