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Development of SEU-robust, radiation-tolerant and industry-compatible programmable logic components Sandro Bonacini CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of SEU-robust, radiation-tolerant and industry-compatible programmable logic components Sandro Bonacini CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of SEU-robust, radiation-tolerant and industry-compatible programmable logic components
Sandro Bonacini CERN

2 Outline Motivation and objectives TID hardening SEU hardening
Experimental results for SEU-robust structures PLD design description FPGA design description Sandro BONACINI

3 Motivation High-Energy Physics would benefit from the availability of radiation-hard programmable logic FPGAs Fast design development Flexibility (changing requirements, failure recovery, …) PLDs Glue logic, simple state machines Hard fixes in the late stages of a project Commercial devices do not attain LHC radiation levels >30 Mrad total dose SEUs from intense flux of hadrons ~1015 hadrons/cm2 in 10 years LHC Sandro BONACINI

4 Objectives Programmable logic components FPGA PLD
TID-tolerant to experiment upgrades inner tracker levels Built-in SEU hardness Configuration bank and user registers… …protected at circuit level against SEUs User can avoid utilization of SEU hardening techniques at HDL level and/or reconfiguration techniques for program restoration FPGA compatible with an existing device, ~25k gates, 256 I/Os in 0.13μm CMOS PLD compatible with 16LV8 device, 10 inputs, 8 bidirectional in 0.25μm CMOS Sandro BONACINI

5 Total Ionizing Dose hardening
Design practices for TID hardening 0.25μm CMOS technology Enclosed Layout Transistors Guard-rings 0.13μm CMOS technology Sufficiently TID-hard for digital logic without ELT Faccio and Cervelli, “Radiation-induced edge effects in deep submicron CMOS transistors”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 52, December 2005 Use of linear transistors with W>0.30μm O.25 micron O.13 micron Sandro BONACINI

6 Single-Event Upset hardening
Circuit level SEU protection SEU-robust register used for configuration storage …and user data Based on Dual-Interlocked Cell (DICE) Protection against Single-Event Transients (SETs) Which occur in combinatorial logic Duplication SEU-R FF Sandro BONACINI

7 Dual-Interlocked Cell (DICE)
4 memory nodes Each memory node is correlated to 2 other memory nodes Interlock Symmetric cell Each node is equivalent to the others 2 stable states (1,0,1,0) (0,1,0,1) pMOS propagate right only low values nMOS propagate left only high values - 1 1 1z 1 0z A B C D Intrinsically immune to single-node particle hits Vulnerable to multiple-node particle hits Sandro BONACINI

8 …add clock driven transmission gates to access memory nodes…
SEU-robust latch …add clock driven transmission gates to access memory nodes… A B C D Q0 Q1 ck0 ck1 ck0n ck1n D0 D1 A B C D Fully 2× redundant 2 inputs 2 outputs 2 clock buffers Normally they have the same logic levels Sandro BONACINI

9 Register layout for SEU robustness
SEU-register is composed by a master latch and a slave latch Master nodes: MA, MB, MC, MD Slave nodes: SA, SB, SC, SD Latch is vulnerable to multiple-node particle hits on correlated nodes The nodes of the two latches are interleaved in order to increase the distance between correlated nodes Less probability of multiple-node particle hit ck0 ck1 ck0n ck1n D0 D1 MA MB MC MD Q0 Q1 SA SB SC SD SA & output buffer clock MB SB MA SC MD SD MC Sandro BONACINI

10 SET protection: duplicated logic
Protection against Single-Event Transients (SETs) Which occur in combinatorial logic and propagate to the flip-flops Non SET-robust FF Combinatorial Logic SET-robust Duplicate combinatorial logic Use SEU-robust FF SEU-robust FF has 2 inputs and 2 outputs Can tolerate an SEU on one of the two inputs. Duplicate data path alleviates the problem of latching erroneous states SEU-R FF Combinatorial Logic SEU-R FF Combinatorial Logic SEU-R FF Sandro BONACINI

