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Rivington Primary School
RE Curriculum Rivington Primary School
Overview At Rivington Primary School we follow the St. Helens Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The syllabus promotes the spiritual, moral cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and of society. The syllabus prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
RE Scheme for KS1 based on St Helens Agreed Syllabus
Year 1 Belief Unit 1 What Do Christians believe About God? What Do I Believe? (Creation and unique me) Jesus Unit 2 Why is Jesus Special To Christians? Who Is Special To Me? (Jesus as a story teller/healer /leader etc. Remembered at Christmas) Prayer Unit 3 Why Do Christians Pray? What do I think about Prayer? (People who prayed in the Bible e.g. The Lord’s prayer) Easter Unit 4 Why is Easter a Celebration for Christians? What Do I Celebrate? ( The Easter story/new life/Easter Gardens) Church Unit 5 Why is the Church an important place for Christians? What places are special to me? (Belonging to places/Christian Artefacts/Christian Family/baptism/marriage) Judaism 1 Unit 6 What do Jews Believe about God? How do I Show Responsibility For The Natural World? (Shabbat) Year 2 Christian Care Unit 7 How Do Christians Care For Others? How and why do we care for each other? (Harvest/Caring hands/ Zacchaeus/local charity) Christmas Unit 8 How do Christians get ready for Christmas? How do I get ready for Christmas? (Religious and Secular traditions) Judaism 2 Unit 9 Why is Moses a Special Person to Jewish People? Who or what helps me understand how I should live? (Life of Moses...bring out leadership) The Bible Unit 10 Why is the Bible A Holy Book For Christians? What books/stories are special to me? (Joseph/Blind Bartimaeus /Feeding 5000) Unit 11 How did Jesus show friendship/ How do I Show friendship? (Zacchaeus/Mary and Martha/Disciples) Judaism 3 Unit 12 Why is the Synagogue a Special place for Jews? What buildings are important in my community? (Torah/Jewish artefacts/)
RE Scheme For Lower KS2 based on St. Helens Agreed Syllabus
Year 3 Hinduism 1 Unit 13 How and Why Do Hindus celebrate Diwali? Why do I like to Celebrate? Christmas Unit 14 What symbols are important in the Christmas Story? Do symbols help me understand? (Nativity/Christingle/Poinsettia) The Bible Unit 15 How do Christians use the Bible? What is my view of the Bible? (structure of Bible when/how used) Prayer Unit 16 What do Christians Believe about Prayer? What Questions do I Have about Prayer? (emotions/awe and wonder of world/Lord’s Prayer) The Church Unit 17 How does the Church help Christians to Worship? How do I respond to the idea of a holy place? (Church furnishings/artefacts/denominations) The Christian Community Unit 18 How do Christians show their commitment to Jesus’ teachings? What do I think of the values that Christians hold? (Good Samaritan/feeding 500/dilemmas/Charity) Year 4 Hinduism 2 Unit 19 Hindu Worship How and Why Do Hindus Worship ? Do I need worship? (Hindu gods/arty ceremony) The First Christmas.. Unit 20 ..Who made journeys and why ? What would make me step out of my comfort zone? (Mary and Joseph/Shepherds/Wise men/Herod /Art links songs and pictures/symbolism of gifts and of different visitors Stewardship Unit 21 How and why do Christians see they are responsible for the Earth’ resources? Am I responsible? (Creation stories inc other cultures/Noah/Commandments) Easter Unit 22 What is important for Christians to remember at Easter? How do I remember someone? (holy week/Jewish Passover) Jesus Unit 23 How have artists portrayed Jesus? How can I portray Jesus .(.or my beliefs) through art including poetry? (Looking at artists interpretations of Jesus life and as man or God) Buddhism 1 Unit 24 Who was the Buddha? What do I Consider to be Suffering?
RE Scheme For Upper KS2 based on St. Helens Agreed Syllabus
Year 5 Buddhism 2 Unit 25 What does it mean to be Buddhist?(part 1) The Dharma Jesus Unit 26 What Do Christians Believe about Jesus...what do the gospels tell us? What do I find significant in the life of Jesus? (Looking at the 4 gospels to find information. Interpreting stories) Buddhism 3 Unit 27 What does it mean to be a Buddhist/ (part 2) The Sangha ) Worship Unit 28 How is Christian Worship expressed? How can I communicate what influences me? (Different styles of Christian music/prayer/invent a dance) Islam 1 Unit 29 Why is the Qur’an sacred to Muslims? What is authoritative in my life? (Muhammed’s early life/revelation of Qur’an/how Qur’an is used.) Islam 2 Unit 30 How do the five pillars of Islam support the Muslim faith? How do we show commitment to our own values? (the five pillars and impact on life) Year 6 Islam 3 Unit 31 How is the mosque the centre of the Islamic community? Is there a centre to my community? Christmas Unit 32 How do Christians celebrate? What can I learn from the Birth of Christ? (Fulfilment of prophecy/incarnation/Where would Jesus be born today?) Judaism 1 Unit 33 How do Jews worship in the synagogue and observe their faith at home? How do I respond to rules? Judaism 2 Unit 34 What festivals are important to Jews? What events have meaning for me? (work in groups to find out about a festival and deliver info to class) Islam 4 Unit 35 What does the Qur’an teach? Do I make my own mind up about what is important or am I told? Bridging unit Unit 36 What is religion? What does it mean to me? (resume of faiths studied in school main beliefs/festivals)
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