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ReDev Boston 2017 Survey Data

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Presentation on theme: "ReDev Boston 2017 Survey Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 ReDev Boston 2017 Survey Data
Compiled by Ray Flint 8/18/2017

2 The Data Based upon 33 unique responses over 2 days
Approximately 75% rated the first & last keynotes, suggesting they participated in the entire event All but 1 gave their addresses

3 People Liked the Sessions Overall

4 High Attendance Sessions were Rated Highly

5 Lowest Rated Designing & Engineering Better Product Teams- Paul Demers, Cantina (2.27 out of 5) “Terrible session” “Boring“ “Nothing new” Security & Compliance Bootcamp: Understanding What You Need and When-Jigar Kadakia, Partners HealthCare (2.78 out of 5) “More content would've been nice“ “Mis-named as a ‘bootcamp’, more of a Q&A”

6 Highest Rated Keynote #4: Doctors Are Not Airplanes: Solving Capacity Optimization Problems in Healthcare-Julie Yoo, Kyruus (4.64 out of 5) “This talk was interesting and I would definitely give it a 6 out of 5” “The best of the day - dynamic and informative” “Presenter was expert and well prepared. Very much enjoyed the talk” Keynote #3: Reality is a Worthy Opponent: The Joy of Operational Challenges - Dan Milstein, Wayfair (4.61 out of 5) “Excellent speaker, content and delivery were top notch” “Dynamic. Made a boring topic interesting“

7 Networking was a Success!

8 Appendix A: Session & Keynote Rankings

9 Appendix B: Breakout Session Attendance

10 Appendix B: Breakout Session Attendance

11 Appendix B: Breakout Session Attendance

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