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Title Layout Subtitle Grade – vi&vii.

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1 Title Layout Subtitle Grade – vi&vii

2 Collaborating in the interest of children …
Building closer connection between educators and parents…

3 Keep a regular check on notes given by teachers
PERSONAL MEMORANDA UNDERTAKING ALMANAC AUTHORIZATION Ensure that the mentioned documents are always up to date Carry the almanac everyday to school, even during exams Keep a regular check on notes given by teachers Ensure that it is in neat and tidy condition

4 Day Uniform - Summer Uniform - Winter Monday Wednesday
Summer Track Suit with White Shoes Winter Track Suit with White Shoes Tuesday , Thursday and Friday Blue Trouser/Skirt, White and blue striped Shirt with Black Shoes Black Trouser/ Skirt with White shirt, black Tie, Jacket and black shoes Wednesday White Trouser/ Skirt, House T-shirt, with White Shoes White trouser/ skirt, White shirt, House Tie with White shoes

5 We expect the child to Dress smartly to school everyday
Trim the nails and hair regularly Wear the ID card throughout the day Avoid fancy accessories, henna, big watches etc Label the items in uniform, especially, shoes and blazer Dress smartly to school everyday Girls with long hair should plait their hair.

6 Wish your teachers politely Reach the bus room on time at dispersal.
DECORUM Communication with peers and teachers in English only. Movement in queues to and from various activities everyday. Wish your teachers politely Use of Class Pass to move out of the class with permission of the teacher. Respect other students. Bullying is strictly not allowed. Reach the bus room on time at dispersal.

7 Short leaves or half day leaves are not granted. LEAVE RULES
Submission of leave application addressed to the Principal on plain A4 sheet mentioning the name, class, section and admission number of child. Kindly attach the Medical Certificate / Fitness Certificate to avail Sick Leaves for 2 or more days. Short leaves or half day leaves are not granted. Attendance on P.T.Ms is mandatory LEAVE RULES

8 Time Table Note Books Class and Home Work
There are 10 periods every day including the home room and Practice slot in the morning. Different subjects and activities are included every day in the time table. Each period is for half an hour duration. Encourage your ward to set the bag and carry books and notebooks as per time table everyday. Time Table Home assignments are written on the white board for students to make a note of the same in the almanac. Home Work may not be signed by the teacher in the almanac. Proposed topics and Home Work is uploaded on the class blog every week. Encourage your ward to complete the Home Work on the same day as it is given and submit it on the due date. Children are expected to complete their home work independently. Parents are expected to supervise the same. Class and Home Work Mention name, class, section and subject clearly. Maintain the Table of Contents. Submit on the due date. Note books are not checked the same day. Take a regular follow up of remarks in the notebook given by teachers Encourage your ward to complete the class work in 30 minutes period itself Note Books

9 Compulsory Activities
Home Room and Practice Slot Author’s Time Spell Check Math Buzz The Heritage Project Show and Tell Life Skills Moral Story Time Prelims and Finale of Subject Weeks Culinary Extravaganza– Cooking without Fire Morning Assembly Subjects English Hindi Mathematics Science Social Science Computer French/Sanskrit Compulsory Activities Art and Craft Theatre Swimming Library Indian Dance Western Dance Indian Music Western Music Physical Education

Culinary Astronomy Knowledge Sharing Oratory Computer Multimedia GROUP – A (2 SESSIONS PER WEEK) P.E.C activities Taekwondo Table Tennis Yoga Judo Hockey Lawn Tennis Swimming Basket Ball Hand Ball / Foot Ball GROUP – B (1 SESSION PER WEEK)

11 Lunch Break & Cafeteria
Cafeteria day VI – THURSDAY VII – FRIDAY Break Out/ Field Day VI – TUESDAY VII – MONDAY Food from cafeteria can only be purchased using coupons Parents can purchase the coupon booklets during PTMs. Kindly send fruits and a main meal for lunch break. Avoid Junk food.

12 Goenkan Pursuits Workshops Cultural Programs Subject related Weeks
Declamation Celebrating days of National and International Importance Community Service Programs Educational Excursions Parent Teacher Meetings Workshops Cultural Programs Subject related Weeks Inter – House Sports Competitions Inter School Competitions Uploaded on class blog

13 PEDAGOGY Engaging warm up activities based on learners previous knowledge Hands on activities aimed at inspiring young minds Sharing of facts & nuggets of information to develop critical thinking & sense of curiosity to wonder and explore surroundings Languages – Reading, Comprehension, Recitation, Oratory, Spellings, Pronunciation, Research Mathematics – Inductive & Deductive reasoning, Problem Solving, Hands On Activities, Research Science/S.Sc. – Flip teaching, Mind Maps, Think – Pair – Share, Dramatization, Gallery Walk, Projects, Research Continuous monitoring of progress through non-formal methods - assignments, projects, surveys, quizzes and research work - Sensitizing the learners towards saving environment - Developing life skills


15 Minimum Learning Module Extensive Learning Module
CLASS BLOG Minimum Learning Module These worksheets shall entail all the possible notes with solutions that can be framed related to the topic being taught in class. Extensive Learning Module These worksheets shall entail Understanding and application based, Project and Research based , Value based and HOTS based questions designed to churn the thought process of the learners and will be in coherence with real-life situations.

16 Answers will be uploaded once they are discussed in the class.
ENRICHMENT SHEETS: consist of challenging questions based on analytical thinking that will be uploaded before the introduction of the chapter. Answers will be uploaded once they are discussed in the class. MENTAL MATH: Concept related worksheets will be given as homework. Answers for the same will be uploaded after the discussion in the class. PRACTICE SHEETS: Will be uploaded after the completion of the chapter. The answers will be uploaded two weeks later. Research work, Project, ‘Crack This’ will be uploaded on the blog from time to time. BLOG PATTERN: MATHEMATICS

17 U.T. 1 (July) U.T. 2 (December) Term 1 (September) Term 2 (March)
Unit Test U.T. 1 (July) U.T. 2 (December) Diary Report Quarter 1 (April – May) Quarter 2 (July – August) Quarter 3 (October – November) Quarter 4 (December – February) Term Examination Term 1 (September) Term 2 (March)

18 In the Final Term, 50% marks will be taken from 1st Term and 50% from the Final Examination.
The First Term exam will be based on 50% syllabus planned for the academic session Syllabus for the 2nd term Examination will be as per following guidelines: Languages :Other than syllabus covered in second term, the writing skills and grammar taught in the 1st term would be tested in the final examination. The important literature based topics covered in the first term may also be included. Maths, Science, Social Science :Syllabus covered in 2nd term along with relevant important topics/concepts of 1st Term will also be included as per following scheme - Class 6 : 50% covered in 2nd Term + 10% syllabus covered in 1st term Class 7 : 50% covered in 2nd Term + 20% syllabus covered in 1st term

19 Help your child to : Study in short segments instead of “cramming
Clearly understand the assignment and follow the given instructions. Keep assignments up to date. schedule a time and place to study. Study in short segments instead of “cramming complete difficult assignments first. Make sure that the child studies on a proper study desk, rather than a bed or sofa Avoid having any gadgets in the study room as it would distract the child.

20 Encourage your ward to have:
Sprouts and Dry fruits, fresh fruits Raw vegetables and yoghurt dip or cottage cheese Whole grain crackers and cheese Cereal (dry or with milk) and fruit



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