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Sayers Croft 2017.

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1 Sayers Croft 2017

2 Dormitory Plans Rudgwick - boys

3 Dormitory Plans Shere - girls

4 Safety in the Buildings
Sayers Croft has a very good safety record but analysis has shown that many reported accidents occur inside the blocks. This can happen when the level of supervision is relaxed. We have reduced the level of accidents by bringing this information to your attention.

5 Dormitories Be vigilant – jumping or climbing on bunks can cause accidents Make sure everyone is aware of fire exits All luggage should be stored in the luggage room Fire exits must never be blocked Fire doors must never be propped open Fire extinguishers should never be tampered with Take care when opening windows Teachers have an alarm panel in their rooms which they can activate at the end of an evening so that an alarm is raised should a child try to leave the premises.

6 Classrooms / common rooms
• Please don't allow children too walk about carrying drinks, trays are provided for adults to use. • Only staff should unplug or move electrical equipment. • Ensure leads do not cause a trip hazard • Children should not be allowed to use the kettle • Do not allow drinks near computers or other electrical appliances • Do not allow climbing on veranda rails as this can cause accidents

7 Site Safety and Security
Access and Security There is only one vehicular access point to the Centre. This is covered by 24 hour CCTV, making it impossible for a vehicle to come on to the site without being recorded. Access from the car park is pedestrian only and passes resident staff accommodation. The Centre is bounded on all sides by fields and woodland. The boundaries are all fenced except to the west where the boundary is the stream, Coneyhurst Gill. A public footpath crosses the rear of the site. This is not frequently used and is clearly waymarked. Every visiting group has its own separate accommodation building. Visiting staff are provided with keys which operate the outer doors of their block and the internal staff room doors. At night, the outer doors may be locked but all doors have a crash bar to allow emergency exit from the building. To provide added security, visiting staff may activate exit alarms on the doors to alert them to any child exiting the building. All Centre staff, visiting staff and contractors are provided with identification badges.

8 Fire Alarms In the event of the fire alarm sounding at any time day or night, proceed to the fire assembly point behind Loxwood Hall as quickly as possible. Every group attends a fire drill practice before their first night at Sayers Croft. Every room in the Centre has a fire detector / alarm that is linked to a central control system. In the event of the system being activated, it automatically sounds in all resident staff accommodation. The Fire Brigade are called immediately whenever an alarm sounds. All sleeping accommodation has additional visual alarms to alert visitors with hearing impairments.

9 Young Persons Kit List Sayers Croft will supply you with bedding, safety and educational equipment for your specific activities. Below is a general list of the kind of stuff you will need to think about bringing. Make sure you have your name on all things that belong to you and you can carry your bag as you will need to carry it to your chalet: Lots of old clothes - you will definitely end up getting a bit mucky so don't bring anything too precious. Wash kit - including a towel, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste and brush/comb At least two pairs of old trainers / boots (plus an additional pair if you are raft building) Wellies (but don't buy them especially as we can lend you some if you need them) Waterproofs (we can lend you these if needed) - and just because it's summer doesn't mean it won't rain! Personal medication (including sunscreen if required) Indoor footwear Night clothes Hat (appropriate for the weather) and gloves Teddy bear / soft toy

10 The following things are extra stuff that you might need to consider bringing depending on what activities are included in your programme and the time of year you are visiting. Swimming costume (summer only) Camera Torch Drinks Bottle Disco Clothes Reading book Pocket money Hair bands (if you have long hair) Small rucksack We do not allow chewing gum on site because of the mess it makes. Please do NOT bring aerosol sprays (deodorants and hairsprays) as they can set off our fire alarm.

11 Our Timetable

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