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Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
Subject Choice 2017 Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Ms Denise Lyons Guidance Counsellor
3 Core subjects: Irish, English, Maths 4 option subjects: Choose subjects in order of preference plus 2 reserve subjects LVCP( Pendant on Subject Combination)
Pick subjects that are best for you- not because of friends. Pick subjects that are relevant to your choice of career. No subjects are specifically designed for boys or girls. Keep options open when selecting. If unsure of career choice – select one subject from a broad balanced range of subjects. If sure, select subjects which are specific to career choice. There should be continuity from Junior Certificate to Senior Certificate. Check out subject requirements for 3rd level.
Remaining subjects should be selected from those which will maximize students’ points and in which students have an interest. Students should enjoy and participate fully in the subjects they have chosen. Speak to subject teachers who will explain about course structure and content. Talk to fellow senior students- borrow some notes and textbooks to see what lies ahead! Research subjects on line using
APPLICATION THROUGH CAO: Four main categories for entry purposes: 1. Minimum entry requirements Matriculation: L8 TCD, UL, DCU, IoT’s: 2 H5& 4 O6/H7 including Maths, Irish, English NUI’s :UCC, UCD, NUIG, MU, Milltown Institute, R.C.S.I., St. Angela’s Sligo. 2 H5& 4 O6/H7 including Maths, Irish, English and ThirdLanguage* IOT’s: L6 5 O6/H7 2. Specific course requirements college faculties and courses require specific grades in subjects that they feel are most relevant to their particular course. 3. Points system Where demand exceeds the number of places on a course, most colleges operate a points system. 4. Aptitude test/ other entry criteria Restricted application courses require applicants in addition to Leaving Cert results to present for aptitude test, audition and interview.
New Common Points Scale for entry to Higher Education from 2017
Changes to the LC grading system Higher Level Grade Ordinary Level Grade H1 (90-100) O1 (90-100) H2 (80 < 90) O2 (80 < 90) H3 (70 < 80) O3 (70 < 80) H4 (60 < 70) O4 (60 < 70) H5 (50 < 60) O5 (50 < 60) H6 (40 < 50) O6 (40 < 50) H7 (30 < 40) O7 (30 < 40) H8 (0 < 30) O8 (0 < 30)
Changes to the Common Points Scale
The HEIs developed a new common points scale, aiming to minimize the need for random selection. Higher Level Grade Points Ordinary Level Grade Points H H2 88 H3 77 H4 66 H O1 56 H O2 46 H O3 37 H8 0 O O5 20 07 0 08 0
New common points scale
Points for H7 HEIs considered the level of achievement represented by H7 and it was decided that points would be awarded for this grade. It was noted that accepting an OD3/O6 (for entry requirements and points) but rejecting a H7 grade was not reflecting the level of achievement represented by a HE/H7. In addition, it is hoped that this will encourage the take-up of higher level curricula in senior cycle and reduce the risk in taking higher level examinations. The points awarded to a pre-2017 HE is less ( i.e. 33 points ) to reflect the different scale of HE ( 25 < 40 %) to H7 ( 30 < 40 % )
Changes to the Common Points Scale
Maths Bonus Points 25 bonus points will continue to be awarded for Higher Level Mathematics for H6 grades and above. For example, if an applicant receives a H6 grade, an additional 25 points will be added to the 46 points already awarded for a H6 grade i.e. Higher Level Mathematics now carries a points score of 71 for this applicant. Foundation Level Mathematics Universities do not award points for foundation level. IOT’s may award F1 20: F2 12* check wit h each HEI Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme LCVP Grade Revised LCVP Points Distinction 66 Merit 46 Pass 28
CORE GROUP IRISH Required for all N.U.I. Universities, Nursing at N.U.I. Universities, Gardai O6/H7 Civil Service, Army. H NUIG: Gaeilge agus Leann an Aistriuchain. UCC: Law and Gaeilge H4: DCU: Gno agus Gaeilge; Gaeilge agus Iriseoireacht NUIG: Na Dana Cumarsaid/ Riarachan Gno. NUIG: Commerece (Gaeilge) H5 S.P.C.T: Education, Irish and Religion. WIT: Business with Irish. Needed for all Primary Ed Courses. Can be used to satisfy the modern language requirement for entry to T.C.D., U.L. and D.C.U. Course: Higher/ Ordinary Level: 40% Oral/ 10% Aural/ 50 % Written- 2 papers Foundation course: 40% Oral 20% Aural Written 40%- 1 paper
ENGLISH Essential for everything including all Uni’s, I.T.’s and all job areas. H4 UL: Journalism and New Media DCU: Journalism, Communications, Media Studies DIT: Language and English studies; Film and Broadcasting, Contemporary Visual Culture , Creative Industries TCD: Clinical Speech, English/ English Studies, Deaf Studies DIADT: English, Media & Cultural studies O1/H5 Dundalk IT: Public Relations Gardai: O6/ H7 The Institutes of Technology, D.C.U., U.L., T.C.D will accept English and or Irish for entry purposes. Leaving Certificate Exam: Higher/ Ordinary- two papers
