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Chapter 6 Part 1 Using the Mean and Standard Deviation Together

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1 Chapter 6 Part 1 Using the Mean and Standard Deviation Together
z-scores rule Changing units (shifting and rescaling data)

2 Z-scores: Standardized Data Values
Measures the distance of a number from the mean in units of the standard deviation

3 z-score corresponding to y

4 Exam 1: y1 = 88, s1 = 6; exam 1 score: 91
Which score is better?

5 Comparing SAT and ACT Scores
SAT Math: Eleanor’s score 680 SAT mean =500 sd=100 ACT Math: Gerald’s score 27 ACT mean=18 sd=6 Eleanor’s z-score: z=( )/100=1.8 Gerald’s z-score: z=(27-18)/6=1.5 Eleanor’s score is better.

6 Z-scores add to zero Student/Institutional Support to Athletic Depts For the 9 Public ACC Schools: 2013 ($ millions) School Support y - ybar Z-score Maryland 15.5 6.4 1.79 UVA 13.1 4.0 1.12 Louisville 10.9 1.8 0.50 UNC 9.2 0.1 0.03 VaTech 7.9 -1.2 -0.34 FSU GaTech 7.1 -2.0 -0.56 NCSU 6.5 -2.6 -0.73 Clemson 3.8 -5.3 -1.47 Mean=9.1000, s=3.5697 Sum = 0

7 In a recent year the mean tuition at 4-yr public colleges/universities in the U.S. was $6185 with a standard deviation of $ In NC the tuition was $ What is NC’s z-score? 1.03 -1.03 2.39 1865 -1865

8 Changing Units of Measurement
How shifting and rescaling data affect data summaries

9 Shifting and rescaling: linear transformations
Original data x1, x2, xn Linear transformation: x* = a + bx, (intercept a, slope b) Shifts data by a Changes scale x x* a

10 Linear Transformations x* = a+ b x
2.54 12 150 40 100 32 9/5 Examples: Changing from feet (x) to inches (x*): x*=12x from dollars (x) to cents (x*): x*=100x from degrees celsius (x) to degrees fahrenheit (x*): x* = 32 + (9/5)x from ACT (x) to SAT (x*): x*=150+40x from inches (x) to centimeters (x*): x* = 2.54x

11 Shifting data only: b = 1 x* = a + x
Adding the same value a to each value in the data set: changes the mean, median, Q1 and Q3 by a The standard deviation, IQR and variance are NOT CHANGED. Everything shifts together. Spread of the items does not change.

12 Shifting data only: b = 1 x* = a + x (cont.)
weights of 80 men age 19 to 24 of average height (5'8" to 5'10") x = kg NIH recommends maximum healthy weight of 74 kg. To compare their weights to the recommended maximum, subtract 74 kg from each weight; x* = x – 74 (a=-74, b=1) x* = x – 74 = 8.36 kg No change in shape No change in spread Shift by 74

13 Shifting and Rescaling data: x* = a + bx, b > 0
Original x data: x1, x2, x3, . . ., xn Summary statistics: mean x median m 1st quartile Q1 3rd quartile Q3 stand dev s variance s2 IQR x* data: x* = a + bx x1*, x2*, x3*, . . ., xn* Summary statistics: new mean x* = a + bx new median m* = a+bm new 1st quart Q1*= a+bQ1 new 3rd quart Q3* = a+bQ3 new stand dev s* = b  s new variance s*2 = b2  s2 new IQR* = b  IQR

14 Rescaling data: x* = a + bx, b > 0 (cont.)
weights of 80 men age 19 to 24, of average height (5'8" to 5'10") x = kg min=54.30 kg max= kg range= kg s = kg Change from kilograms to pounds: x* = 2.2x (a = 0, b = 2.2) x* = 2.2(82.36)= pounds min* = 2.2(54.30)= pounds max* = 2.2(161.50)=355.3 pounds range*= 2.2(107.20)= pounds s* = * 2.2 = pounds

