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EU Rural Development Policy Budapest, September 2006

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1 EU Rural Development Policy Budapest, 21-22 September 2006
Tamas Szedlak European Commission Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development Unit F6. Bioenergy, biomass, forestry and climate change

2 The Salzburg Conference 2003 – What do we want from our policy
A living countryside is not only in the interests of the rural society but also of society as a whole. Preserving the diversity of Europe’s countryside and encouraging the services provided by multifunctional agriculture is of ever growing importance. The competitiveness of the farming sector must be a key aim, taking into account the diversity of agricultural potential in different rural areas. Rural development policy must apply in all rural areas of the enlarged EU. Rural development policy must serve the needs of broader society in rural areas and contribute to cohesion. CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

3 The Salzburg Conference – How can we do things better
Rural development policy should be implemented in partnership building on the lessons learnt from LEADER. More responsibility must be given to programme partnerships. A significant simplification of EU rural development policy is both necessary and urgent. Delivery must be based on one programming, financing and control system tailored to the needs of rural development. CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

4 Simplification CURRENT 5 types of programming
Guarantee Guarantee Objective 2 Guarantee new MS Guidance Objective 1 Guidance LEADER+ 3 financial management and control systems Guidance Simplification Single funding, programming, financial management and control framework for RD CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

5 « LEADER Axis » Rural Development 2007-2013
Axis 1 Competi -tiveness Axis 2 Environment + Land Management Axis 3 Economic Diver. + Quality of Life Single set of programming, financing, monitoring, auditing rules Single Rural Development Fund CEPF RD Conference , Budapest 5

6 Regulation and Guidelines
Rural Development Regulation (RDR), CR (EC) No 1698/2005, defines the purpose and scope of assistance from the EAFRD Community Strategic Guidelines(CSG), Council Decision of 20 February 2006 (2006/144/EC) => EU level priorities within the RDR framework, in particular focus on sustainability (Göteborg) and growth and jobs (Lisbon) CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

7 Three core objectives:
RDR Three core objectives: Improving the competitiveness of the farm and forestry sector through support for restructuring, development and innovation Improving the environment and the countryside through support for land management Improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging diversification of economic activity CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

8 The CSG helps to: identify and agree the areas where the use of EU support for rural development will create the most value added at EU level; make the link with the main EU priorities (Lisbon, Göteborg) and translate them into RD policy; ensure consistency with other EU policies, in particular in the field of cohesion and environment; accompany the implementation of the new market oriented Common Agricultural Policy and the necessary restructuring it will entail in the old and the new Member States. CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

9 CSG NSP Internal consistency/other EU level strategies
Complementarity with other Community instruments CSG NSP EU priorities: Knowledge transfer/priority investment sectors Biodiversity/water/climate change Creation employment opportunities Governance/endogenous development potential + National priorities CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

10 Overall strategy issues
Balance between the axes based on an assessment of the economic, social and environmental situation and of needs and gaps Weight of the different EU and national priorities Match funding capacity Implementation capacity (national, regional, local) CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

11 Strategic issues axis 1 Desired development farm structures (which farms to target) Strengths/weaknesses agrifood sector Balance between restructuring and innovation CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

12 National Strategy Based on an assessment of the general situation of the agricultural and forestry sector the MS will set out how it will deal with and set quantified objectives for key issues such as: Supporting the restructuring of the agricultural sector Improving integration in the food chain Developing business skills Developing new outlets for agricultural and forestry products Developing high quality products in line with market demand Improving the environmental performance of farms and forestry CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

13 Rural Development Programme
In its RDP the MS will set out: How much it plans to spend on axis 1 (minimum 10% of the Community contribution to the programme) Which measures it wishes to implement and how they fit to the strategy An indicative breakdown of funding per measure CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

14 Axis 1: Improving Competitiveness
1. Measures aimed at promoting knowledge and improving human potential 2. Measures aimed at restructuring physical potential and promoting innovation: 3. Measures aimed at improving the quality of agricultural production and products: 4. Transitional measures for the new Member States: support for semi-subsistence farms undergoing restructuring, setting up of producer groups, provision of advisory services (only for Bulgaria and Romania for the period of 3 years) CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

15 Strategic issues axis 2 Balance between AE, Natura and LFA
AE: role organic farming (link axis 1), importance certain farming types and landscapes for rural diversification (link axis 3) Water management Afforestation needs CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

16 National Strategy Based on an assessment of the general environmental situation in relation to its rural areas the MS will set out how it will deal with and set quantified objectives for: its agricultural and forestry Natura 2000 areas and other HNV areas (High Nature Value) Water quantity and quality and its plans under the WFD in relation to agriculture and forestry (Water Framework Directive) The contribution its agriculture and forestry can make to climate change mitigation and the Kyoto protocol targets it has set Any specific national priorities CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

17 Rural Development Programme
In its RDP the MS will set out: How many resources it plans to spend on axis 2 (minimum 25% of the Community contribution to the programme) Which measures it wishes to implement and how they fit to the strategy An indicative breakdown of funding per measure CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

18 The toolbox for axis 2 agricultural land forestry land
Two blocks of measures targeting sustainable use of: agricultural land LFA; Natura 2000 and WFD; AE; animal welfare; non-productive investments forestry land Afforestation; agro-forestry; Natura 2000; forest-environment; restoring forestry potential/prevention; non-productive investments CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

19 Strategic issues axis 3 and 4
Balance between rural infrastructure/ renovation/basic services and diversification/local economic development Choice of delivery system for axis 3 (top down or bottom up) Balance between local capacity building and implementing local development strategies CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

20 Rural Development Programme
The Member State has to indicate: The resources it plans to spend on axis 3 (minimum of 10%) and on axis 4 (phasing in for the new Member States) of the Community contribution Which measures it wishes to implement and how they fit with the strategy (EU + national priorities) An indicative breakdown of funding per measure CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

21 The toolbox for axis 3 Three blocks of measures targeting:
the diversification of the rural economy Non-agricultural activities of farmers; small business creation and development, tourism, small scale infrastructure the quality of life in rural areas Basic services for the rural population, rural heritage and renewal training, skills acquisition and animation Area studies, information, training animators, leaders, promotional events, partnerships CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

22 The toolbox for axis 4 (Leader)
7 distinctive features + support for LAGs Area based local strategies Public-private partnerships (local action groups) Bottom up approach Multi-sectoral and integrated Innovative Cooperation Networking CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

23 Overview CMEF STRATEGY REPORTING Community Strategic Guidelines
National Strategy Plan Rural Development Programme Commission summary report National summary report Annual progress report Quantified objectives/targets Baseline indicators In/output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators CMEF CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

24 Breakdown by Member State of Community support for rural development 2007-2013
CEPF RD Conference , Budapest

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