MATHS Needed for everything including Universities, I.T.S., Apprenticeships, Nursing and Gardaí (O6/ H7) H2: UCD: Actuarial and Financial Studies DCU: Data Science MU: Theoretical Physics and Mathematics H3: DCU: Actuary Studies TCD: Theoretical Physics, Mathematics H4: TCD: Computer Science, Chemistry and Molecular Modelling, Nanoscience O2/H4, Computer Science and Business O2/ H4, Mgt Sc and Info systems H4 UL: Financial Maths/ Maths Sciences/ Maths and Physics UCD: Quantitative Business H4: Needed for all Level 8 Engineering Courses (exception CIT O1/H6 CR500) H5 NUIG: Maths Education O1/ H5, Mathematical Science O1/ H5, Financial Maths O1/ H5 DKIT: Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical H6: NUIG: Comp Sc and Project and Cons Mgt O2/ H6
MATHS Higher Maths can be substituted for a second science subject in T.C.D. Project Maths: : Two Papers in Exams Bonus Points for Higher Maths: 25 Bonus points will be allocated to students who achieve a grade H6 or above in HL Maths. H1 = 125 H2= 113 H3= 102 H4= 91 H5= 81 H6= 71 .
AIT: Design, Social Care, Childcare Supervisory Mgt, Society and Communications ALL HALLOWS: All courses CARLOW COLLEGE: All courses CARLOW IT: Early Childcare Ed, Social Studies, Social and Community Courses, Art, Media and PR, Sport and Exercise CORK IT: Music, Art, Drama, Early Childhood Ed, Visual Comm., Culinary/ Hospitality Studies, Bar Supervision. UCC: Arts, Social Science, Early Childhood Studies, Drama, P.E., Law, Applied Psychology, Music. DUNDALK IT: All L6/L7 courses except engineering courses. DBS: Film Literature and Drama, Arts, Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. DCU: Gno agus Gaeilge DIT: Planning and Enviro Studies, Film and Broadcasting, Visual Communications, Fine Art, Journalism, Creative Industries, Visual Merchandising and Display DLIADT: Animation, Design, English and Media, Photography, Film and TV Production GRIFFITH COLLEGE: Law, Journalism, Photographic Media IT TALLAGHT: All course except Engineering
ITB All Courses except Engineering and Computing Courses
IBT: All Courses MATER DEI: All courses MILLTOWN INSTITUTE: All courses NCAD: Core Art Course TCD: Arts/ Social Courses UCD: Law, Arts courses GMIT: All courses except Construction, Engineering, Nursing Courses. NUIG: Arts courses, Civil Law LETTERKENNY IT: All Level 6/7 courses except Construction, Engineering and Nursing LIT: Law and Taxation, Art, Business and Social Studies MARY I: BA in Early Childhood Studies UL: Arts courses, PE, Architecture, Sport and Exercise Science, Physiotherapy MU: Arts courses, Law PONTIFICAL,MAYNOOTH: All courses ST PATRICKS, THURLES: All courses SLIGO IT: FB2 for all courses except Construction, Engineering ST ANGELA’S SLIGO: Health and Disability Studies. TRALEE IT: Early Childcare Studies, Performing Arts, Folk Studies, L6 courses in Business and Science WIT: Culinary Arts, Hospitality Studies, Business Tourism Universities do not award points for Foundation Level, the IOT’s may award F1 20: F2 12
FRENCH Useful subject for many careers including Translations, Teaching, International Relations, Law, Tourism, Journalism, etc. Needed for UCC, UCD, NUIG, NUIM, Milltown Institute, R.C.S.I., St. Angela’s Sligo, Shannon College of Hotel and Catering and for the Cadetships in the Army and the Air Corps. Arts/ Law/ Languages/ Business/ Health Care/ Medicine/ Psychology/ Social Science/ Veterinary Medicine courses at the NUI Colleges all require language at LC Level. H3/H4: Specific entry requirement if taking a Language to Degree Level. H4: Speech and Language Therapy (UCC)
A continental language is Not needed for T.C.D.,U.L.,D.C.U.,D.I.T., and all the Institutes of Technology- unless the course includes the study of a language. However student’s must then present Irish at O6 level to satisfy the language requirement for TCD, UL and DCU. Nurse training does not require a language for entry. Primary teacher training colleges do not require a language for entry NCAD will accept Art or Language as a requirement. UCD, UCC, NUIG, M U have removed the language requirement for Engineering and Science courses * NEW Jan 2017: MU now only requires a third language for their Arts Faculty LC French : Oral 25% Aural 20% Written exam 55%
Construction Studies Ideal subject for students considering Apprenticeships, Architecture, Construction professions or Engineering Courses. Suitable for students who are practical, enjoy making and designing things Satisfies Specific Entry Requirements for the following colleges/ courses: H4 DIT: Architectural Technology, NCAD: Product design H5 GMIT: Design and Technology Education O4/ H7 UL: Aircraft Maintenance, Technology Mgt,,Product Design and Technology, Construction Management and Engineering, Materials Technology and Architectural/ Engineering Education Construction St.: Higher Level: 25% project 25% practical exam 50% written exam Ordinary Level:30% project 30% practical exam 40% written exam.
