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Ascaris Lumbricoides.

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1 Ascaris Lumbricoides

2 Taxonomy Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Nematoda Class : Rhabditea
Order : Ascaridida Family : Ascarididae Genus : Ascaris Species : lumbricoides

3 Introduction Common name : Round worm
Largest of intestinal nematodes . causative agent of ‘Ascariasis’. Distribution:- world wide Habitat:- small intestine, mainly jejunum.

4 Morphological forms Adult worms : male female Eggs : fertilised unfertilised decorticated Rhabditiform larva .

5 MORPHOLOGY Adult worms : cylindrical in shape with tapering ends. Creamy white or pinkish. Mouth of the worm is surrounded by 3 lips (1 dorsal and 2 ventral) with minute teeth. Life span is <1 yr.

6 Adult worms Lips of ascaris

7 Curved tail contains a pair of ‘copulatory spicules’ .
Adult male smaller than female . Size : cm in L 3-4 mm in D . Curved tail contains a pair of ‘copulatory spicules’ . Adult male Copulatory spicules

8 Post. end is straight and conical . ‘vulvar waist’
Adult female Size : cm in L 2-6 mm in D . Post. end is straight and conical . ‘vulvar waist’ Eggs : 240,000/day . Adult female

9 Egg 3 kinds : Fertilised, Unfertilised and Decorticated.
Fertilised egg :- oval in shape measures 45 x 70 mc in L 35 x 50 mc in B. Golden brown , Bile stained . Shell is thick with mammillated albuminous outer coat. Contains an unsegmented ovum with clear crescentic space at each pole . Floats in sat. salt solution.

10 Unfertilised egg :- ellipsoidal in shape
measures 78 x 105 mc in L 38 x 50 mc in B . Brown coloured , Bile stained , Thin shelled . Heaviest of all helminthic eggs , hence it doesn’t float in sat.salt solution . Decorticated egg :- Both fertilised and unfertilised eggs sometimes may lack their albuminous coat and are colourless .

11 Egg shell Ovum Albuminous layer Unfertilised egg Fertilised egg

12 Decorticated egg

13 larvae hatch out in duodenum penetrates the intestinal mucosa
Rhabditiform larva : size : 250 mc in L 14 mc in D actively motile larvae hatch out in duodenum penetrates the intestinal mucosa Hatching out larva

14 Pathogenesis Source : soil , water , food contamined with eggs.
Route : ingestion Infective form : embryonated eggs Host : man No intermediate and reservoir hosts .

15 Life cycle


17 Manifestations due to of migrating larva :
Inflammatory and hypersensitvity reactions . Granuloma and eosinophilic infiltration. Eosinophilic pneumonia Loeffler’s syndrome . Symptoms : fever cough dyspnea urticaria .

18 Manifestations due to adult :
Sporiative action : malnutrition growth retardation . Mechanical action : abdominal pain intestinal obstruction intestinal perforation Allergic reaction : release of ascaron fever urticaria Angioneurotic edema conjunctivitis

19 Intestinal obst. by adult worms
Peritonitis by intest. perforation

20 Ectopic ascariasis : appendicitis
obst. jaundice haemorrhagic pancreatitis liver abscess Ascaris in common bile duct Adult worms in liver


22 Imaging methods : x – ray , ct scan , ultrasound
Lab diagnosis Parasitic diagnosis : demo . of eggs in feaces –direct microscopy formalin ether conc. demo . of larvae – in sputum , bronchial aspiration demo . of adult worms – barium meal . Sero diagnosis : Ab’s detected by IHA , IFA . used for diagnosis of loeffler’s syndrome . Imaging methods : x – ray , ct scan , ultrasound

23 Epidemiology World wide distibution through out temperate and tropical areas . ¼th of the world population . 40% population in africa and asia . Poor sanitary conditions .

24 Treatment Prophylaxis
Mebendazole pyrantel pamoate piperazine citrate . Prophylaxis Proper disposal of human faeces Avoid eating raw vegetables and salads Periodic treatment with antihelminthics .



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