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Welcome to Art Class! Mrs. Stewart Art Room: 120.

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1 Welcome to Art Class! Mrs. Stewart Art Room: 120

2 Welcome! While not all students consider themselves artistic, it is important that they maintain a positive attitude towards their work and show continuous effort during class. In this class, all students can be successful if directions are followed, time is used wisely and work is turned in on time.

3 Description of Art Projects
Project 1: Perspective Collage Project 2: Perspective Room Drawing Project 3: Van Gogh Interpretation

4 Attendance/Tardies Students are expected to be in class on time every day. The art room follows the school’s tardy procedures. If a student is absent, he or she may need to bring work home and are given one day for each day missed plus one day to complete work. Please check teacher page for missed assignments and complete at home if possible. Homework requests may be submitted to the office so that work may be completed at home if necessary.

5 Assessments The students receive about thirty minutes of class time to work on projects daily after completing journals. Class time should be used wisely to ensure students finish each project. Projects vary from short one-week projects to longer three-week projects and are subject to change based on the school’s schedule. Projects will be graded with rubrics developed with expectations for the assignment. Students may bring work home at any time if needed, but the majority of student work should be completed in class.

6 Supply List Many of the supplies will be provided by the school. However, it is important that students bring in the following materials when the new quarter begins. Supplies may be kept in class in a supply box provided by the student. 3 Pencils 1 Large Eraser 1 Pencil Sharpener 1 Spiral Notebook Colored Pencils (Perspective Dream Room Project) Oil Pastels (van Gogh-Starry Night Project) Optional: Magazines/online images of furniture (Perspective Dream Room Project)

7 Class Expectations In order to ensure that all students are able to be successful in the classroom, it is important that all students behave appropriately during class time. All school rules apply in this room. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed with parent contact and disciplinary action as needed.

8 Be Safe: Students must sit in stools appropriately at all times.
Materials must be used as directed. Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in class. Emergency procedures must be followed as needed.

9 Be Respectful: Respect your peers and their belongings.
Conversations must be respectful and school-appropriate at all times. Listen while others are talking including announcements, teacher, or peers.

10 Be Responsible: Be seated when the bell rings with necessary supplies for the day. Use class time appropriately to ensure assignments are completed on time. Make sure all work is completed to the best of your ability. Complete any homework assigned/turn projects in on or before assigned due dates. Clean up after yourself. Check teacher page for missed assignments if absent.

11 Safety Procedures Fire Evacuation: Go out Door 3 into parking lot
Severe Weather: Go into Mrs. Yiako’s room and sit facing the wall, covering head. Lockdown: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT Run to Indian Trail (if possible) Hide if you can’t run Fight if intruder enters the room For all: No talking, leave all belongings, stay together

12 Consequences 1st reminder 2nd reminder 3rd reminder Phone call home
Behavior reflection completed by student and parent 3rd reminder Phone call home and immediate referral

13 Rewards Class: Yamodo Individual: Tickets-weekly drawing for a prize

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