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An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

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Presentation on theme: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"— Presentation transcript:

1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

2 What do you think is the most important thing in our life?
FREE TALK 七嘴八舌  What do you think is the most important thing in our life?

3 car house money Health job/work friendship family love

4 Unit 3 A Healthy Life Warming up & Reading

5 choose a picture for your group
b c d

6 to up to over over to to decide away like of 短语 1.due ________ 由于……
2.give ________ 放弃,戒掉 3.become addicted ________ 对……有瘾 4.________ and ________ again 再三地,反复地 5.become accustomed ________ 习惯于…… damage ________ 伤害,损伤 7.________ on 对……做出决定 8.throw ________ 扔掉,抛弃 9.feel ________ (doing) 想要(做)…… 10.instead ________ 代替,而不是 to  up  to  over  over to  to  decide away  like  of 

7 Looking at the following pictures. 1. What are they doing?
Pre-reading Looking at the following pictures. 1. What are they doing? 2. Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?

8 singing Healthy

9 Playing basketball Healthy

10 Doing Taiji Healthy

11 Dancing Healthy

12 Doing physical exercise

13 What kind of person can be regarded as a healthy person?

14 suffer from obesity malnourished

15 be sentenced to Is he a healthy person? He is mentally ill.
He will be sentenced to prison or even death.

16 cancer desperate a disease in ______ a disease in____ mind body

17 What’s a healthy person?
A truly healthy person should be healthy in both _____ and ______. body mind

18 What lead to an unhealthy life?

19 Drinking alcohol be addicted to

20 Unhealthy diet eat junk food overeat

21 Taking drug be addicted to

22 Stress

23 smoking be addicted to

24 What health issues concern young people the most?
Cigarette smoking Stress Drinking alcohol Drug abuse Unhealthy Diet ……

25 Pre-reading

26 How many texts does the reading text consist of?
Two texts. an Internet page a letter

27 Skimming for the structure
Who wrote the letter? James’ grandad. To whom? James. Part 1 (P.18) Reading Part 2 (P.19) A page on the Internet: about some ______ on how to quit________. advice smoking

28 Main idea ______________wrote to ______ to give him some _______
on ____________________. James’ grandad James advice how to quit smoking

29 Find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Skimming the letter Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para1: Para2: Para3: Para4: Para5: the harmful effects of smoking James’ grandad’s advice and hope James’ grandad’s healthy life the real reason for the letter the causes of becoming addicted

30 ☆ Part One ☆ Jame’s grandad’s recent life Scanning para1 It seemed amazing that he was still __________ _______________________________even though he would be ____ years old. fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon 82 long He lives a ________ and ________ life. / He lives a ____________ life. active healthy

31 ☆ Part One ☆ F F T 1.What was James’ problem?
the real reason for the letter para2 1.What was James’ problem? James started ___________ and found it __________________. smoking difficult to give it up True or false 2. James is finding it easy to quit smoking. 3. James’ grandad never became addicted to cigarettes. 4. James’ grandad wants to tell James that it is easy to begin smoking and difficult to stop. F difficult to quit smoking He became addicted to cigarettes during adolescence. F T

32 Three ways of addiction
☆ Part One ☆ para3 Three ways of addiction The ways to become addicted to cigarettes: (1) You can become ___________________________ physically addicted to nicotine; withdrawal symptoms: (断瘾症状) bad-tempered & painful ______________________ addicted through habit; (2) You can also become _____________________ You will smoke ____________ if smoking becomes a habit. automatically (3) You can become _________________ mentally addicted. You believe you are _______, ___________ after smoking and only feel_____ when smoking. happier more relaxed good

33 What are the harmful effects of smoking?
☆ Part One ☆ The harmful effects of smoking para4 What are the harmful effects of smoking? Who /What is affected by smoking?

