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Introduction to NEQMAP and the workshop

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1 Introduction to NEQMAP and the workshop
Ramya Vivekanandan, UNESCO Bangkok

2 What is NEQMAP? Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific Launched March 2013 Secretariat at UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (UNESCO Bangkok) Funding from Global Partnership for Education (GRA programme) and Government of Malaysia, we well as UNESCO Regular Budget

3 Who is NEQMAP? North East Asia (4) Hong Kong, China HKEAA
HKPISA Centre Japan GSE, U of Tokyo Republic of Korea KICE As of November 2016, NEQMAP has 41 members. Central Asia (5) Mongolia EEC, MoE IOE, MoE MIER ITPD Russian Federation EAOKO Other (2) GL Education IAEA South & West Asia (15) Afghanistan EMIS, MoE Bangladesh IID Bhutan BCSEA REC India ASER Centre CCLP Worldwide EQFI IIE Vyjayanthi Sankar Maldives QAD, MoE Nepal EDSC ERO, MoE Pakistan ITA NEAS, MoE Sri Lanka NEREC, U of Colombo Southeast Asia (12) Indonesia SEAMEO QITEP Lao PDR EQAC, MoE RIES, MoE Malaysia EPRD, MoE SEAMEO RECSAM Nordin Abd Razak Philippines GRACE Inno-Change International Singapore NIE Thailand NIETS Viet Nam VNIES CEQE, MoE Pacific (3) Australia ACER ACARA Fiji EQAP

4 Ministry National assessment/ Examination/ curriculum authority (non Ministry) NGO/CSO/ foundation University or research organization Regional/ sub-regional organization Private sector/ consulting firm Afghanistan Lao EQAC Lao RIES Malaysia EPRD Maldives QAD Mongolia EEC Mongolia IOE Nepal ERO Pakistan NEAS Viet Nam CEQE ACARA (Australia) BCSEA (Bhutan) REC (Bhutan) HKEAA (Hong Kong) KICE (Rep of Korea) NIETS (Thailand) IID (Bangladesh) ASER Centre (India) CCLP Worldwide (India) EQFI (India) MIER (Mongolia) ITA (Pakistan) ACER (Australia) HKPISA Centre (Hong Kong) IIE (India) U Tokyo GSE (Japan) NIE (Singapore) NEREC (Sri Lanka) VNIES (Viet Nam) EAOKO EQAP SEAMEO RECSAM SEAMEO QITEP EDSC (Nepal) GRACE (Philippines) GL Education (UK) 10 6 7 4 3

5 Research & analytical work
What do we do? Research & analytical work Knowledge sharing Capacity development

6 What do we do? Research & analytical work
Impact of assessments on policy & practice Assessment of transversal competencies School-based assessment Mapping study

7 What do we do? Knowledge sharing Knowledge portal
Webinars and e-discussions Newsletter Annual meetings

8 What do we do? Capacity development Regional workshops
Introduction to large-scale assessments of learning (September 2014, Bangkok) Design and development of large-scale learning assessments (March 2015, Bangkok) Alignment between curriculum, teaching and assessment – with KICE (May 2015, Incheon/Seoul) Analyzing and understanding learning assessment for evidence-based policy making (September 2015, Bangkok) – LEAP programme Reporting and dissemination of large-scale learning assessments (September 2016, Bangkok) Capacity development Regional workshops


10 What do we do? PISA for Development
(February-March 2016, Phnom Penh) – co-organized by MoEYS Cambodia & KICE Citizen-Led Assessments (June 2016, Aurangabad, India) – organized by ASER India Capacity development Support to members/ countries for learning about specific assessment models

11 What do we do?

12 What do we do? Capacity development
National workshops and technical assistance Bhutan Lao PDR Mongolia Nepal

13 Modern assessment theory Difficulty level vs. cognitive level
This workshop: NEQMAP Central Asia Sub-Regional Capacity Development Workshop on “Assessment Literacy and Test and Item Development and Design” Modern assessment theory Difficulty level vs. cognitive level Developing quality (valid and reliable) assessment items, with an emphasis on multiple choice items Analyzing test items using Classical Test Theory Review of assessment toolkit developed by UNESCO Bangkok and Pearson Target countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan Facilitator team: Pearson (Jim Tognolini) & and Natalia Bakhmutova Support from GPE Presentations and workshop sessions – active participation encouraged! English/Russian

14 Thank you!!!

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