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Lesson 9.3 Recordkeeping for Businesses

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1 Lesson 9.3 Recordkeeping for Businesses
Goals Differentiate between alternative methods of accounting. Explain the importance of keeping accurate and up-to-date bank, payroll, and tax records. Chapter 9

2 Cash or Accrual Accounting Methods
As a business owner, you will have to choose between two alternative methods of reporting revenue and expenses: ______________ Method The major difference between the cash and accrual accounting methods is the _________ of when transactions are recorded. Chapter 1

3 Cash Method ____________________
revenue is not recorded until cash (or a check) is actually received expenses are not recorded until they are actually paid Example: If your home remodeling business installed windows in October but you did not receive the payment from the customer until December, you would not record the revenue until December. The ________________ statement is prepared using the cash method. Chapter 1

4 Accrual Method ______________________
revenue is recorded when the sale occurs expenses are recorded when you receive the goods or services Example: In the home remodeling business, you would record the revenue in October when you completed the work, not in December Chapter 1

5 Choosing an Accounting Method
Only very __________ businesses use the cash method. The cash method does not report expenses that have been incurred but not yet paid and revenue that has been earned by not yet received. This distorts a company’s ______________ Chapter 1

6 Choosing an Accounting Method
Most small businesses (with sales of less than $5 million a year) are free to adopt either accounting method. However… A business must use the accrual method if: annual sales exceed ___________________ the company stocks inventory that will be sold to the public and has annual sales of over $1 million Chapter 1

7 What is the main difference between the cash and accrual methods of accounting?
Chapter 1

8 Payroll Records payroll
If you have people working for you, you will have to maintain ______________ records. payroll a list of people who receive salary or wage payments from a business Payroll records show: Employee earnings ___________________ (taxes and benefits) Chapter 1

9 Payroll Records You will need to complete a payroll register for every pay period. The register will include the following for each employee: Employee __________________ Number of hours worked Regular and overtime earnings Federal, state, and local ________________ deducted Social Security and Medicare contributions deducted Deductions for benefits Chapter 1

10 Tax Records You will have to make several different kinds of tax payments as a business owner. __________________ taxes Payroll taxes Chapter 1

11 Tax Records Income tax Businesses that earn a profit must pay income tax. ________________ or every three months Prepaid at the beginning of a quarter Estimate taxes If you fail to make payments or you underestimate, you may have to pay a __________________ Chapter 1

12 Tax Records Payroll Taxes and Deductions
deduct taxes from employees ______________ submit taxes to the government unemployment insurance taxes social security and Medicare taxes voluntary _________________ Health or dental insurance Chapter 1

13 Sales Tax Retail businesses are required to charge sales tax on goods or services Sales taxes are based on a _______________ of sales. Varies from state to state Each month you deposit sales tax into a government owned account. Chapter 9

14 What kinds of bank, payroll, and tax records do you have to keep?
Chapter 1

15 9.3 Assessment Answer the Think About It questions on page 270 (#1-3). Type the questions and bold your answers. When you finish, save, upload, print, and turn in all Chapter 9 assessment questions. Chapter 1

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