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Introduction of the Estonian Health Insurance system and E-health

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1 Introduction of the Estonian Health Insurance system and E-health
Tanel Ross Chairman of the Management Board

2 Background Population: 1,3 million
Social health insurance coverage: 94% of population ALE at birth 77 years (2015) Health Expenditure (2015) 6.5 % of GDP Financed: 13 % earmarked health insurance tax on salaries paid by employers Member of EU since Euro-zone since

3 History of Health Insurance in Estonia
Until 1991: soviet Healthcare system Financed from the state budget, centralized state governance Exceptionally big number of hospitals Important changes since 1991: 1991 health insurance law: early developments for a solidary health insurance 1992 Regional non-competing sickness funds (22 in total) 1994 Regional sickness funds coordinated by central sickness fund Since 2001 One Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF), where number of regional departments was reduced to 4 Today: One single health insurance fund Hospital Network: 19 facilities across Estonia, plus selected partners outside the Network (approx. 30 hospitals in total) Over 800 primary care pracitioners

4 Estonia has made significant efforts to achieve universal health coverage
Single public insurance provider (Estonian Health Insurance Fund) Automatic enrollment for: children, pensioners and disabled adult population, except those w/o formal employment/entrepreneurial activity and not registered as unemployed Approx 96% of population covered Financed by social insurance tax (13%) plus transfers for unemployed and students Health expenditure app 6,5% of GDP: EHIF (70%) + OOP (ca 20%) + govt ALE – approximately 77 years

5 Providers in Estonian health care system
Emergency care Primary health care (every Estonian has a personal FP) Specialized medical care Hospitals Outpatient specialized medical care Dental care Nursing care, midwives All health care providers are independent entities operating under private law They may belong to both public or private ownership

6 Social Insurance Board
Administrative model of Health Insurance Ministry of Social Affairs Unemployment Insurance Fund EHIF Health Board State Agency of Medicines Social Insurance Board Contracts Health care provider private law, public or private ownership

7 EHIF’s budget 2016 and 2017 (Millions EUR) Budget 2016
% of total budget Budget 2017 EHIF's revenues 1004,40 100,00% 1114,077 100% Healthcare services in total 740,98 73,11% 795,9 71,5% Health promotion 1,25 0,12% 1,436 0,2% Pharmaceuticals (outpatient) 114,45 11,29% 131,2 11,8% Temporary incapacity for work benefit (sick leave) 118,27 11,67% 140,3 12,6% Benefits for medical devices 9,30 0,92% 10,1 0,9% Benefits arising from EU legislation 8,27 0,82% 9,09 Benefits for dental care services 9,63 0,95% 15,7 1,4% Other expenditures 2,30 0,23% 2,6 0,3% Health insurance expenditures in total 1004,45 99,11% 1106,3 99,3% EHIF's administrative costs 9,07 0,89% 9,9 Expenditures in total 1013,52 1116,2

8 Health insurance package
Primary care (106,9 million euros, 9,6% of budget) Specialist care (598,1 million euros, 53,6%) Nursing care (30,7 million euros, 2,8%) Dental care (9,6 million euros, 0,9%) Out-patient Pharmaceuticals (131,1 million euros, 11,7%) Medical devices (10,1 million euros, 0,9%) Temporary incapacity to work (140,3 million euros, 12,6%) Cross-border health care (9,09 million euros, 0,8%)

9 Challenges – comprehensive and sustainable benefits package
Insurance coverage effected by: central uniform service and price list capped contracts with FPs and (strategic) hospitals Primary care (every Estonian is assigned to family practitioner): capitation plus FFS (tests, minor ambulatory services) QBS (mostly input, some output indicators) Specialist care (mandatory referral from FP, free choice of provider): out-patient – FFS, in-patient – DRG+FFS Nursing care, both out- and in-patient (mandatory referral) OTC pharmaceuticals – 75%/90%/100% compensation for prescripitons, ingredient-based (max level - 2nd lowest market price) Sick-leave benefits – 70% of salary, up to 6 months IT: fully electronic invoicing, prescriptions and SLBs (structured data)

