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BCTC Supervisor Payroll Training

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1 BCTC Supervisor Payroll Training

2 KCTCS PAYROLL Electronic timesheets through PeopleSoft employee self- service have replaced the paper timesheet process Employees will only be entering hours worked on the electronic timesheet Overtime will be calculated automatically by the system based on the number of working hours the employee enters for the work week

3 The Payroll Process BCTC PAYROLL Pay Day:
Timesheets approval each payday 15th & 30th of each month Time is entered/submitted and APPROVED on PeopleSoft Time & Absence system. Paylines Open: Begins day after payday Processing window varies each payroll Additional Pays (overloads) Check reports Ends on payroll final at 12:00 pm

4 Supervisor Responsibilities
BCTC PAYROLL Ensure employee submits timesheet on timely basis, before or on every payday (15th & 30th) Review timesheet for accuracy Review before approving the electronic time sheet Approving the electronic timesheet indicates you authenticate what has been reported Supervisors should keep calendar of absences and hours worked for employees As a supervisor you should be able to see your employees leave balances. (PS Home/Manager Self Service/View Employee Personnel Info) Timesheets are legal documents Accuracy=no weekends unless actually worked-OVT & HOT Viewing Employee Personnel leave – pull up PS Home/Manager Self Service

5 Timesheet & Work Week BCTC PAYROLL
Official Workweek: Sunday 12:01 AM – Saturday 12:00 Midnight 37.5 hours in a work week for full time employees Some weeks are split between two pay periods Must check previous timesheet to verify hours worked for the week Why? It could create OVT & even HOT if worked over 40 hours within the same week, but different pay period. With Time & Absence – it shows Pay Period, not just weeks

6 OVertime BCTC PAYROLL Non-exempt Employees working more than 37.5 hours in a week will earn overtime 37.5 – 40 hours in a week is OVT Pay earned at straight time rate Hours over 40 in a week is HOT Pay earned at 1 and ½ times straight time rate Overtime is not calculated by the day Only actual hours worked are used to determine eligibility for overtime compensation All OVT and HOT time need Prior VP approval 2.5 hrs of OVT (difference between 37.5 & 40) OVT & HOT time need PRIOR VP approval

7 Leave BCTC PAYROLL Accrued leave is used to make up for hours missed in the week Leave makes you “whole” Cannot use leave and earn overtime in same week If an employee takes time off in the week, and works additional hours at some other time in the week, less leave is used Start with 37.5, then go from there with leave or/and hours worked

8 Holidays BCTC PAYROLL KCTCS observes the following holidays:
Martin Luther King Day President’s Day Good Friday (1/2 day) Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Presidential Election Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Day Two Week Institutional Close Employees in non pay status for any portion of either the scheduled work day(s) or leave day(s) falling immediately before and after a holiday shall not be paid for the holiday If a holiday occurs while an employee is on authorized paid vacation or sick/temporary disability leave the employee shall not be charged vacation or sick/temporary disability leave for the holiday Please double check with an hourly actually worked on the Holiday!

9 Holidays (Cont.) BCTC PAYROLL
Employees who work during a holiday or IC: Only essential employees should work on a holiday or IC Permission must be granted before working Contact Payroll for specifics on how to record time in these circumstances Essential Personnel Maintenance Folks Come in as requested/needed Nonessential Personnel Come in at the posted time of opening Employees that come in at regular time must be paid for that time New Time Reporting Code – ESVC Essential Services worked/EMC Essential Personnel Maintenance Folks Come in as requested/needed Nonessential Personnel Come in at the posted time of opening Employees that come in at regular time must be paid for that time

10 Filling Out Hours on timesheet
BCTC PAYROLL Enter total hours worked with appropriate earnings code for each day Enter total leave used for each day Do not record overtime (OVT or HOT) PS Time & Absence will calculate and record OVT & HOT Enter other earnings codes as applicable (REG, 2nd Shift (, etc) Total hours

11 Important timesheet reminders
BCTC PAYROLL Plan Ahead Timesheets are due by close of business on payday If you or your supervisor will be out of the office on payday, make plans to have your timesheet completed in advance and or have someone delegated to approve your employees. If you have an employee that terminates in the middle of the pay period, have them submit their time before or on their last day of work and approve their time sheet on or before their last day.

12 Common Mistakes BCTC PAYROLL
Here are some common errors to look for when completing PS Time & Absence timesheets/absence forms: Time sheet “SAVED” not “SUBMITTED” Not “APPROVED” Hours reported do not add up to correct total for pay period Incorrect information in the “total” columns Hours reported using incorrect earnings code

13 Time and Labor Non-exempt employee timesheets will be in PeopleSoft
Exempt employees will enter vacation, sick, etc. leave into PeopleSoft Supervisors approve (sign) it digitally in PS Time and Labor

14 Completing The timesheet
KCTCS PAYROLL Log into PeopleSoft HRMS Access timesheet through self-service Home – Self Service – Time Reporting – Report Time – Timesheet Calendar period (pay period) will be default “view by” Enter the date for the period you wish to enter time for Enter the number of hours you worked on the day you worked them Do enter any exception time (vacation, sick, etc) Any OVT or HOT will calculate automatically after time administration process runs For new employees: the easiest way I have found is to have pull up the Bluegrass Website>Faculty & Staff……

15 Completing The timesheet – 2
KCTCS PAYROLL Click “Save for Later” to save time entered OR click “Submit” to submit time to your supervisor for approval Click ok to certify hours worked Employees can review the Payable Time tab to see how reported hours will be paid after rounding and rules are applied Every time you submit your supervisor will/should get an .

16 Exempt Employee

17 Payroll Staff BCTC PAYROLL Sarah Asbury: Payroll Specialist
Kathleen Hicks :Payroll Supervisor Phone: Vickey Dai: Payroll Specialist (A-Z) Phone: Sarah Asbury: Payroll Specialist Phone: BCTC PAYROLL Payroll Staff

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