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County Durham, Darlington, Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Sustainability and Transformation Plan “Meeting patient needs now and future.

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1 County Durham, Darlington, Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Sustainability and Transformation Plan “Meeting patient needs now and future proofing for the coming generation with consistently better health and social care delivered in the best place” Our patients tell us that they want to be cared for at, or as close as is possible, to home. The key ambition of our STP is therefore to ensure evidence based transformation is taken forward at pace and scale, cutting across organisational boundaries, to deliver an integrated health and social care system which achieves this aim. To realize this vision, our STP has identified 4 key areas that will be delivered as a priority to support the reduction of the 3 gaps; Rapid progress of implementation of electronic care records and supporting technology – Via the Great North Care Record initiative, we will make information more widely available and accessible to support frontline care, individual self-management, planning and research, enabling professionals and carers to have legitimate access to the right information at the point of need, ensuring our population get better, safer care regardless of setting or organisation. Early intervention and prevention of crisis to reduce unavoidable costs. We will provide a standardised and systematic approach to prevention across health and wellbeing to deliver a reduction in the “health gap” in partnership between all stakeholders and deliver value for money. Improved integration across health and social care with an agreed consistency of standards to reduce variability in patient care and outcomes and improve efficiency. We will provide highly responsive, effective and personalised services outside of hospital for people with urgent but non-life threatening needs These should deliver care in or as close to people’s homes as possible, minimising disruption and inconvenience for patients and their families Reconfigure Hospital based services and deliver improved achievement of quality standards of care across acute and community settings. We will provide planned care in an environment, separate from emergency care, which avoids unnecessary delays and cancellations with increased efficiency to make sure people with more serious or life threatening emergency needs are treated in centres with the very best expertise and facilities in order to reduce risk and maximise their chances of survival and a good recovery By the end of 2016 we aim to have: Completed public engagement work, developed hurdle criteria, formulated clear options from activity, finance and workforce appraisal and undertaken formal public consultation in November 2016. Implemented supporting ‘urgent care vanguard’ services Accelerated delivery of Not in Hospital care through local integrated service models based on shared principles Ensure maintained focus on Reducing Health Inequalities to improve longevity and quality of life Continue to progress MH and LD transformation Form to follow function…aim for a single delivery model for acute and community services by 2021 Begin implementation of Primary Care ‘at scale’ strategy Key challenges: HRW health economy & landscape is very different from other STP partners therefore developing unified plans whilst recognising that one size does not fit all is proving to be very challenging Development of the STP at an accelerated pace vs negative impact on implementing current plans Rapidly building the voluntary sector and community capacity and capability Requirement for extensive public engagement and consultation & production of STP ahead of consultation Full engagement of all partners Organisational development – preparing for change & capacity to work at pace

2 County Durham, Darlington, Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Sustainability and Transformation Plan 2016/7 Continued public engagement Implemented supporting ‘urgent care vanguard’ services Not in Hospital care Ensure maintained focus on reducing health inequalities Continue to progress MH and LD transformation Begin implementation of Primary Care ‘at scale’ strategy Challenges HRW is different, but it’s the right thing for our patients! Accelerated STP v impact on local plans Community and voluntary sector capacity Extensive engagement and consultation Partnership working Capacity to work and deliver at pace STP Priorities “Meeting patient needs now and future proofing for the coming generation with consistently better health and social care delivered in the best place”

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