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Environmental Economics ECON 2505 Prof. Sean P. MacDonald 5/24/2017

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1 Environmental Economics ECON 2505 Prof. Sean P. MacDonald 5/24/2017
The Impacts of Climate Change in Tourism Industry and Possible Solutions Qiaoling Jiang Environmental Economics ECON 2505 Prof. Sean P. MacDonald 5/24/2017

2 Climate change: climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer (EPA, n.d)

3 Negative Impacts Possible Reasons
Overuse of natural resources Increased gas emissions Greenhouse effects Temperature Precipitation Rising sea level Changed temperature of ocean World Heritages sites

4 The Problems is Worldwide!!!
Bleaching of reefs in the Great Barrier Reefs in Australia The negative impacts for vital fishing, agriculture industry and tourism industry in Caribbean regions World heritage sites (Africa, Arab world, Asia and Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia) Venice (Sinking, sea level rises)

5 Existing Solutions Tourism and Climate Change– A framework for Work (Australia) This strategy analyzed the potential impacts that caused by climate change. Moreover, it gave some suggestions for government and private organizations to overcome the negative influences that climate change caused Updated climate change policy (The Coastal Conservancy in California) The Coastal Conservancy in California work with other agencies to develop this policy since There are some detailed strategies under this policy, such as rising sea level solution, protection of wetland, and protection of native species Coastal Protection for Climate Change Adaptation (CPCCA) project (Caribbean) The CPCCA project is being implemented by the CCCCC also called the 5Cs, with technical support from IUCN and with €12.9 million in grant funding from the KfW. It seeks to minimise the adverse impacts from climate change by restoring the protective services offered by natural eco-systems like coastal mangrove forests and coral reefs in some areas while restoring and building man-made structures such as groynes and revetments in others.

6 Possible Solutions Realize the severity of climate change
Sustainable Tourism Low carbon transition Renewable energy & energy conservation equipment

7 Work Cited Wigder, D. (2016, June 9). For the tourism industry, there’s no vacation from climate change. Green Biz. Retrieved from Simpson, D. (2014, August 18). Climate change and tourism, what are the implications for tourism from the 5th IPCC report? CABI. Retrieved from etourism/news/24005 Baptiste, N. (2014, April 22). Climate change comes to the Caribbean. Foreign Policy In Focus. Retrieved from N, n. (2008, July). Tourism and climate change---A framework for action. Australian Government Department of resource, energy and tourism. World heritage and tourism in a changing climate (2016). Union of Concerned Scientists. Retrieved from risks#.WSJZHoQrKM8 The coastal conservancy and climate change. (n, d). California State Coastal Conservancy. Retrieved from Agriculture: climate change. (n, d). United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from N,n. (2017, May 10). Climate change adaptation project under discussion in Jamaica. Caribbean New Now. Retrieved from html Breslin, S. (2016, Feb 5). 9 Natural Wonders Destroyed By Climate Change and Tourism. Retrieved from

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