11 Heavy-ion beam tests on SEU-robust register
Two test chips were fabricated 0.25μm CMOS 2×2 mm2, 1024 SEU-robust registers 0.13μm CMOS 1×2 mm2, 9216 SEU-robust registers, 4096 standard library registers Static shift-register test Stream in configuration Beam start/stop Retrieve configuration & compare Dynamic shift-register test Continuous configuration load, retrieve & compare while configuration clock is running and beam is on USB interface Test controller Device Under Test (back) Sandro BONACINI

12 Test chip in 0.25μm CMOS Heavy-ion beam testing
Strong SEU robustness of the register cell up to an LET of 79.6 cm2MeV/mg no errors observed in either static and dynamic test modes At an LET of 112 cm2MeV/mg and only in the dynamic test mode, the register cell showed SEU sensitivity, with SEU cross-section of 6.2· cm2/bit LHC environment: up to 17 cm2MeV/mg Huhtinen and Faccio, “Computational method to estimate Single Event Upset rates in an accelerator environment”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 450 (2000) Sandro BONACINI

13 Test chip in 0.13μm CMOS 0.13μm CMOS Good static mode robustness
no errors up to 45.8 cm2MeV/mg In dynamic mode register shows sensitivity strongly dependent on angle of incidence of the beam Suitable as configuration register Not suitable as user register Sandro BONACINI

14 Radiation-tolerant PLD
Mn M2 M1 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Mn-3 Mn-2 Mn-1 A1 A2 Ap Q1 Q2 Qp OL CLK Compatible with 16LV8 commercial device Fuse based Laser programmable 10 inputs, 8 programmable input/outputs Configurable AND matrix generates minterms Fixed OR matrix sums minterms 8 minterms per output Outputs can be registered or not Outputs are fed back to AND matrix for generation of more complex functions Sandro BONACINI

15 Fuses & PLD chip layout Fuses consist in a 7×1 μm2 metal line (aluminum) Laser programmable 2080 programming fuses Occupy 70% of core area Chip size is 2×2 mm2 Sandro BONACINI

16 Radiation-tolerant FPGA
Typical FPGA architecture Array of 32×32 Logic Blocks (LBs) Configurable routing SRAM based Reprogrammable 256 I/Os Compatible with an existing commercial device Same design tools can be reused Synthesis, Place & Route Logic block Sandro BONACINI

17 Logic Block 4-input-1-output Look-Up Table (LUT) Carry
implements any boolean function of 4 variables holds its truth table in 16 configuration registers can also be used as a 16×1-bit RAM block 31 configuration bits per LB are present and are organized in a shift-register structure COUT Carry chain D YQ SEU-R FF A[0] 4-input LUT Y A[1] A[2] A[3] CIN CLK S/R Sandro BONACINI

18 Programmable interconnections
LB pair A[0] B[0] CLK DA SET A[3] B[3] A[1] B[1] RES A[2] B[2] DB YB YQB YQA YA YQBin YBin A2out B2out DBout YAout YQAout Tout Tin YAin YQAin A1out B1out RESout YBout YQBout B1in RESin A1in B2in DBin A2in vdd local long clock double 18 wires per direction 6 long lines 12 short-distance lines 8 direct neighbor connections Connections implemented with tristate buffers transmission gates multiplexers 256 configuration registers in total Sandro BONACINI

19 Conclusions An SEU-robust register structure was designed and tested in two CMOS technologies Results obtained in the 0.25 μm technology demonstrate good robustness of the circuit up to 79.6 cm2MeV/mg The 0.13 μm circuit showed good robustness in the static tests but appeared to be sensitive in the dynamic tests Additional work is necessary for the FPGA user register Our approach demonstrated the feasibility of the SEU-tolerant radiation-hard PLD and FPGA PLD chip was fabricated The LB of the FPGA design was finalized, work is on going to complete the FPGA with interconnection infrastructure Sandro BONACINI

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