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Spanish 1&2 Week 25.

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1 Spanish 1&2 Week 25

2 Lunes el seis de febrero
Spanish 1: Write 10 activities that people have to do in this way: I have to …. We have to … She has to …. He has to … They have to ….. You have to……. Yo tengo que cortar el césped. Help Sheet conjugate Tener page 58 Person + tener + que + infinitive chore Play Quizlet for tener + que and prepositions

3 lunes el seis de febrero write the following into your
Notes Spanish 2 : write the direct object pronoun equivalents singular plural me= us= you informal= you informal= you formal, him, it= you, them masculine= you formal, her, it= you, them feminine= Spanish 2: play direct object pronoun Quizlet vmercado72

4 Spanish 2 Notes Pronouns=replaces a noun Noun= person, place or thing Kawanza=She Subject pronouns=I , he ,she ,we, they, it They initiate the action(verb) Object pronouns=me, her, him, us, them, it Direct objects answer the question Who or What Indirect object pronouns answer the question For Whom or For What

5 martes el siete de febrero
Spanish 1&2 translate the following: Stand to the right of your desk. Stand to the left of your desk. Stand behind your desk. Stand in front of your desk. Sit on top of your desk. Stand on your chair. Spanish 1: Students will take the preposition test Spanish 2: Students play indirect object Quizlet.

6 Párate a la derecho de tú escritorio.
Párate a la izquierda de tú escritorio. Párate detras de tú escritorio. Párate en frente de tú escritorio. Siéntate encima de tú escritorio. Párate en tú silla. Indirect object pronouns page 106

7 Spanish 2 on the test you can have a help sheet with the direct object chart on page 98 and the indirect object chart on page 106 Tell whether the following are masculine or feminine Dedos m p agua s m juego carro caja rodilla Galletas Puerta

8 Indirect object pronouns
He bought a gift for her. DO = answers who or what IO= answers for whom or for what The word that follows the subject is the indirect object She bought shoes. Ella compró zapatos. Los______ compró en el mol. A vosotros ____ gusta mirar television.____ miramos en la sala.

9 miercoles el ocho de febrero
Watch youtube video on The Dominican Republic = the Dominica Republic Spanish 1&2 : Write 10 facts about the DR Spanish 2: Student’s will take the direct objects test

10 Spanish 1&2 Make up test ticket to test
If you wish to make up your preposition test or your Direct object / Indirect object Test you have to make a set of flash cards with pictures and have your parent or guardian sign off on the fact that they quizzed you.

11 Miercoles el ocho de febrero
Spanish 1: write the following into your notes hay + noun = there is/ are no hay + noun= there is not/ are not Write 10 questions and responses in the following format. ¿ Hay pan? Si, hay. ¿ Hay mantequilla? No, no hay ¿ Hay helado? ¿ Hay leche? ¿ Hay papel? ¿ Hay ? ¿?áéíóú

12 jueves el nueve de febrero Lab day
Spanish 1&2 Fans on-line due counts as a summative One note assignments due Students will begin unit three Fans On-line

13 Viernes el diez de febrero watch the youtube video about Cuba
Write 10 facts about Cuba Spanish 1: using your notes on hay + noun = there is/ are and no hay + noun= there is not/ are not Students will write 10 sentences using no hay……. pero si hay….. No hay pollo pero si hay jamón

14 viernes el diez de febrero
Spanish 2: write a sentence with each of the demonstratives in the chart on page 128 (15) Write them in Spanish and English. Then make a Quizlet.

15 Viernes el diez de febrero

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