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5th Grade: What to Expect

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade: What to Expect"— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade: What to Expect
Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Bird, & Mr. Jones

2 Teachers Mrs. Armstrong Mrs. Bird Mr. Jones Language Arts
Social Studies Mrs. Bird Religion Science Mr. Jones Math Teachers

3 Behavior Plan Sign the agenda nightly Point system Detention
One point behaviors Not prepared, not following directions, talking, disruptive, dress code, no name, no signed agenda Two point behaviors No homework, language, disrespect, inappropriate Mass behavior Detention 3+ points earns a detention Served during lunch recess Behavior Plan

4 Recess – We need you! Daily from 12:30-12:50
Interested? Sign up TONIGHT! Sub list? Absent – let us know – find a sub Recess – We need you!

5 Homework Sign & check the agenda book nightly
Posted on the website (subject to change) Daily homework – folders in binder Friday folder Homework

6 Homework Late work policy Getting work in advance Make-up work
1 day late – C credit 2 days late – F credit Getting work in advance Turn in work early, when possible We’ll do our best – no promises! Make-up work 1 day for each missed day Homework

7 English/Writing Multisensory grammar Emphasis on writing
Informative, narrative, & opinion D.O.L/Journal Writing Participation grade Drops Given out Monday, due Friday English/Writing

8 Reading Quarters 1 & 3 Quarters 2 & 4 Tier Time – daily (11:30-12:00)
Use the text series Focus on nonfiction Quarters 2 & 4 Novel study The Sign of the Beaver and Number the Stars Tier Time – daily (11:30-12:00) Spelling Review spelling rules Word study (pre-fixes, suffixes, root word) STAR book Needed for every class Reading

9 Math Envision Grading scale Moby Max Logins available upon request.
Tests and Quizzes – 50% Homework – % Moby Max – % Moby Max 50 min. time requirement/week Facts Fluency (25 min.)/Lessons (25 min.) Math

10 Math Moby Max Example: Math: 21 min out of 25, 21/25 = 84% = 8 pts/10
50 min. time requirement/week Facts Fluency (25 min.)/Lessons (25 min.) Example: Math: 21 min out of 25, 21/25 = % = 8 pts/10 FF: 16 min. out of 25, 16/25 = % = 6 pts/10 = 14 pts/20 Math

11 Math

12 Science Physical science, life science, Earth science
Hands-on activities State assessment in the spring Science

13 Religion Frequent quizzes Service hours Diocesan Religion Test
Open note/book Everyone stays in the classroom Service hours 5 – put in agenda Diocesan Religion Test 2nd week of May Religion

14 Social Studies Explorers Native Americans Colonization of America
Founding of our government Social Studies

15 Remind App Text @mrsbirdscl to 81010 to join Mrs. Bird’s class
to to join Mr. Jones’ class Remind App

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