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Currently living in Southern California.

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Presentation on theme: "Currently living in Southern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Currently living in Southern California.
Bernard Hoyes Jamaican Artist Born 1951 Moved to U.S. when he was 15 to live with his father and attended art schools in New York, Vermont and California. Currently living in Southern California.

2 Pose Mannequin.

3 Practice sketching various poses.

4 Draw your favorite pose (of an activity meaningful to you)
8 “heads” tall.

5 Trace 3 or more times on watercolor paper. You can create a feeling of rhythm or movement by repeating a shape.

6 Add any objects you need to help portray your activity.

7 We are trying to create an image inspired by the art and style of Bernard Hoyes.

8 Choose your favorite color:
Complete worksheet to help you select your favorite color scheme

9 2. Block in with watercolor. Work light to dark.
1. Trace at least 3 times. 2. Block in with watercolor. Work light to dark. 3. Add details and color blends using: markers, colored pencils or chalk.






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