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What are MSCA individual european fellowships?

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Presentation on theme: "What are MSCA individual european fellowships?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Sklodowska Curie actions - Individual european fellowships - au Master class

2 What are MSCA individual european fellowships?
Objective: Strengthening career opportunities of applicants in both academia and the private sector. Focus: - Research projects lasting 1-2 years at a strong host group within any research area - Mobility – transnational and/or intersectoral - Career Development – training through research as well as transferrable skills - Transfer of Knowledge – from host to fellow and vice versa. *

3 Introduction: Eligibility
PhD degree at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience after obtaining a degree permitting you to embark on a doctorate Qualification Standard European Fellowships < 12 months in the country of the host institution in the past 3 years at deadline Reintegration AND Career Restart < 3 years in the country of the host institution in the past 5 years at deadline mobility OR

4 Introduction: the fellowships
Standard European Fellowships From where to where? Any country  EU and Associated Countries Nationality Requirments? All nationalities are eligible. Mobility requirement? Less than12 months in DK in the past 3 years at application deadline Duration? months

5 Introduction: the fellowships
Standard European Fellowships – Reintegration Panel: From where to where? Third Country  EU or Associated Country Nationality Requirments? Only EU/Associated Country citizens or long-term residents of these countries are eligible Mobility requirement? Less than 36 months in DK in the past 5 years at application deadline Duration? months

6 Introduction: the fellowships
Standard European Fellowships – Career Restart Panel: From where to where? Third Country  EU or Associated Country Nationality Requirments? All nationalities are eligible. Mobility requirement? Less than 36 months in DK in the past 5 years at application deadline. Special requirement? Applicants must not have been active in research for at least 12 months immediately prior to the deadline for submission. Duration? months

7 Introduction: the fellowships
Global Fellowships: From where to where? EU/Associated Country  Third Country  EU/Associated Country Nationality Requirments? Only EU/Associated Country citizens or long-term residents of these countries are eligible Mobility requirement? Less than12 months in Third Country in the past 3 years at application deadline Duration? months

8 Introduction: Terminology Overview
Standard European Fellowship Career Restart Reintegration From where to where? Any country  EU (e.g.DK) Third Country  EU (e.g. DK) Nationality Any EU/AC or long-term residents (min. 5 years) Mobility <12 months in DK in the past 3 years < 3 years in DK in the past 5 years Fellowship 12-24 months

9 Fellowships: Budget Details
Researcher unit costs (EUR) Institutional unit costs Living allowance Mobility allowance Family allowance Research, training and networking costs Management and indirect costs 4650* 600 500 800 650** * Country coefficent for DK – 135,3% ** Overhead – app. 8% Example 2 years at AU for a fellow with family Salary: 177,395 EUR – 1,321,592 DKK Running costs: 19,200 EUR – 143,040 DKK

10 Fellowships: Success rates
Despite the prestige attached to them the success rates are comparatively acceptable 2012 2013 2014 2015 Applications 6158 8123 7431 8508 Grants 964 950 1305 1167* Success rates 15.6% 11.6% 17.6% 13.7%* * NOT UPDATED YET The overall MSCA IF budget will increase from 215M EUR in 2015 to: - 2016: 218.5M EUR - 2017: 248M EUR

11 AU Masterclass: potential participants
- External (junior) researchers* who wish to come to ST,AU via an MSCA IF grant - Internal (junior) researchers who are already based at AU but fulfil the mobility requirement** * Usually postdocs with 0-3 years of experience, but no upper limit ** < 12 months. in DK in the last 3 years at the time of application (RI panel: < 36 mdr. in DK in the last 5 years – from TC to EU)

12 Au masterclass: Recruitment
How to spot the best candidates? Network and collaborators Conferences International projects you are already part of Proactively contacted be a potential candidate

13 AU Master class: programme
A workshop concentrating on the application and an introduction to AU will be joint activities for all fellows. Almost half of the programme is designed to allow for time at the host research group. Things to address during this time: Project discussions – ensuring the project is of the highest standard as well as an excellent match with the host group – e.g. relevant expertise, infrastructure and possibly also collaborators. Precise sections of the application requiring input from the host group Career development angle with a focus on training through research

14 AU Master class: programme
Joint activities (Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday) Workshop Adressing each headline in the template Writing drills Introduction to AU HR Guided tour on campus Individual activities (Tuesday morning and Thursday) Project discussions Application input (specific sections requiring input from the host group) Career development angle (with a focus on training through research)

15 AU Master class: next steps
February 1: Deadline for applications for participation in the Master Clas to the departmental Research Committee February 15: Deadline for prioritized applications to the Steering Committee The application must include: - A CV and publication list for the potential candidate. - A short draft project synopsis (max. 2 page) for the proposed project that will be applied for.


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