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Welcome to 8th Grade Information Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8th Grade Information Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8th Grade Information Night
The high school journey begins!

2 Hudson City School District
Our Vision to empower students to achieve uncharted levels of success.

3 HHS Department of Guidance & Counseling
We EMBRACE that vision! We are passionate about what we do.

4 Who makes up the Department of Guidance and Counseling?
A-Cla Mrs. Cori Melling Cle-Hai Mrs. Kelsey Haggerty Haj-Lom Miss Jill Okey Lon-Pa Mrs. Nicole Carmichael Pe-So Mrs. Jen Chadima Sp-Z Ms. Shelley Laudato Social Worker Mrs. Julie Schultz Student Assistance Mrs. Kelsey Haggerty Program Coordinator

5 Who are the Administrators?
Principal Mr. Brian Wilch Freshmen Mrs. Natalie Wininger (12th P-Z) Sophomores Mrs. Maureen Schreiner (12th Han-O) Juniors Mr. Bryan Bedford (12th A-Ham)

6 How do we accomplish our vision?
Guidance offers many resources to students, primarily through classroom guidance. Wealth of information: Professional knowledge Naviance HHS Guidance website Outstanding website resources Advice from our governing bodies: state & national

7 9th grade Freshmen Orientation Day Freshmen Mentoring Program
Adjustment to high school Classroom Guidance Career Assessment: Naviance, ACT Aspire, and more Community First Career Panels/Intern for a Day 9th Grade Information Night for students & parents

8 10th grade & beyond Career Exploration Curriculum Offerings/Scheduling
Six District Compact College Tech Prep Community First Career Panels/Intern for a Day Curriculum Offerings/Scheduling Grade level scheduling seminars

9 10th grade & beyond Classroom Guidance Parent & Student Nights
Held for each grade level Classroom Guidance Investigating career interests, college searches, and resume building PSAT, ACT, SAT information and interpretation Career interest inventories linked to Career Clusters and college majors through Naviance Junior (College 101) and individual Senior Workshops aimed at college process

10 Your high school journey begins !

11 How does a student know what classes to take?
Parent Night: January 30th Classroom Scheduling Seminars: Recommendation from teachers Online Registration from home Student Curriculum Guide

12 What is a Typical Freshman Load?
(seven class maximum, six class minimum) English 9/Honors English 9 Algebra 1, Geometry, Honors Geometry, Algebra 2, or Honors Algebra 2 US History, Honors US History, or AP US History Physical Science, Biology, Honors Biology Foundations of PE (sem.) & Health (sem.) Pick Two: World Lang., Band, Choir, Orchestra, Elective, Study Hall Limits for students who have failed an 8th grade class

13 Graduation Requirements

14 What Do Colleges Prefer?
Minimum recommended college prep load: 4 English 4 Math (through Algebra 2) 3 Science 3 Social Studies 2 World Language (recommend 3) 1 Visual/Performing Arts

15 What should struggling students do?
ASK! Talk with your teacher! Visit the Math Lab Visit the Writing Center Utilize ARC (Academic Resource Center) Utilize AST (After School Tutoring) Private tutor list on Hudson website

16 How do students meet with their counselor?
Schedule time with secretaries during study hall or lunch time Come in on Friday (walk-in day) during study hall or lunch Explorer Period (walk-in) counselor if you have trouble scheduling a time Come in immediately in case of emergency & tell secretary it is “urgent” Leave counselor a Blue Note

17 What Guidance Information Tools are Available?
Naviance Guidance Website Classroom Guidance Programs Evening Programs for Parents & Students SunGard Home Access Center (HAC) BlackBoard/ s


19 Naviance Colleges: Careers: About Me: My Planner: College search
Admission information/requirements Build list of colleges to apply to, request teacher recommendations Careers: Interest Inventories to match you to careers Learn about Career Areas and Options About Me: Create a Resume Set goals Track Involvement & Academic Credentials My Planner: Search Tasks and To Do List Items for yourself Plan ahead

20 Are there other academic opportunities for students?
College Tech Prep Initiative Programs 25+ programs available for Juniors & Seniors Students visit in 10th grade These programs may be taken with a college prep curriculum College Credit Plus Dual Credit at University of Akron, Kent State University, Hiram College, Cuyahoga Community College Typically taken Junior & Senior Year For more information, attend mandatory CCP info night Monday, February 6th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium

21 What are some activities available to students?
Men’s/Women’s Sports: Hudson offers 24 teams Some have tryouts & make cuts, some do not 8th grade students: Informational meetings for Fall Sports at Middle School this Spring HHS offers a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities Students will learn about these activities during August orientation

22 What does a student need to be academically eligible for sports?
Fall athletes: Freshmen must have passing grades in 5 classes (P.E. does not count) Eligibility is based on grades from the quarter preceding the season Summer School grades may not be used Students must have over a 2.0 GPA for the quarter 1.2 to 2.0 requires a study table An “F” in any class requires a study table

23 How does the daily schedule work?
Students have seven 50 minute class periods & 30 minutes for lunch Periods around the lunch time are shortened and combined to form one full period (i.e.-a student may have 4/5 period class (30 min min. = 50 min) Therefore, we show a 10 period day

24 What are some factors parents should consider?
Honor your child’s gifts, strengths, and passions Students should be challenged but not overwhelmed Encourage your child to get involved in school activities Aspiring engineers should load up on math and science courses and consider science fair. Aspiring journalists should take related English classes and activities such as school newspaper. Aspiring chefs should consider the culinary arts program and work in a restaurant.

25 Thank you for attending this evening’s program.

26 Empower students to achieve uncharted levels of success.

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