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Strategic Planning: Critical to Your Success

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning: Critical to Your Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning: Critical to Your Success
Laura R. Barron, MBA The Barron Group Knoxville, TN

2 What is Strategic Planning?

3 Three-Year versus Five-Year Plan
Technology Equipment People Market

4 Strategic vs Tactical Planning
________________ Tactical ________________

5 Organization’s Vision & Strategic Three-Year Goals
Where can HR be a strategic business partner in next 3 years? Where is HR strategically aligned now?

6 Where Are You Now? SOAR Analysis S - Strengths O – Opportunities
A – Aspirations R - Results

7 SOAR Questions Strengths: What can we build on?
Opportunities: What are our customers & employees asking for? Aspirations: What do we care deeply about? Results: How do we know we are succeeding?

8 SOAR Resource info The Thin Book of SOAR,
Jacqueline M. Stavros & Gina Hinrichs,

9 Strategic Planning Process
SOAR Analysis Strengths Opportunities Aspirations Results MAJOR 2020 GOALS Strategies for Challenges 2017 Goals Action Plans -3 W’s Individual Goals for 2017

10 Goal Setting for Results
SMART Goals S pecific M easurable A cheivable R ealistic T ime-based

11 Ground Rules There are few right or wrong answers Listen to each other
Respect differences Agree to disagree Speak from self What is said in this room STAYS in this room Contribute honestly and positively Expect unfinished business Have fun

12 Business Partner Relationships
Identify critical business partners needed to accomplish the goals. What specific major HR activities support these goals?

13 First-Year Tactical Goals
What has to be achieved this year for each goal to accomplish the Strategic Goal in 3 years?

14 The 3 W’s What required? When completed? Who responsible?

15 Communicate for Implementation Success
Who needs to know what? When do they need to know? Every employee needs to know before implementation! Every vendor, contractor and customer needs to know at implementation!

16 Leadership is a... Relationship
“Leadership is a reciprocal relationship between those who choose to lead and those who decide to follow.” Kouzes & Posner Credibility: How Leaders Gain & Lose It, Why People Demand It, 1993


18 Valuing Our Differences
Recognizing, appreciating, valuing, and utilizing the unique talents and contributions of all individuals.

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