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Memorials and Salutes for Veterans and Caregivers

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Presentation on theme: "Memorials and Salutes for Veterans and Caregivers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Memorials and Salutes for Veterans and Caregivers

2 Introduction We Honor Veterans is a national awareness and action program that was developed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veteran Affairs. The program strives to engage and support community hospice providers in better understanding and addressing Veterans’

3 Purpose of Salutes Recognizes and pays tribute to our Veterans for their service to their nation Encourages Veterans to share their personal experiences and stories Provides an opportunity to be reunited with active duty service personnel Promotes camaraderie among residents living in ALFs, AFCHs and SNFs Facilitates the creation of a legacy

4 Purpose of Memorials Provides an opportunity for family, caregivers and staff to honor and remember Veterans who have died Promotes healing and recovery during the grieving process

5 The Settings At the Veteran’s bedside (salute)
Peaceful setting such as a private park with outdoor pavilion near a lake or pond (memorials and salutes) Facility activity room, fellowship hall, community center or meeting room (memorials and salutes)

6 The Essentials Handicap accessible
Choose a time when parking is readily available Send memorial invitations to family members or caregivers of Veterans who have died in the preceding six months Invitations and programs should communicate a patriotic theme

7 Suggestions for Memorials
Twice a year Spring Fall Military holidays Memorial Day Veterans’ Day Armed Forces Day Pearl Harbor Day Independence Day

8 Suggestions for Salutes
Public salute Schedule for military holiday Send invitation to facility residents, staff and family/caregiver Private salutes at the bedside for individual Veteran Film and give DVD to family Include other Veterans and active military personnel

9 A Special Salute – The Pinning Ceremony
Publicly acknowledges military service and sacrifices Gives the Veteran an opportunity to share part of his or her story Can give a sense of meaning and purpose to the Veteran’s life Add note about working with HVP to get pins

10 Types of Pinning Ceremonies
Planned Impromptu Coordinated to allow family and caregivers to be present Involves family and other significant people in the Veteran’s life May be connected to a military holiday Takes place in homes or healthcare facility where other Veterans are living Planned: A planned ceremony is one coordinated to enable family and staff (as many as possible) to be present for the ceremony. In most cases, the veteran will have shared some of their story and the staff will have insight as to the importance the of veteran’s military service. It is not uncommon for the family to not know these stories. The veteran didn’t talk about their service or role in the military. The chaplain or social worker may have noted a need of the veteran to find meaning and purpose for their life. Having a sense of meaning and purpose becomes more important at the end of life. We all want to know our life and work has value and is of worth. This type of pinning ceremony could be connected to a holiday (Veterans Day, Memorial Day). In many cases, it will take place in some type of facility or unit where a number of veterans reside. It can also take place in a home with a veteran when staff perceives the need is there based upon observations made during the visit. It is just the right time to do the pinning. Thought should be given to family being present or inclusion of other staff. Unexpected or Spontaneous Opportunities You can also thanks veterans in informal or unexpected settings, such when staff visits a patient’s home or facility for an admission or care visit. One’s judgment chooses the right time to do the pinning. While perhaps spontaneous, it is always good to present the pin in front of an audience--even a small one—especially if you can include the patient’s family. It helps to have a small supply of pins with you during visits, since one never knows when an opportunity will present itself.

11 The Pinning Ceremony Have lapel pins made to reflect your organization or purchase bulk pins with a flag motif While pinning the Veteran . . . Acknowledge Veteran’s service Ask Veteran to share stories of service Thank the Veteran “Thank you for the sacrifices you made and your willingness to serve our country.” The Ceremony: This is only a guide or a frame work to help conduct a pinning ceremony. Ms./Mr. Veteran, we are here to acknowledge your service to the nation. Would you be willing to tell us some of what you did in the military? When did you go in, where did you serve, what do you remember most? How long did you serve? Listen to the story, ask questions. Think about videotaping veteran, with his/her permission. Allow family to ask questions and add information. The Pinning: Ms/Mr. Veteran, we want to thank you for your service to our nation. We thank you for the sacrifices you made and your willingness to serve our country. You endured hardships and you were willing to risk your life to maintain freedom. On behalf of (our staff, the VA, ___ hospice) please accept our thanks and our gratitude. When you see this pin, know that your service to the nation is deeply appreciated. We thank you.

12 Recognition Certificates
Recognition Certificates can be found by clicking below: Certificates by Branch

13 Decorations and Setup Arrange head table with a patriotic tablecloth and red, white and blue accessories. For Memorials – an encased tri-fold American flag behind red, white and blue candles. Silk flowers and greenery could be added. Arrange Veterans’ photos and other military memorabilia around flag and candles.

14 Decorations and Setup Additional decorations – red, white and blue buntings or yellow ribbons tied to pavilion pillars and trees. Other decorations may include patriotic place mats and centerpieces set on refreshment tables. A “Missing Man Table” could be set in a prominent place in the room for memorials.

15 The Service Arrange for active duty military personnel to attend Veterans Salutes through Public Information Offices at military bases. Veteran volunteers can assist with escorting guests to their seats, in uniform, if possible.

16 The Service … the beginning
Play patriotic music as guests arrive and sign guest book U.S. Army Band; USA-AWAY; U.S. Air Force Concert Band; USAF; The Vocal Majority Chorus; Freedom’s Song; 800-vmsongs;

17 The Service … program Welcome by Bereavement Services Manager
Posting of Colors (for Salute), enlist VFW Color Guard, JROTC, Cadet Unit, or Boy Scout Troop Invocation by Hospice Team Chaplain

18 The Service … Program Inspirational song (e.g.: “An American Hymn”) played or performed by vocalist and accompanist for Memorial National anthem for Veterans Salute Inspirational reading: Words of reflection by team member

19 The Service …continued
Team nurse or nurse aide reads a litany or remembrance Hand out certificates of recognition with name of Veteran to family members Invite survivors to share a personal reflection or have a Veteran volunteer share personal stories affirming the journey through grief Team nurse or nurse aid reads a litany or remembrance (e.g., A litany from “The Book of Worship for United States Forces, 1974, no 625)

20 The Service …continued
Inspirational song performed (e.g., “Let there be peace”, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”) Team Chaplain performs benediction, offers invitation to fellowship and refreshments Postlude of patriotic music plays in the background

21 Useful Websites Summary of Military Conflicts in U.S. History Veterans History Project Veteran Demographics

22 Useful Websites Small Gifts _4th_flag_bracelets.html Memorial Tree

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