34 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

35 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

36 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

37 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

38 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

39 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

40 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects

41 He hoped that the advice could help James to smoking and his resolve.
☆ Part One ☆ para5 James’ grandad’s hope What’s James’ grandad’s hope? He hoped that the advice could help James to smoking and his resolve. stop strengthen determination

42 do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples
Who/what is effected smokers do damage to their heart and lungs smoking couples be more difficult to become pregnant babies be smaller or even be abnormal non-smokers Health is also affected breath & clothes smell terrible fingers become yellow sporting Smokers breathless quickly harmful effects Summing up: Smoking is harmful to all of us. So we should advise others to stop smoking.

43 Reading Careful reading What are the suggestions of stopping smoking? (Read aloud the Internet page)

44 The suggestions of stopping smoking
1. Prepare yourself. ____ ____ a day to quit. 2. Be determined. When you ____ ____ smoking, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 3. Break the habit. ____ ____ smoking a cigarette, do something else. 4. Relax. If you feel nervous, do not ____ ____ a cigarette. Do some relaxation exercises. 5. Get help if you need it. If you feel ________, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist. 6. Keep trying. Do not be ___________. Do not feel ___________. Just try again. Decide on feel like Instead of reach for desperate disappointed ashamed

45 Futher Reading for Lucky Time stand up as soon as you can to answer questions

46 1. From the passage, we can learn James’
grandad has the following characteristics EXCEPT________. A. determined B. energetic C. thoughtful D. out-of-date

47 2.The reason why Grandad quitted smoking
were the follwing EXCEPT that_____. his girlfriend didn’t like his bad smell he had to leave the football team he noticed that he became breathless his parents asked him to stop smoking

48 3. In what way did the old man try to
persuade his grandson to give up smoking? A. Using scientific theory B. His failure in love C. His sports activity D. His own experience

49 4. The first two sentences of the letter show that James’ grandad ______.
lives a healthy life is tired when returning from a long bike trip likes sitting in the garden has nothing to do at home

50 5. What can we know from the passage?
Quitting smoking is very easy. James managed to give up smoking finally. It is difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination. James’ grandad lives a healthy and active life because he didn’t become addicted to cigarettes during adolescence.

51 6. According to the letter, James’ grandad ______.
is lonely didn’t give up smoking used to be a member of the school football team gave James some good advice that he thought of

52 7. What kind of person do you think Jame’s grandfather is? (4 stars)
He is fit and healthy He leads an active life He is caring and loves his grandson He is strict with his grandson He reads the Internet and is knowledgeable He also smokes and becomes addicted to cigarettes now.

53 8.What problems will babies of pregnant women smokers have ?
They may have a __________________ or even be _________in some way. smaller birth weight abnormal

54 9.What withdral symptoms may smokers
get when drug leaves their body? They may feel ____________ and sometimes even _____________. bad-tempered in pain

55 10.If you want to quit smoking, can
you choose a day of an exam? Why? No. Because it will be stressful.

56 11. How can I stop smoking? ______________ (5 stars) Prepare yourself
Be determined Break the habit Relax Get help if you need it Keep trying

57 Summary James’ grandfather wrote to help James __________smoking. James’ grandfather once became ____________________to cigarettes in three ways. His body was ___________to having nicotine. He began to do it automatically and became ___________ (mental) addicted. But he finally managed to stop when realizing the_______________effects of it. quit addicted accustomed mentally harmful

58 He also told James that smoking did damage to heart and _______and it
was more difficult for smoking couples to become _______________________. So he gave James some advice and encouraged him not to be _____________ (disappoint). lungs pregnant disappointed

59 Choose a day that is not _______ to quit smoking.
Make a list of all the _______ you will get from stopping smoking. __________ all your cigarettes. ______ the list of benefits when you feel like smoking. Develop some other habits to keep yourself ____. If you feel nervous or stressed, try some ________ exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a ______ or join a group. If necessary, ask a doctor or _______ for help. The most important is to keep ______. Don’t feel ________ if you have a cigarette again. Just _____ again. __________ he kept trying, he would succeed eventually. stressful benefits Throw away Reread busy relaxation friend chemist trying ashamed try If

60 Assignment Write a letter to whoever has become addicted to smoking

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