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Lecture: Sacred Art and Sacred Space

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1 Lecture: Sacred Art and Sacred Space

2 Jan van Eyck. God. Panel from The Ghent Altarpiece, c. 1432.

3 Jan van Eyck. The Ghent Altarpiece. c. 1432.
11 ft. 5 in. x 15 ft. 1 in.

4 Ana Mendieta. Silueta Works in Mexico. 1973–1977.
19 3/8 x 26 9/16 in.

5 Nativity, Annunciation of the Shepherds, and the Adoration of the Magi from Chartres Cathedral, c

6 Amitabha Budda (Amida), the Buddha of Infinite Light
Amitabha Budda (Amida), the Buddha of Infinite Light. Kamakura period, 13th century.

7 Jan van Eyck. Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami. c.1434.
32 1/4 x 23 1/2 in.

8 Jan van Eyck. The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami (detail). 1434.

9 Jean-Michel Basquiat. Charles the First. 1982.
three panels, 78 x 62 1/4 in. overall.

10 Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco
Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco. Two Undiscovered Amerindians Visit London. May 1992.

11 Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Roberto Sifuentes. The Temple of Confessions

12 Taj Mahal. Mughal period, c. 1632–48.

13 Enguerrand Quarton. Coronation of the Virgin. 1453–54.
72 x 86 5/8 in.

14 Rose window. Chartres Cathedral. c. 1215.

15 John Feodorov. Animal Spirit Channeling Device for the Contemporary Shaman. 1997.
15 x 12 x 3 in.

16 Still Life with Eggs and Thrushes, Villa of Julia Felix, Pompeii
Still Life with Eggs and Thrushes, Villa of Julia Felix, Pompeii. before 79 CE. 35 x 48 in.

17 Bodhisattva from Cave I at Ajanta. c. 475 CE.

18 Giotto. Lamentation. c approximately 70 x 78 in.

19 Fra Andrea Pozzo. The Glorification of Saint Ignatius. 1691–94.

20 Giotto. Madonna and Child Enthroned. c. 1310.
10 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 1/4 in.

21 Michelangelo Buonarroti. Study for the Libyan Sibyl. c. 1510.
11 3/8 x 8 7/16 in.

22 Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Libyan Sibyl. 1511–12.
detail of the Sistine Ceiling.

23 Sandro Botticelli. Primavera. c. 1482.
80 x 123 1/4 in.

24 Andrew Wyeth. Braids 16 1/2 x 20 1/2 in.

25 Mosaic glass bowl. Roman, 25 BCE–50 CE.
Height 4 1/2 in.

26 Moses window. Abbey Church of Saint-Denis. 1140–44.

27 Dale Chihuly. Rotunda Chandelier (Victoria and Albert Chandelier). 1999.
27 x 12 x 12 ft.

28 Philip Johnson and John Burgee
Philip Johnson and John Burgee. College of Architecture, University of Houston. 1983–85.

29 Claude-Nicolas Ledoux. House of Education. 1773–79.

30 Philip Johnson and John Burgee
Philip Johnson and John Burgee. College of Architecture, University of Houston, interior. 1983–85.

31 Pyramids of Menkaure (c. 2470 BCE), Khafre (c. 2500 BCE), and Khufu (c
Pyramids of Menkaure (c BCE), Khafre (c BCE), and Khufu (c BCE). Original height of Pyramid of Khufu 480 ft., length of each side at base 755 ft.

32 Ziggurat, Ur. c BCE. 210 x 150 ft. at base.

33 Thomas Coram. View of Mulberry House and Street. c. 1800.

34 Mesa Verde, Spruce Tree House. c. 1200–1300 CE.

35 Cribbed roof construction of a kiva.

36 The Lion Gate BCE.

37 Corner of the First Temple of Hera. c. 550 BCE.

38 The Greek orders, from James Stuart, The Antiquities of Athens. 1794.

39 Arch.

40 Pont du Gard. Late first century BCE.

41 Barrel vault (top) and groined vault (bottom) construction.

42 Barrel-vaulted gallery, ground floor of the Colosseum.

43 The Colosseum (aerial view). 72–80 CE.

44 Interior, Pantheon. 117–125 CE.

45 Exterior, Pantheon. 117–125 CE.

46 Interior view of nave, St. Sernin. c. 1080–1120.

47 Plan, St. Sernin.

48 Amiens Cathedral. begun 1220.

49 Pointed arch.

50 Flying buttresses, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Chartres.

51 Flying buttresses, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Chartres, diagram (after Acland).

52 Flying Horse Poised on One Leg on a Swallow
Flying Horse Poised on One Leg on a Swallow. Late Han dynasty, second century CE. height 13 1/2 in., length 17 3/4 in.

53 Ritual Disc with Dragon Motif (Pi)
Ritual Disc with Dragon Motif (Pi). Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period, fourth–third century BCE. diameter 6 1/2 in.

54 Lady of Dai with Attendants. Han dynasty, after 168 BCE.

55 Shrine height 50 ft., diameter 105 ft.
The Great Stupa at Sanchi, view of the West Gateway. Founded third century BCE, enlarged c. 150–50 BCE. Shrine height 50 ft., diameter 105 ft.

56 Colossal Buddha. Late fifth century.
height 45 ft.

57 Santa Costanza. c. 354 CE.

58 San Vitale. 526–47 CE.

59 Theodora and Her Attendants. c. 547.

60 San Vitale, interior. c. 547.

61 Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Hagia Sophia. 532–37.

62 Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Plan of Hagia Sophia

63 Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Hagia Sophia, interior

64 Christ, from Deësis mosaic. Thirteenth century.

65 Courtyard of the Great Mosque of Damascus. 705–16.

66 Tile mosaic mihrab. c. 1354 (restored).
11 ft. 3 in. x 7 ft. 6 in.

67 The Expansion of Islam to 850 CE.

68 Djingareyber Mosque. Eleventh century.

69 Interior of the sanctuary of the Mosque at Córdoba, Spain. 786–987.

70 Hinged clasp from the Sutton Hoo burial ship. Seventh century.

71 St. Matthew from the Lindisfarne Gospels. c. 700.
11 x 9 in.

72 St. Matthew from the Gospel Book of Charlemagne. c. 800–810.
13 x 10 in.

73 Gislebertus. Last Judgment, tympanum and lintel, Autun Cathedral.
approximately 12 ft. 6 in. x 22 ft.

74 Chartres Cathedral. 1145–1220.

75 Choir of Cologne Cathedral. Thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

76 Florence Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore)
Florence Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore). Begun by Arnolfo de Cambio, 1296; dome by Filippo Brunelleschi. 1420–36.

77 Central portal of the west facade of Reims Cathedral. c. 1225–90.

78 Annunciation and Visitation, detail, west portal, Reims Cathedral.

79 Shiva Nataraja (King of Dance). Chola period, Dravidian style
Shiva Nataraja (King of Dance). Chola period, Dravidian style. Eleventh century.

80 Kandariya Mahadeva Temple. Tenth–eleventh century.

81 Great Wild Goose Pagoda at Ci’én Temple
Great Wild Goose Pagoda at Ci’én Temple. Tang dynasty, first erected 645 CE.

82 Guo Xi. Early Spring. 1072 (Northern Song dynasty).
length 60 in.

83 Byodo-in, Uji, Heian period, c. 1053 CE.

84 Attributed to Fujiwara Takanobu. Minamoto no Yoritomo
Attributed to Fujiwara Takanobu. Minamoto no Yoritomo. Kamakura period, c. 1150–1200. height 4 ft. 6 1/2 in.

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