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Room and Auditorium Acoustics

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Presentation on theme: "Room and Auditorium Acoustics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Room and Auditorium Acoustics
Criteria in Acoustical Design Problems in Acoustical Design Control of Reverberation Time Design of Auditoriums Home Listening Rooms

2 Paths of sound in room

3 Intensity vs. time for pulse

4 Average Intensity vs. Time
for a constant tone

5 Ideal Reverberation Times

6 Acoustical Characteristics
Liveness Intimacy Fullness Clarity Warmth Brilliance Texture Blend Ensemble

7 Liveness Measure of reverberation time Good or bad?

8 Intimacy Room said to be “intimate” when the
first reverberation arrives within 20 ms of the direct sound. Good or bad?

9 Fullness vs. Clarity Refers to the amount of
reflected sound relative to the amount of direct sound Good or bad?

10 increasing TR for low frequencies
Warmth vs. Brilliance Warmth increases with increasing TR for low frequencies

11 Texture “Good texture” when at least five reflections arrive within
60ms of direct sound

12 Blend and Ensemble Ability to hear the entire performing group
on the stage (ensemble) and in the audience (blend)

13 Acoustical Design Problems
Focusing of sound Echoes Shadows Resonances External noise Double-valued TR

14 Focusing of Sound Occurs with use of parabolic surfaces
either behind performers or at rear of auditorium

15 Echoes Highly reflective flat or parabolic wall shapes
Flutter echos from parallel walls Standing waves between parallel walls

16 Resonances Parallel walls Rectangular practice rooms
Singing in the shower

17 Practice rooms and concert halls
External noise Box within a box construction Practice rooms and concert halls in adjacent areas

18 Double-valued TR Playback room with reverberation
Concert halls with side areas

19 Auditorium Design

20 General Design Considerations
Visual Ventilation Acoustical a. seating b. stage c. room shape d. room walls

21 Control of TR TR = 0.050 V / A Where:
TR = reverberation time in second V = room volume in cubic feet A = total room absorption in sabins

22 TR Calculation TR = 0.050 V/A A = a1A1 + a2A2 + a3A3 + a4A4 + …
An is one section of absorbent area an is absorption coefficient TR = V/A

23 Some Absorption Coefficients
Frequency (Hz) Material Concrete/brick Glass Plasterboard Plywood Carpet Curtains Acoustical board

24 Absorptions (in sabins)
Frequency (Hz) Material Unupholstered seat Upholstered seat Adult person Adult/upholstered seat

25 Dekelbaum Concert Hall at the U MD Smith Center

26 Dekelbaum Concert Hall (front)

27 Dekelbaum Concert Hall (rear)

28 Dekelbaum Concert Hall (top)

29 U MD Tawes Recital Hall

30 Microphone configuration in concert hall

31 Loudspeaker configuration in home listening rooms

32 The End

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