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International Seminar 2017

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1 International Seminar 2017

Origin and Evolution of REDD+ under the UNFCCC Why is REDD+ (Plus)? What is REDD+? Phases of REDD+ UNFCCC - International Guidance on REDD+: Cancun Agreements (Decision 1/CP.16) REDD+ Readiness in the Solomon Islands Background REDD+ Vision Institutional Arrangement Where we are now – Solomon Islands REDD+ Programs & Activities Challenges

3 Introduction Growing concern about environmental issues during 1980s
1992: Rio Earth Summit in Brazil: International United Nations conference Three conventions emerged to address environmental issues: United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) United Nations Convention on Combating Desertification (UNCCD) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) UNFCCC: aimed to bring countries together to limit the impacts of climate change (by lowering human emissions) and adapt to the projected impacts (climate change adaptation, e.g. sea level rises)

4 Origin and Evolution of REDD+ under the UNFCCC
2005: 11th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) in Montreal: Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica introduced the idea of reducing emissions from deforestation - leads to two years of consultation period 2007: 13th COP in Bali: Introduced the idea of developing countries undertaking climate change mitigation activities Introduction of REDD+ in the “Bali Action Plan” 2009: 15th COP in Copenhagen: Technical methodological guidance – Decision 4/CP.15 2010: 16th COP in Cancun Wide-ranging REDD+ guidance adopted – Decision 1/CP.16 2013: 19th COP in Warsaw: Warsaw Framework for REDD+: The most comprehensive package of decisions to date on REDD+ - totaling seven decisions – which almost completes UNFCCC COP guidance on REDD+ 2015: 21st COP in Paris: The Paris Agreement adopted wherein REDD+ recognized under Article 5: This now means that Parties can proceed to implement REDD+ activities in line with the previous COP Decisions as highlighted above

5 Why is REDD+ (Plus)? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognised the contribution of emissions from the forestry sector in developing countries to climate change Research showed that reducing emissions from the forest sector was an opportunity to reduce emissions and increase removals cost-effectively (IPCC, 4AR) This lead to address the forest sector in developing countries as a means to mitigate climate change, informally known as REDD+

6 What is REDD+ (Plus)? Five activities are eligible under the REDD+ in developing countries (para. 70 Decision 1/CP.16): Reducing emissions from deforestation Reducing emissions from forest degradation Conservation of forest carbon stocks Sustainable management of forests Enhancement of forest carbon stocks Countries can focus on activity/ies most relevant to their national circumstances National level (sub-national only as a temporary measure) Voluntary participation by developing countries only REDD +

7 Phases of REDD+ Phase II Phase III Phase I
- Capacity building - Design of National Plans, policies & measures Phase II Implementation of national policies and action plans, demonstration activities Phase III - Positive incentives for verified performance READINESS Choice of REDD+ activities will depend on national circumstances Demonstration activities must be “results-based” – they have to result in positive outcomes The mitigation performance of REDD+ has to be measured and reported by the country, and verified

8 UNFCCC – International Guidance On REDD+: Cancun Agreements (Decision 1/CP.16)
REDD+ activities will be implemented through policy approaches & positive incentives REDD+ should be implemented in three phases Countries that want to participate should develop the following elements: A national strategy or action plan A benefit sharing mechanism A national forest monitoring system (NFMS) A safeguards information system (seven REDD+ safeguards) under Cancun agreements) To ensure protection against negative impacts and strengthen multiple benefits, gender, rights of indigenous people, environmental protection. Forest reference emission levels and forest reference levels – RELs/RLs (performance benchmarks – National Multipurpose Forest Inventory) Countries should address: drivers of D&D, land tenure issues, forest governance issues, gender considerations and REDD+ safeguards

9 REDD+ Readiness in the Solomon Islands
Background Information Comprised of almost 1000 Islands Total Land Area: 28,000km square 90% of Land Covered by Forest (tropical rainforest) 87% of land is under customary owned, 9% is owned by the government 4% private land Population in 2015: About 642,000 80% of the Population lived in rural areas and depend extensively in subsistence farming Average Annual Temperature: between 25ºC– 30ºC Average Annual rainfall: between 2,000mm – 5,000mm

10 Map of Solomon Islands

11 REDD+ Vision – Solomon Islands
“Establish a sustainably managed forest sector that supports rural livelihoods, maintains the quality of the environment, contributes to the socio-economic development of the nation and, through reducing levels of emissions from the forest sector contribute towards global actions to mitigate climate change”.

12 Management Arrangement

13 Where we are now– Solomon Islands
The next steps and process Cabinet approved and endorsed REDD+ Readiness Roadmap and Guidelines Review and Prioritized the REDD+ Roadmap activities. Roadmap Implementation

14 REDD+ Programs & Activities
Support (Funding) MoFR MoFR/Integrating global environment commitments in investment and development decision-making (IGECIDM - GEF) MoFR/MECDM/ IGECIDM - GEF MoFR/MECDM/IGECIDM - GEF MECDM/MoFR/IGECIDM – GEF IGECIDM – GEF IGECIDM – UNDP IGECIDM - GEF Programs REDD+ Policy Development National Biomass Survey and Carbon Inventory Piloting REDD+ Awareness & Consultations Capacity Development towards NFI implementation Development of safeguard Framework Strengthened EIA guidelines (Agriculture/Forestry) Strengthened Organizational REDD+ implementation unit (Recruited new Officers) Formally established National REDD+ committee and focal Points.

15 Challenges New Concept or idea – currently Solomon islands yet to benefit from REDD+ Long term investment before financial return or benefit Driven by resource owners in order to be succeeded Performance based result payment Challenges of land rights, timber rights and carbon rights – how will these be reconciled Capacity Building towards REDD+


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