Design Communications Graphics
Ideal subject for careers in Technology, Computer Science, Architecture, Product Design, Engineering etc. Satisfies Specific Entry Requirement for the following colleges/ courses: H4 DIT: Physics Technology, Science with Nanoscience, Physics with Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Science, Architectural Technology GMIT: Design and Technology Education O4 NCAD: Product Design O6/ H7 Griffith C: Interior Design, Fashion Design, Interior Architecture MU: Product Design UL: All Science and Engineering courses except Maths/ Physics, Physiotherapy, Nursing DCG Syllabus: 40% Design based project with emphasis on use of CAD and Technology 60% 3 Hr Geometry Drawing Exam
Engineering Ideal subject for careers in Engineering, Mechanical trades, Aircraft Technician, Technology based careers etc. Suitable for subjects who are practical, enjoy making and designing things from metal Satisfies specific entry requirement for the following colleges/ courses: H4 DIT: Physics with Energy and Environment, Physics with Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Physics Technology, Science with Nanoscience, Clinical Measurement O6/H7 MU: Product Design UL: All Science and Engineering courses except Nursing, Physiotherapy, Sport and Exercise Science. Engineering: Higher/ Ordinary Level: Project: 25% Practical 25% Written 50%
Accounting Accounting involves book-keeping which is the making of records but it is concerned with the use these records are put to, their analysis and interpretation. Accounting is useful for any business based career including Accountancy, Banking, Financial Services, Management etc.,. Often combined with Law, can be taken as a single subject degree or as a specialism within Business/Commerce courses. NUIG: Accountancy H4 LC Accountancy syllabus: 100% exam
Business Business is concerned with how organizations are formed, financed and run. It is an ideal subject for entry into any business course. Business Courses at third level are often taken with Computer Studies, Language Studies, Law and Technology/ Engineering, International Business Useful for such careers as Sales, Marketing, HRM, Advertising, Corporate law, Insurance etc. LC Business Syllabus: Theory based 100% exam
Geography Geography is concerned with the interrelationships between human activities and the physical environment. Very useful for careers in Environmental Planning, Town Planning, Civil Engineering, Development work, Conservation, Teaching etc. Usually studied through Art Faculties in the 7 Universities (language requirement in NUI Colleges), GMIT, Mary I, St Patrick’s College but can be studied through science at TCD. H4 T.C.D: Geography is accepted as a Science Subject for the following courses: Earth Sciences, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacy, Science LC Geography: 20% Field Report: 80% exam
Social Group Home Economics (Social and Scientific)
Ideal subject for students considering careers in Hotel and Catering, Dietetics, Child Care, Nursing, Social Studies, Food Industry, Fashion Design etc. Leaving Certificate Exam: Journal 20% Written Exam 80% Teacher Training Courses at St. Angela’s Sligo have a language requirement (O6) for entry purposes and a Lab Science subject(O6) if taking Biology as an elective, otherwise O6/H7 in Home Economics
Art/Craft and Design Important for entry into Art Colleges where Portfolios are required. Useful for Art and Design Based work, Architecture, Graphic Design, Art Administration, etc. A Portfolio is required for the following courses: AIT: Graphic Design Carlow IT: Art CIT: Fine Art and Ceramics, Visual Communications DIT: Photography, Design- Visual Merchandising and Display DLIADT: All Art based courses NCAD All Courses except Visual Cultures Griffith: Fashion Design, Interior Design Interior Architecture(O6) LIT: Art and Design, Design, Game Art and Design, Digital Animation Sligo IT: Fine Art Art is a specific requirement for: Graphic Design (Letterkenny IT- O6), Visual Arts (WIT- O6). NEW Course 2018: LC H/O 37.5% Art History written exam: 62.5% practical Practical: Divided into two projects and one art practical exam Design or Craft: Project completed over 10 weeks Imaginative Composition or Still Life: Project completed over 10 weeks Life Drawing: Art practical exam May/ LC2
