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The Scientific Method Grade 9 Applied Science.

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1 The Scientific Method Grade 9 Applied Science

2 How to think like a scientist!
We always start with a question about why something is the way it is… i.e. Why is the sky blue? Why is light produced in a light bulb? Why is fire hot? Etc… A scientist will then take their “question” and make a theory about why something is the way it is… Theory- A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. Theory: An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

3 The Scientific Method When a scientist comes up with a theory regarding the way something works, he/she can then begin the process we call the scientific method: The scientific method is the only scientific way accepted to back up a theory or idea. This is the method on which all research projects should be based. The Scientific Method is used by researchers to support or disprove a theory. Remember: most of the time in science, when a theory is tested, it is disproved.

4 The Steps Please follow along on your worksheet and fill in the steps involved in carrying out the scientific method! After we are finished looking at the steps involved, we will try to come up with our own theories and thoughts regarding a couple different demonstrations.

5 Decide what you want to find out. State this as a question.
The Steps Question Decide what you want to find out. State this as a question.

6 Decide what you want to find out. State this as a question.
Hypothesis/Prediction Gather information on the question and predict what you think will happen based on your research.

7 Decide what you want to find out. State this as a question.
Hypothesis/Prediction Gather information on the question and predict what you think will happen based on your research. Procedure Design an experiment which will allow you to test your prediction and gather information.

8 Decide what you want to find out. State this as a question.
Hypothesis/Prediction Gather information on the question and predict what you think will happen based on your research. Procedure Design an experiment which will allow you to tes your prediction and gather information. Observations Measure the data and record your observations. You might wish to use a chart or table.

9 Decide what you want to find out. State this as a question.
Hypothesis/Prediction Gather information on the question and predict what you think will happen based on your research. Procedure Design an experiment which will allow you to tes your prediction and gather information. Observations Measure the data and record your observations. You might wish to use a chart or table. Conclude Based on your observations what did you learn? Think about how you could improve your investigation. If possible, make changes and repeat your investigation.

10 Everyday Scientific Method…
Car Repair Observation Engine won’t turn over. Hypothesis (prediction) Predict battery is dead. Test Replace battery. Observe result Engine now turns over. Revise hypothesis? Not needed. New test? Scientific Theory Cars won’t work without a fully charged battery.

11 Testing the Scientific Method
Question: I wonder what would happen if I put a piece of paper on top of a cup with water in it and tipped it upside down… ?

12 Writing a Hypothesis… Making a Procedure… I think that…
Write what you think is going to happen to the water in the cup. Try to base your hypothesis on some sort of knowledge. It is not just a guess; but an EDUCATED guess! Making a Procedure… What steps do I take to test my hypothesis… These steps have to be completely repeatable, so that someone could walk into the classroom, pick up the instructions and repeat the activity… Like a recipe

13 Observe and Make Changes
When the activity is performed you have to make detailed observations and make a conclusion that relates to your hypothesis…. At this point you can make changes to your experiment to try and get as many different outcomes as possible.

14 Your Job… Your job tonight is to watch an episode of Mythbusters and complete the accompanying worksheet. You should be able to pick out every step of the scientific method while watching the episode.

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