10 E-health and health data: infrastructure and challenges

11 Foundations of Estonian E-health
Every person has an ID-card Political agreement to use ID card for official identification Central data security layer via X-road A secure authentication with ID-card or Mobile-ID Digital signing of all medical documents Maximum transparency: all action leave an unremovable secure trail Coding personal data: separating personal from medical Encrypted database and monitoring all actions Cooperation between different databases Patient can access and control their data, declare preferences, monitor visits and has the right to opt out from collecting data to central database –

12 HIE platform history Planning initiated
Project preparation ( ) eHealth Foundation established (2005) eHealth Projects ( ) National HIE 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Funding decision by Ministry of Economic Affairs Electronic Health Record Digital Images Digital Prescription Digital Registration

13 What kind of data do we collect today?
Centralized and other databases Electronic Medical Records (case summary) –> all healthcare providers must send data there Imaging database Registries (cancer, deaths, births, drugs) Electronic Referral database EHIF databases Insured people’s registry Claims from our partners Sick-leave benefits E-prescription database Service providers collect their own additional data with their own IT systems Most data is personalized but is de-personalized for inquiries/research

14 EHIF health information is divided between two datasets regulated by law
2) Prescription database: Physician view: Create, revise and cancel prescriptions Pharmacist view: Browse prescriptions Send purchasing information Invoicing (prepare, review, confirm) Patient view (via state portal): Self-surveillance E-Health patient portal Set purchase authorizations Set reading protection for physicians Health Insurance Database where we collect data: about the citizen type of insurance insurance provider (who pays social tax for this person) about the organization who maintains the source information registry

15 How do we use big data? Short and Long Term Planning
Monitoring and Controlling Ensuring Service Quality

16 1. PLANNING: our database gives us a unique way of planning the budget and contracts with new prices for the following year All planning and budgeting is done via SAP Business Warehouse (planning and reporting system) Specific methodology for planning: according to the actual use of services and known trends and need for services The process: We factor in the new price in SAP, find the new average cost for a case, and plan the new budget and contracts (including cases per contract) based on the calculations This enables to us compare budgets and contracts between different years by different prices and to new prices

EHIF has a fast and secure channel for our partners to submit info to us (TORU) All contractual partners of EHIF (specialized care, primary care, dental care) submit medical claims into the EHIF system Approx 7 million claims per year Most comprehensive and detailed collection of medical data in Estonia One solution streamlines and simplifies the process of submission and billing All claims make one big data collection where data quality is the priority Data communication is electronic, structured, XML based, no paper Quality controls for technical aspects: is the format correct? content: does this hospital offer services they billed for?

18 Fraud Risks False data from doctors (about opening or prolonging sickness leave based on false info, diagnosis, procedures, number of patients in their list, personnel etc) Forged documents from insured people (to get reimbursement/benefits, to prove payments or services, income etc) Filing double claims Frauds regarding pharmaceuticals (documents, price, patient's identity etc) Patients can view their medical bills online at and state portal

19 3. QUALITY: EHIF focuses on increasing healthcare quality by using its data for research and measuring quality on a national level Comprehensive de-personalized data from 7 million medical claims a year is provided for researchers outside of EHIF We also conduct research internally EHIF’s Healthcare Quality Divison collaborates with the Healthcare Quality Indicators Advisory Board to analyze established indicators to make conclusions about the state of care in Estonia and improve quality of care In 2016 we published the first conclusive report of our findings Annually we measure quality indicators that we have developed in collaboration with the World Bank (using claims and presicriptions data) All indicators are displayed on our website free of charge and can be viewed in an interactive chart which displays results about each hospital In addition to publishing existing indicators, we work closely with medical experts and analysts to increase data quality and to develop new clinical indicators

20 Future E-health challenges in Estonia
What do we really want to achieve with our e-services? - What is the benefit for the sector, patient and doctor? - Personal medicine – how far can we go with personalization? Sustainable management and financing - How to insure that we move foward from pilot phase? Cooperation between different databases Data quality Data is sent to Electronical Patient Record in different times by service providers Old data structure -> difficult to extract and use data (e.g from text fields) Data mining depends on the validity of invoice conduction, may need more information than just an invoice Data mining is time consuming and expensive (medical doctor), might be automated in the future People’s awareness of the e-services - Do they know how to use them?

21 Thank you!

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