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College Readiness Continued

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1 College Readiness Continued

2 Where to apply? Public vs. Private Public
Accommodate residents of the state Cost Proximity to home Comprehensiveness (career training as wells as liberal arts) Can be easier to get into School Spirit

3 Where to Apply? Private Prestige Factor
Class size & Student/ Teacher Ratio Emphasis of curriculum Networking Value

4 Differences to consider
Size Differences Curriculum differences Church affiliation Unique programs or academic calendars Cost vs. Best Environment for a student (The Match)

5 The Applications Texas Common Application –Texas Public
The Common Application – Most Private Schools

6 Applications Start in September of your senior year.
Have a spreadsheet with deadlines, required documents, etc… for each of your college choices. Set personal goals for certain parts of the application process. (General info by???, essay done by ???, etc…) A good date to shoot for total completion is December 1st. Fill it out on paper first to know what you are going to need and then fill it in online. Interview?

7 College Essays Apply Texas – Describe a setting in which you have collaborated or interacted with people whose experiences and/or beliefs differ from yours. Address your initial feelings, and how those feelings were or were not changed by this experience. Apply Texas -Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and resources you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so, how?

8 College Essays Apply Texas – Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals.

9 College Essays – The Common App

10 College Essays Provide NEW information!!!!!!!
Write about something you KNOW!!! Narrow your focus Avoid gimmicks Consider your audience – Who is reading your essay? Keep it real. Be yourself Ask parents for help (Parents – YOU CANNOT WRITE THIS FOR THEM!!!) Stick to the past 2 – 4 years of your life Read sample essays Consider how your education will fit your needs and lead you to a fulfilling life? Not just for a career. Don’t “Thesaurize” your essay

11 ACT and SAT Please see my web site.

12 Scholarships and Financial Aid Packages
Scholarships – Money that does not have to be paid back. Make sure to inquire about all institution awards you can apply for and the ones that receive automatic consideration upon admission. Apply for all you meet the requirements for. Begin scholarship apps when you begin apps for admission.

13 Scholarships
Others on my website Local competitions Athletic Scholarships? – D1, D2, D3 Don’t reuse essays at the same school even if the topics are similar!

14 Financial Aid Financial Aid helps to fill the gaps left by lack of scholarship dollars. Everyone should apply for FA. (Yes, even if you make “Too much money.”) Types of financial aid Don’t pay back Grants Work Study Pay Back Loans Subsidized – Interest doesn’t accrue until 6 weeks after graduation Unsubsidized – Interest accrues once you use the funds

15 Financial Aid Reported to you in the form of the SAR
Student Aid Report The only way to get a student aid report is to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Free to apply for all US citizens or permanent residents. Does not take scholarship money into consideration. Awards given based on level of need.

16 FAFSA Request your official FSA ID in the fall of your senior year (parents too). Apply after January of your Senior year using your most recent taxes. You can use last years taxes but will have to make corrections before you can receive funds. Help you make your college decision by adding: Scholarships + Grants + Work Study + Loans

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