Music Students must be able to read music and have the ability to play a musical instrument or sing. Junior Certificate music is not necessary to study music at Leaving Certificate. However it is recommended that students take a music lesson outside of school in their chosen instrument outside of school H4/ equivalent: DCU Post Primary Teaching H5 or equivalent is required for Music at MU while CIT, UCC,DIT, Mater Dei, TCD and WIT require all intending students to take an Entrance Exam. LC Music Syllabus: 50% practical ( 50% playing instrument or singing: or 25% technology/ 25% playing instrument or singing 50% exam
SCIENCE GROUP For certain areas and courses you need a science subject. Should you apply to Engineering, Medical, Paramedical, or science areas at Universities, you will need to have a pass in at least one lab science subject. You also need to have a science subject for nursing. Two science subjects are required for: T.C.D.- Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dental Science, Human Genetics, Human Health and Disease U.C.C.- Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy No science subject required L6/L7 science or engineering courses at Institutes of Technology. Arts, Business Studies, Social Science, Law etc. at Universities does not require a science subject at Leaving Certificate.
BIOLOGY Important for Health related careers, Nursing, Medical, Paramedical Careers, Veterinary Nursing and Home Economics teaching if Biology is chosen as an elective. Industrial careers including Biotechnology, Biomedical, Food Industry, Environmental science etc. H4 is a specific requirement for Human Health and Disease (TCD) Biology through Arts (MU) Genetics (UCC) LC Biology Syllabus: 100% exam Experiments must be written up as part of coursework
CHEMISTRY Important for a wide range of career options within the scientific field ranging from Environmental Science, Food Science, Pharmaceutical and Med Lab Science. Necessary for Healthcare Professions including Medicine, Nutritional science, Dentistry. H4 is a specific requirement for the following courses: Human Nutrition and Dietetics (D.I.T.) Pharmacy (T.C.D) Medicine/ Dentistry/ Pharmacy (U.C.C.) H5: Veterinary Medicine (U.C.D.) LC Chemistry syllabus: 100% exam Experiments must be written up as part of coursework
Physics Physics is of key importance in Technology and extremely useful for Engineering which has a high physics content. Physics is a Specific requirement for the following course: Theoretical Physics H3(T.C.D.) Some Paramedical Careers involve the study of Physics e.g. Clinical Measurement, Radiography, Physiotherapy. LC Physics syllabus: 100% exam Experiments must be written up as part of coursework
Agricultural Science Useful for Agricultural Science, Bio systems Engineering, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Food Science, Forestry, Horticulture, etc. Satisfies the Lab- Science Entry Requirement for most Third Level Science/ Engineering/ Technology/ Nursing courses. However there are some exceptions: UCC: Dentistry, Pharmacy, Medicine DIT: Forensics, Biomedical Science, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Chemical Science and Medicinal Chemistry TCD: Theoretical Physics, Radiation therapy, Chemistry with Molecular Modelling, Nanoscience UL: Physics LC Ag Science syllabus: 25% project: 75% exam
An enhanced Leaving Certificate. Requirements for the LCVP are as follows: LCVP students must take a minimum of five Leaving Cert subjects including Irish Two of the above must be selected from one of the designated Vocational Subject Groupings Must study two Link Modules, namely Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education Students are required to follow a recognised course in a Modern European Language( other than Irish or English).
In order to qualify for LCVP, a student must have two linked subject combinations: Construction Studies (C.S) or Engineering (ENG) or DCG (any two) Physics and C.S or ENG Ag Science and C.S or ENG Ag Science and Chemistry or Physics Home Economics and Ag Science or Biology Home Economics and Art Accounting and Business Physics and Chemistry Biology and Chemistry or Physics
ENG and Business or Accountancy C.S. and Business or Accountancy Home Economics and Business or Accountancy Agricultural Science and Business or Accountancy Art and Business or Accountancy Music and Business or Accountancy
Assessment for LCVP At a common level Takes two forms:
Portfolio of Coursework(60%) Terminal Examination Paper (40%) Points awarded for H.E.I. 66 Distinction 46 Merit 28 Pass
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