15 Example of x* = a + bx 4 student heights in inches (x data)
4 student heights in centimeters: = 2.54(62) = 2.54(64) = 2.54(74) = 2.54(72) x* = centimeters s* = centimeters Note that x* = 2.54x = 2.54(68)=172.2 s* = 2.54s = 2.54(5.89)= 4 student heights in inches (x data) 62, 64, 74, 72 x = 68 inches s = 5.89 inches Suppose we want centimeters instead: x* = 2.54x (a = 0, b = 2.54) not necessary!UNC method Go directly to this. NCSU method

16 Example of x* = a + bx 3% = 5% - 2% 2% = 4% - 2% 1% = 3% - 2%
x data: Percent returns from 4 investments during 2003: 5%, 4%, 3%, 6% x = 4.5% s = 1.29% Inflation during 2003: 2% x* data: Inflation-adjusted returns. x* = x – 2% (a=-2, b=1) x* data: 3% = 5% - 2% 2% = 4% - 2% 1% = 3% - 2% 4% = 6% - 2% x* = 10%/4 = 2.5% s* = s = 1.29% x* = x – 2% = 4.5% –2% s* = s = 1.29% (note! that s* ≠ s – 2%) !! not necessary! Go directly to this

17 Example Original data x: Jim Bob’s jumbo watermelons from his garden have the following weights (lbs): 23, 34, 38, 44, 48, 55, 55, 68, 72, 75 s = 17.12; Q1=38, Q3 =68; IQR = 68 – 38 = 30 Melons over 50 lbs are priced differently; the amount each melon is over (or under) 50 lbs is: x* = x  50 (x* = a + bx, a=-50, b=1) -27, -16, -12, -6, -2, 5, 5, 18, 22, 25 s* = 17.12; Q*1 = =-12, Q*3 = = 18 IQR* = 18 – (-12) = 30 NOTE: s* = s, IQR*= IQR

18 Z-scores: a special linear transformation a + bx
Example. At a community college, if a student takes x credit hours the tuition is x* = $250 + $35x. The credit hours taken by students in an Intro Stats class have mean x = 15.7 hrs and standard deviation s = 2.7 hrs. Question 1. A student’s tuition charge is $ What is the z-score of this tuition? x* = $250+$35(15.7) = $799.50; s* = $35(2.7) = $94.50

19 Z-scores: a special linear transformation a + bx (cont.)
Example. At a community college, if a student takes x credit hours the tuition is x* = $250 + $35x. The credit hours taken by students in an Intro Stats class have mean x = 15.7 hrs and standard deviation s = 2.7 hrs. Question 2. Roger is a student in the Intro Stats class who has a course load of x = 13 credit hours. The z-score is z = (13 – 15.7)/2.7 = -2.7/2.7 = -1. What is the z-score of Roger’s tuition? Roger’s tuition is x* = $250 + $35(13) = $705 Since x* = $250+$35(15.7) = $799.50; s* = $35(2.7) = $94.50 The z-score does not depend on the unit of measurement. This is why z-scores are so useful!!

20 SUMMARY: Linear Transformations x* = a + bx
Linear transformations do not affect the shape of the distribution of the data -for example, if the original data is right-skewed, the transformed data is right-skewed

21 SUMMARY: Shifting and Rescaling data, x* = a + bx, b > 0


23 68-95-99.7 rule Mean and Histogram Standard Deviation (graphical)
(numerical) Histogram (graphical) rule

24 The 68-95-99.7 rule; applies only to mound-shaped data

25 68-95-99.7 rule: 68% within 1 stan. dev. of the mean
34% 34% y-s y y+s

26 68-95-99.7 rule: 95% within 2 stan. dev. of the mean
47.5% 47.5% y-2s y y+2s

27 Example: textbook costs

28 Example: textbook costs (cont.)

29 Example: textbook costs (cont.)

30 Example: textbook costs (cont.)

31 The best estimate of the standard deviation of the men’s weights displayed in this dotplot is
10 15 20 40

32 End of Chapter 6 Part 1. Next: Part 2 Normal Models

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