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Digital Logic & Design Dr. Waseem Ikram Lecture 37.

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1 Digital Logic & Design Dr. Waseem Ikram Lecture 37

2 SR1 latch which stores the status of the REQ1, FLOOR1 and OPEN buttons

3 Simplified State table for Elevator Control for REQ1, FLOOR1 and OPEN inputs
Present State Next State SR1=0 SR1=1 W1(000) x C1(100) C1 W1 UP(110) W2(001) C2 DO C2(101) DO(111)

4 SR2 latch which stores the status of the REQ2, FLOOR2 and OPEN buttons

5 Simplified State table for Elevator Control for REQ2, FLOOR2 and OPEN inputs
Present State Next State SR2=0 SR2=1 W1(000) C1 UP C1(100) UP(110) x W2(001) C2(101) C2 W2 DO(111)

6 Modified Block diagram of the Elevator State Machine

7 The Next State Table based on SR1, SR2 and ARRIVAL inputs
Present State Next State SR1=0 SR1=1 SR2=0 SR2=1 ARRIVAL=0 ARRIVAL=1 W1(000) x C1(100) UP(110) W2(001) C2(101) DO(111)

8 Pin Declarations of the Elevator Input and Output signals
CLK, !OLE Pin 1,11; REQ1, REQ2 Pin 2,3; FLOOR1, FLOOR2, OPEN, ARRIVE Pin 4, 5, 6, 7; SR1, SR1_ Pin 16, 17 ISTYPE ‘com.buffer’; SR2, SR2_ Pin 18, 19 ISTYPE ‘com.buffer’; DOOR, MOTION, DIR Pin 12, 13, 14 ISTYPE ‘reg.buffer’;

9 State Definition of the Elevator Controller
CONSTATE = [DOOR, MOTION, DIR]; WAIT1 = ^B000; CLOSE1 = ^B100; UP = ^B110; WAIT2 = ^B001; CLOSE2 = ^B101; DOWN = ^B111;

10 State diagram for the Elevator Controller
State_diagram CONSTATE State WAIT1: if (SR2) then UP else CLOSE1; State CLOSE1: if (SR2) then UP else if SR1 then WAIT1 else CLOSE1; State UP: if (ARRIVE) then WAIT2 else UP; State WAIT2: if (SR1) then DOWN else CLOSE2; State CLOSE2: if (SR1) then DOWN else if SR2 then WAIT2 else CLOSE2; State DOWN: if (ARRIVE) then WAIT1 else DOWN;

11 Equations for the latches SR1 and SR2
Equation Definition CONSTATE.CLK = Clock; SR1 = REQ1 # !DIR.FB & OPEN # DIR.FB & FLOOR1 # !SR1_; SR1_ = (!DOOR.FB & !MOTION.FB & !DIR.FB) # !SR1; SR2 = REQ2 # !DIR.FB & OPEN # DIR.FB & FLOOR2 # !SR2_; SR2_ = (!DOOR.FB & !MOTION.FB & DIR.FB) # !SR2;

12 The Traffic signals and sensors at a Traffic Intersection

13 Flow chart of conditions which switch the state from NSG to NSY

14 Pin Declarations for the Input and Output pins to the Controller circuit
CLOCK, !OLE pin 1, 11; NSSR, EWSR, LTIME, STIME pin 2, 3, 8, 9; Q0, Q1, Q pin 17, 16, 15 ISTYPE ‘reg.invert’; TMRST pin 14 ISTYPE ‘com.invert’;

15 State definitions for the Traffic Light Controller
TRSTATE = [Q2, Q1, Q0]; NSG = [ 0 , 0, 0]; NSY = [ 0, 0, 1]; NSY = [ 0, 1, 1]; NSR = [ 0, 1, 0]; EWG = [ 1, 1, 0]; EWY = [ 1, 1, 1]; EWY = [ 1, 0, 1]; EWR = [ 1, 0, 0];

16 State Diagram for the Traffic Light Controller
State Diagram TRSTATE State NSG: if (!STIME) then NSG else if (LTIME) then NSY else if (EWSR & !NSSR) then NSG else if (EWSR & NSSR) then NSY else if (!NSSR) then NSG else NSY; State NSY: goto NSY2; State NSY2: goto NSR; State NSR: goto EWG; State EWG: if (!STIME) then EWG else if (LTIME) then EWY else if (NSSR & !EWSR) then EWG else if (EWSR & NSSR) then EWY else if (!EWSR) then EWG else EWY; State EWY: goto EWY2; State EWY2: goto EWR; State EWR: goto NSG;

17 Equation Definition CONSTATE.CLK = Clock; SR1 = REQ1 # !DIR.FB & OPEN # DIR.FB & FLOOR1 # !SR1_; SR1_ = (!DOOR.FB & !MOTION.FB & !DIR.FB) # !SR1; SR2 = REQ2 # !DIR.FB & OPEN # DIR.FB & FLOOR2 # !SR2_; SR2_ = (!DOOR.FB & !MOTION.FB & DIR.FB) # !SR2;

18 Recap

19 Elevator Controller

20 Elevator Controller PLD Programming

21 Traffic Light Controller

22 Traffic Light Controller
PLD Programming

23 Digital Logic Design Lecture 37

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