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Anne-Marie Yazbeck, PhD National Infoday, Sweden 2017

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1 Anne-Marie Yazbeck, PhD National Infoday, Sweden 2017
Annual Work Programme 2017 Anne-Marie Yazbeck, PhD National Infoday, Sweden 2017

2 Criteria for the Annual Work Programme
Annex II of the Health Programme Regulation Policy Relevance EU added value Public health relevance Support to implementation of EU legislation Balance between programme objectives Adequate coverage of thematic priorities

3 Major actions by priority in the Draft WP 2017

4 3rd Health Programme 2014-2020 – four objectives – 23 thematic priorities
Objective 1: Promoting health, preventing diseases and fostering supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the ‘health in all policies’ principle; Objective 2: Protecting Union citizens from serious cross-border threats to health; Objective 3: Contributing to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems; Objective 4: Facilitating access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens.

5 Objective 1

6 Objective 1 Joint Actions: Health Inequalities and Cancer Alcohol related harm Service contract - tobacco products directive Service contracts Nutrition / reformulation

7 Health inequalities Clear policy framework with a menu of actions and recommendations for local take up and implementation at national and regional level. It includes those inequalities related to high influx of migrants and the need of integrating these particular populations in the regular health systems.

8 Innovative Partnership on Action against Cancer
Make operational the previous work of CANCON on the European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control. Mapping existing guidelines on innovative treatments on cancer and create a database accessible for professionals. Analysis of the ongoing generation of National Cancer Control Plans in view of improvements. Review of the recommendations of the European Code Against Cancer in a long-term perspective.

9 Objective 1 (ctd.) State of Health in the EU report and profiles Personal health Record IOM Service contracts on health status of refugees and Feasibility of a European expert network

10 Objective 2

11 Objective 2 Joint Actions on Vaccination and preparedness and action at points of entry (air, maritime and ground crossing) Service contracts: Studies on comprehensive analysis of vaccination schedules Service contracts: Study on financial planning of national vaccination programmes

12 Cooperation on vaccine demand planning and forecasting
Common principles for vaccine demand forecasting and concept/prototype of a data-warehouse for an EU-wide central repository on supply and demand data. Common criteria for priority - setting of vaccine R&D and concept/ prototype for a vaccine R&D priority-setting framework. Data requirements specs for electronic documentation sharing of vaccination-related data.

13 Preparedness and action at points of entry (air, maritime and ground crossing
Catalogues of tested best practice and guidelines, including validated action plans, to be implemented at operational level through agencies and stakeholders in the field of transport. Basis for coordinated cross sectoral actions to control infectious disease transmission and possible vectors for pathogens on ground transportation, on ships, and in aircrafts in case of a serious cross-border threat to health affecting or inherently coming from the transport sector.

14 Objective 3

15 Objective 3 Joint Actions to support the eHealth Network and on Health Information. Support OECD's work on building trust and strengthening cooperation for addressing the challenges of access to medicines. Support to the OECD to develop patient reported measures.

16 eHealth Support for cross-border eHealth services going beyond cross-border e-Prescriptions and patient summaries. Policy support to the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI) & the Commission's Digital Single Market Strategy as regards interoperability and standardisation. Implementation of the updated eHealth Action Plan

17 A sustainable EU health information system supporting country knowledge, health research and policy-making Lead to the establishment of a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) on Health Information by coordinating all expert networks on health information developed by the Bridging Information.

18 Objective 4

19 Objective 4 Grants for European Reference Networks and ERN capacity building Development and maintenance of the Platform on Rare Diseases Implementation assessment on Recommendations and their implementation in the Member States

20 Types of action – Operational Budget

21 Thank you for your attention!

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