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March 28, 2012 Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "March 28, 2012 Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 28, 2012 Wednesday

2 March 28, Film No Entry Today we will watch the ending of Little Women. We will study for our test which will be tomorrow. We will write a review for Little Women, which is due at the end of this class period. Anyone who finishes early can work on homework for another class, look at film books or draw. Be productive with your time.

3 March 28, 2012 - Drama NO ENTRY First Rehearsal in the Auditorium!!!!
14 days until our first performance. We did a complete walkthrough of the opening, Belle. Tomorrow we will begin where we left off with Bethany singing Belle’s part. We will go as quickly as we can. When we get back from Spring break, we only have 11 practices.

4 March 28, 2012 – Art 1 I will draw what I see, looking at the shapes of the object. I will pick an object from the ugly basket and draw it from five different views on the same paper. Objects can run off the page. Two objects may overlap. When I am finished, I will add a color scheme using colored pencils. This drawing must be complete at the end of class. The coloring must be done before class tomorrow. It will be homework.

5 March 28, D Art This project is due on the Thursday after Spring Break. Work diligently! Cover all plaster surfaces with book paper.

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